blob: 12c7b00138733d6e56d835d14cb5340b894d065c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 NAME
=head1 SYNOPSIS [options] /path/to/xen
-h,--help Display brief help message
-v,--verbose Increase verbosity
-q,--quiet Decrease verbosity
use File::Spec::Functions qw ( :ALL );
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use FindBin;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $verbosity = 0;
sub try_import_file {
my $ipxedir = shift;
my $xendir = shift;
my $filename = shift;
# Skip everything except headers
return unless $filename =~ /\.h$/;
# Search for importable header
( undef, my $subdir, undef ) = splitpath ( $filename );
my $outfile = catfile ( $ipxedir, $filename );
my $infile = catfile ( $xendir, "xen/include/public", $filename );
die "$infile does not exist\n" unless -e $infile;
# Import header file
print "$filename <- ".catfile ( $xendir, $filename )."\n"
if $verbosity >= 1;
open my $infh, "<", $infile or die "Could not open $infile: $!\n";
mkpath ( catdir ( $xendir, $subdir ) );
open my $outfh, ">", $outfile or die "Could not open $outfile: $!\n";
my @dependencies = ();
my $maybe_guard;
my $guard;
while ( <$infh> ) {
# Strip CR and trailing whitespace
# Update include lines, and record included files
if ( /^\#include\s+[<\"](\S+)[>\"]/ ) {
push @dependencies, catfile ( $subdir, $1 );
# Patch "Unsupported architecture" line
if ( /^\#error\s+"Unsupported\sarchitecture"/ ) {
$_ = "#include <bits/xen.h>"
# Write out line
print $outfh "$_\n";
# Apply FILE_LICENCE() immediately after include guard
if ( defined $maybe_guard ) {
if ( /^\#define\s+_+${maybe_guard}_H_*$/ ) {
die "Duplicate header guard detected in $infile\n" if $guard;
$guard = $maybe_guard;
print $outfh "\nFILE_LICENCE ( MIT );\n";
undef $maybe_guard;
if ( /^#ifndef\s+_+(\S+)_H_*$/ ) {
$maybe_guard = $1;
close $outfh;
close $infh;
# Warn if no header guard was detected
warn "Cannot detect header guard in $infile\n" unless $guard;
# Recurse to handle any included files that we don't already have
foreach my $dependency ( @dependencies ) {
if ( ! -e catfile ( $ipxedir, $dependency ) ) {
print "...following dependency on $dependency\n" if $verbosity >= 1;
try_import_file ( $ipxedir, $xendir, $dependency );
# Parse command-line options
Getopt::Long::Configure ( 'bundling', 'auto_abbrev' );
GetOptions (
'verbose|v+' => sub { $verbosity++; },
'quiet|q+' => sub { $verbosity--; },
'help|h' => sub { pod2usage ( 1 ); },
) or die "Could not parse command-line options\n";
pod2usage ( 1 ) unless @ARGV == 1;
my $xendir = shift;
# Identify Xen import directory
die "Directory \"$xendir\" does not appear to contain the Xen source tree\n"
unless -e catfile ( $xendir, "xen/include/public/xen.h" );
# Identify iPXE Xen includes directory
my $ipxedir = $FindBin::Bin;
die "Directory \"$ipxedir\" does not appear to contain the iPXE Xen includes\n"
unless -e catfile ( $ipxedir, "../../include/ipxe" );
print "Importing Xen headers into $ipxedir\nfrom $xendir\n"
if $verbosity >= 1;
# Import headers
find ( { wanted => sub {
try_import_file ( $ipxedir, $xendir, abs2rel ( $_, $ipxedir ) );
}, no_chdir => 1 }, $ipxedir );