blob: 46c99d3104c71a1ec49924fa98a4f12e89338386 [file] [log] [blame]
project('180 escape', 'c')
gen = generator(find_program(''), arguments:['@INPUT@', 'erd\u0151', '@OUTPUT@'], output: '@BASENAME@')
gen_file = gen.process('')
find_file_list = run_command(find_program(''), check: true)
assert(find_file_list.returncode() == 0, 'Didn\'t find any files.')
# Strings should support both octal \ooo and hex \xhh encodings
found_files_oct = []
foreach l : find_file_list.stdout().strip('\0').split('\000')
found_files_oct += [files(l)]
test('first', executable('first', found_files_oct + [gen_file]))
found_files_hex = []
foreach l : find_file_list.stdout().strip('\x00').split('\x00')
found_files_hex += [files(l)]
test('second', executable('second', found_files_hex + [gen_file]))
# Unrecognized and malformed escape sequences are literal
malformed = [
[ '\c', 'c' ],
[ '\Uabcdefghi', 'Uabcdefghi'],
[ '\u123 ', 'u123 '],
[ '\xqr', 'xqr'],
foreach m : malformed
assert(m[0].endswith(m[1]), 'bad escape sequence had unexpected end')
assert(m[0].startswith('\\'), 'bad escape sequence had unexpected start')