blob: 3bb130e5df872fd1b317b749b95f51487fafb9e0 [file] [log] [blame]
OPAL Secure Variable API
In order to support host OS secure boot on POWER systems, the platform needs
some form of tamper-resistant persistant storage for authorized public keys.
Furthermore, these keys must be retrieveable by the host kernel, and new
keys must be able to be submitted.
OPAL exposes an abstracted "variable" API, in which these keys can be stored
and retrieved. At a high level, ``opal_secvar_get`` retrieves a specific
variable corresponding to a particular key. ``opal_secvar_get_next`` can be
used to iterate through the keys of the stored variables.
``opal_secvar_enqueue_update`` can be used to submit a new variable for
processing on next boot.
#define OPAL_SECVAR_GET 176
``OPAL_SECVAR_GET`` call retrieves a data blob associated with the supplied
char *key
uint64_t key_len
void *data
uint64_t *data_size
a buffer used to associate with the variable data. May
be any encoding, but must not be all zeroes
size of the key buffer in bytes
return buffer to store the data blob of the requested variable if
a match was found. May be set to NULL to only query the size into
reference to the size of the ``data`` buffer. OPAL sets this to
the size of the requested variable if found.
Return Values
the requested data blob was copied successfully. ``data`` was NULL,
and the ``data_size`` value was set successfully
``key`` is NULL.
``key_len`` is zero.
``data_size`` is NULL.
no variable with the supplied ``key`` was found
the buffer size provided in ``data_size`` was insufficient.
``data_size`` is set to the minimum required size.
secure variables are not supported by the platform
secure variables are supported, but did not initialize properly
``OPAL_SECVAR_GET_NEXT`` returns the key of the next variable in the secure
variable bank in sequence.
char *key
uint64_t *key_len
uint64_t key_buf_size
name of the previous variable or empty. The key of the next
variable in sequence will be copied to ``key``. If passed as empty,
returns the first variable in the bank
length in bytes of the key in the ``key`` buffer. OPAL sets
this to the length in bytes of the next variable in sequence
maximum size of the ``key`` buffer. The next key will not be
copied if this value is less than the length of the next key
Return Values
the key and length of the next variable in sequence was copied
``key`` or ``key_length`` is NULL.
``key_size`` is zero.
``key_length`` is impossibly large. No variable with the associated
``key`` was found
end of list reached
the size specified in ``key_size`` is insufficient for the next
variable's key length. ``key_length`` is set to the next variable's
length, but ``key`` is untouched
secure variables are not supported by the platform
secure variables are supported, but did not initialize properly
``OPAL_SECVAR_ENQUEUE`` call appends the supplied variable data to the
queue for processing on next boot.
char *key
uint64_t key_len
void *data
uint64_t data_size
a buffer used to associate with the variable data. May
be any encoding, but must not be all zeroes
size of the key buffer in bytes
buffer containing the blob of data to enqueue
size of the ``data`` buffer
Return Values
the variable was appended to the update queue bank successfully
``key`` or ``data`` was NULL.
``key`` was empty.
``key_len`` or ``data_size`` was zero.
``key_len``, ``data_size`` is larger than the maximum size
OPAL was unable to allocate memory for the variable update
OPAL was unable to write the update to persistant storage
secure variables are not supported by the platform
secure variables are supported, but did not initialize properly