Sign in
test cases
tree: 915fe8e36511612803ad58c1eea8ecdb64938280 [
path history
1 trivial/
10 man install/
100 postconf with args/
101 testframework options/
102 extract same name/
103 has header symbol/
104 has arg/
105 generatorcustom/
106 multiple dir configure file/
107 spaces backslash/
108 ternary/
109 custom target capture/
11 subdir/
110 allgenerate/
111 pathjoin/
112 subdir subproject/
113 interpreter copy mutable var on assignment/
114 skip/
115 subproject project arguments/
116 test skip/
117 shared module/
118 llvm ir and assembly/
119 cpp and asm/
12 data/
120 extract all shared library/
121 object only target/
122 no buildincdir/
123 custom target directory install/
124 dependency file generation/
125 configure file in generator/
126 generated llvm ir/
127 generated assembly/
128 build by default targets in tests/
129 build by default/
13 pch/
130 include order/
131 override options/
132 get define/
133 c cpp and asm/
134 compute int/
135 custom target object output/
136 empty build file/
137 whole archive/
138 C and CPP link/
139 mesonintrospect from scripts/
14 configure file/
140 custom target multiple outputs/
141 special characters/
142 nested links/
143 list of file sources/
144 link depends custom target/
145 recursive linking/
146 library at root/
147 simd/
148 shared module resolving symbol in executable/
149 dotinclude/
15 if/
150 reserved targets/
151 duplicate source names/
152 index customtarget/
153 wrap file should not failed/
154 includedir subproj/
155 subproject dir name collision/
156 config tool variable/
157 custom target subdir depend files/
158 disabler/
159 array option/
16 comparison/
160 custom target template substitution/
161 not-found dependency/
162 subdir if_found/
163 default options prefix dependent defaults/
164 dependency factory/
165 get project license/
166 yield/
167 subproject nested subproject dirs/
168 preserve gendir/
169 source in dep/
17 array/
170 generator link whole/
171 initial c_args/
172 identical target name in subproject flat layout/
173 as-needed/
174 ndebug if-release enabled/
175 ndebug if-release disabled/
176 subproject version/
177 subdir_done/
178 bothlibraries/
179 escape and unicode/
18 includedir/
180 has link arg/
181 same target name flat layout/
182 find override/
183 partial dependency/
184 openmp/
185 same target name/
186 test depends/
187 args flattening/
188 dict/
189 check header/
19 header in file list/
190 install_mode/
191 subproject array version/
192 feature option/
193 feature option disabled/
194 static threads/
195 generator in subdir/
196 subproject with features/
197 function attributes/
198 broken subproject/
199 argument syntax/
2 cpp/
20 global arg/
200 install name_prefix name_suffix/
201 kwarg entry/
202 custom target build by default/
203 find_library and headers/
204 line continuation/
205 native file path override/
206 tap tests/
207 warning level 0/
208 link custom/
209 link custom_i single from multiple/
21 target arg/
210 link custom_i multiple from multiple/
211 dependency get_variable method/
212 source set configuration_data/
213 source set dictionary/
214 source set custom target/
215 source set realistic example/
216 custom target input extracted objects/
217 test priorities/
218 include_dir dot/
219 include_type dependency/
22 object extraction/
220 fs module/
221 zlib/
222 native prop/
223 persubproject options/
224 arithmetic operators/
225 link language/
226 link depends indexed custom target/
227 very long commmand line/
228 custom_target source/
229 disabler array addition/
23 endian/
230 external project/
231 subdir files/
232 dependency allow_fallback/
233 wrap case/
234 get_file_contents/
235 invalid standard overriden to valid/
236 proper args splitting/
237 fstrings/
238 dependency include_type inconsistency/
239 includedir violation/
24 library versions/
240 dependency native host == build/
241 set and get variable/
242 custom target feed/
243 escape++/
244 variable scope/
245 custom target index source/
246 dependency fallbacks/
247 deprecated option/
248 install_emptydir/
249 install_symlink/
25 config subdir/
250 system include dir/
251 add_project_dependencies/
252 install data structured/
253 subproject dependency variables/
254 long output/
255 module warnings/
256 subproject extracted objects/
257 generated header dep/
258 subsubproject inplace/
259 preprocess/
26 find program/
260 declare_dependency objects/
27 multiline string/
28 try compile/
29 compiler id/
3 static/
30 sizeof/
31 define10/
32 has header/
33 run program/
34 logic ops/
35 string operations/
36 has function/
37 has member/
38 alignment/
39 library chain/
4 shared/
40 options/
41 test args/
42 subproject/
43 subproject options/
44 pkgconfig-gen/
45 custom install dirs/
46 subproject subproject/
47 same file name/
48 file grabber/
49 custom target/
5 linkstatic/
50 custom target chain/
51 run target/
52 object generator/
53 install script/
54 custom target source output/
55 exe static shared/
56 array methods/
57 custom header generator/
58 multiple generators/
59 install subdir/
6 linkshared/
60 foreach/
61 number arithmetic/
62 string arithmetic/
63 array arithmetic/
64 arithmetic bidmas/
65 build always/
66 vcstag/
67 modules/
68 should fail/
69 configure file in custom target/
7 mixed/
70 external test program/
71 ctarget dependency/
72 shared subproject/
73 shared subproject 2/
74 file object/
75 custom subproject dir/
76 has type/
77 extract from nested subdir/
78 internal dependency/
79 same basename/
8 install/
80 declare dep/
81 extract all/
82 add language/
83 identical target name in subproject/
84 plusassign/
85 skip subdir/
86 private include/
87 default options/
88 dep fallback/
89 default library/
9 header install/
90 gen extra/
91 benchmark/
92 test workdir/
93 suites/
94 threads/
95 manygen/
96 stringdef/
97 find program path/
98 subproject subdir/
99 postconf/