blob: 195d082ac18a3c8a76e661b20b29c8befcbde3cc [file] [log] [blame]
project('generated header dep', 'c')
# Regression test case for a very specific case:
# - Uses both_libraries(), or library() with default_library=both.
# - A header file is generated by a custom_target() and passed as source.
# - A C file that uses that header is passed as a declare_dependency() source.
# Under those specific conditions, the static library used to miss an order
# dependency on the header file. This happened in GLib:
python = import('python').find_installation()
header = custom_target(
output: 'foo.h',
capture: true,
command: [python, '-c', 'print("#define FOO")'],
sources_dep = declare_dependency(sources: files('foo.c'))
both_libraries('foo', header,
dependencies: sources_dep,