blob: 909e4e3aed0ea3f45a9e4ff3451cab1573791a61 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
* short_types - shorter names for standard integer types
* "C is a Spartan language, and so should your naming be."
* -- Linus Torvalds
* The short_types header provides for convenient abbreviations for the
* posixly-damned uint32_t types. If ccan/endian/endian.h is included,
* it also provides be32/le32 for explicitly annotating types of specific
* endian.
* Include this header, if only to stop people using these identifiers
* for other things!
* Example:
* #include <stdint.h>
* #include <string.h>
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <ccan/short_types/short_types.h>
* // Print nonsensical numerical comparison of POSIX vs. short_types.
* #define stringify_1(x) #x
* #define stringify(x) stringify_1(x)
* static void evaluate(size_t size, const char *posix, const char *sht,
* unsigned int *posix_total, unsigned int *sht_total,
* unsigned int *size_total)
* {
* printf("\t%ssigned %s: POSIX %zu%%, short %zu%%\n",
* sht[0] == 'u' ? "un" : "",
* sht+1,
* strlen(posix)*100 / size,
* strlen(sht)*100 / size);
* *posix_total += strlen(posix);
* *sht_total += strlen(sht);
* *size_total += size;
* }
* #define EVALUATE(psx, short, pt, st, t) \
* evaluate(sizeof(psx), stringify(psx), stringify(sht), pt, st, t)
* int main(void)
* {
* unsigned int posix_total = 0, sht_total = 0, size_total = 0;
* printf("Comparing size of type vs size of name:\n");
* EVALUATE(uint8_t, u8, &posix_total, &sht_total, &size_total);
* EVALUATE(int8_t, s8, &posix_total, &sht_total, &size_total);
* EVALUATE(uint16_t, u16, &posix_total, &sht_total, &size_total);
* EVALUATE(int16_t, s16, &posix_total, &sht_total, &size_total);
* EVALUATE(uint32_t, u32, &posix_total, &sht_total, &size_total);
* EVALUATE(int32_t, s32, &posix_total, &sht_total, &size_total);
* EVALUATE(uint64_t, u64, &posix_total, &sht_total, &size_total);
* EVALUATE(int64_t, s64, &posix_total, &sht_total, &size_total);
* printf("Conclusion:\n"
* "\tPOSIX is %u%% LESS efficient than binary.\n"
* "\tshort_types.h is %u%% MORE efficient than binary.\n",
* (posix_total - size_total) * 100 / size_total,
* (size_total - sht_total) * 100 / size_total);
* return 0;
* }
* License: CC0 (Public domain)
* Author: Rusty Russell <>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 2)
return 1;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "depends") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "testdepends") == 0) {
return 0;
return 1;