| .. _Deprecated features: |
| |
| Deprecated features |
| =================== |
| |
| In general features are intended to be supported indefinitely once |
| introduced into QEMU. In the event that a feature needs to be removed, |
| it will be listed in this section. The feature will remain functional for the |
| release in which it was deprecated and one further release. After these two |
| releases, the feature is liable to be removed. Deprecated features may also |
| generate warnings on the console when QEMU starts up, or if activated via a |
| monitor command, however, this is not a mandatory requirement. |
| |
| Prior to the 2.10.0 release there was no official policy on how |
| long features would be deprecated prior to their removal, nor |
| any documented list of which features were deprecated. Thus |
| any features deprecated prior to 2.10.0 will be treated as if |
| they were first deprecated in the 2.10.0 release. |
| |
| What follows is a list of all features currently marked as |
| deprecated. |
| |
| System emulator command line arguments |
| -------------------------------------- |
| |
| Short-form boolean options (since 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Boolean options such as ``share=on``/``share=off`` could be written |
| in short form as ``share`` and ``noshare``. This is now deprecated |
| and will cause a warning. |
| |
| ``delay`` option for socket character devices (since 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The replacement for the ``nodelay`` short-form boolean option is ``nodelay=on`` |
| rather than ``delay=off``. |
| |
| Plugin argument passing through ``arg=<string>`` (since 6.1) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Passing TCG plugins arguments through ``arg=`` is redundant is makes the |
| command-line less readable, especially when the argument itself consist of a |
| name and a value, e.g. ``-plugin plugin_name,arg="arg_name=arg_value"``. |
| Therefore, the usage of ``arg`` is redundant. Single-word arguments are treated |
| as short-form boolean values, and passed to plugins as ``arg_name=on``. |
| However, short-form booleans are deprecated and full explicit ``arg_name=on`` |
| form is preferred. |
| |
| User-mode emulator command line arguments |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| |
| ``-p`` (since 9.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``-p`` option pretends to control the host page size. However, |
| it is not possible to change the host page size, and using the |
| option only causes failures. |
| |
| ``-smp`` (Unsupported "parameter=1" SMP configurations) (since 9.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Specified CPU topology parameters must be supported by the machine. |
| |
| In the SMP configuration, users should provide the CPU topology parameters that |
| are supported by the target machine. |
| |
| However, historically it was allowed for users to specify the unsupported |
| topology parameter as "1", which is meaningless. So support for this kind of |
| configurations (e.g. -smp drawers=1,books=1,clusters=1 for x86 PC machine) is |
| marked deprecated since 9.0, users have to ensure that all the topology members |
| described with -smp are supported by the target machine. |
| |
| QEMU Machine Protocol (QMP) commands |
| ------------------------------------ |
| |
| ``blockdev-open-tray``, ``blockdev-close-tray`` argument ``device`` (since 2.8) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use argument ``id`` instead. |
| |
| ``eject`` argument ``device`` (since 2.8) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use argument ``id`` instead. |
| |
| ``blockdev-change-medium`` argument ``device`` (since 2.8) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use argument ``id`` instead. |
| |
| ``block_set_io_throttle`` argument ``device`` (since 2.8) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use argument ``id`` instead. |
| |
| ``blockdev-add`` empty string argument ``backing`` (since 2.10) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use argument value ``null`` instead. |
| |
| ``block-commit`` arguments ``base`` and ``top`` (since 3.1) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use arguments ``base-node`` and ``top-node`` instead. |
| |
| ``nbd-server-add`` and ``nbd-server-remove`` (since 5.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use the more generic commands ``block-export-add`` and ``block-export-del`` |
| instead. As part of this deprecation, where ``nbd-server-add`` used a |
| single ``bitmap``, the new ``block-export-add`` uses a list of ``bitmaps``. |
| |
| ``query-qmp-schema`` return value member ``values`` (since 6.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Member ``values`` in return value elements with meta-type ``enum`` is |
| deprecated. Use ``members`` instead. |
| |
| ``drive-backup`` (since 6.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``blockdev-backup`` in combination with ``blockdev-add`` instead. |
| This change primarily separates the creation/opening process of the backup |
| target with explicit, separate steps. ``blockdev-backup`` uses mostly the |
| same arguments as ``drive-backup``, except the ``format`` and ``mode`` |
| options are removed in favor of using explicit ``blockdev-create`` and |
| ``blockdev-add`` calls. See :doc:`/interop/live-block-operations` for |
| details. |
| |
| Incorrectly typed ``device_add`` arguments (since 6.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Due to shortcomings in the internal implementation of ``device_add``, QEMU |
| incorrectly accepts certain invalid arguments: Any object or list arguments are |
| silently ignored. Other argument types are not checked, but an implicit |
| conversion happens, so that e.g. string values can be assigned to integer |
| device properties or vice versa. |
| |
| This is a bug in QEMU that will be fixed in the future so that previously |
| accepted incorrect commands will return an error. Users should make sure that |
| all arguments passed to ``device_add`` are consistent with the documented |
| property types. |
| |
| QEMU Machine Protocol (QMP) events |
| ---------------------------------- |
| |
| ``MEM_UNPLUG_ERROR`` (since 6.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use the more generic event ``DEVICE_UNPLUG_GUEST_ERROR`` instead. |
| |
| ``vcpu`` trace events (since 8.1) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ability to instrument QEMU helper functions with vCPU-aware trace |
| points was removed in 7.0. However QMP still exposed the vcpu |
| parameter. This argument has now been deprecated and the remaining |
| remaining trace points that used it are selected just by name. |
| |
| Host Architectures |
| ------------------ |
| |
| BE MIPS (since 7.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| As Debian 10 ("Buster") moved into LTS the big endian 32 bit version of |
| MIPS moved out of support making it hard to maintain our |
| cross-compilation CI tests of the architecture. As we no longer have |
| CI coverage support may bitrot away before the deprecation process |
| completes. The little endian variants of MIPS (both 32 and 64 bit) are |
| still a supported host architecture. |
| |
| System emulation on 32-bit x86 hosts (since 8.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Support for 32-bit x86 host deployments is increasingly uncommon in mainstream |
| OS distributions given the widespread availability of 64-bit x86 hardware. |
| The QEMU project no longer considers 32-bit x86 support for system emulation to |
| be an effective use of its limited resources, and thus intends to discontinue |
| it. Since all recent x86 hardware from the past >10 years is capable of the |
| 64-bit x86 extensions, a corresponding 64-bit OS should be used instead. |
| |
| |
| System emulator CPUs |
| -------------------- |
| |
| Nios II CPU (since 8.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The Nios II architecture is orphan. The ``nios2`` guest CPU support is |
| deprecated and will be removed in a future version of QEMU. |
| |
| ``power5+`` and ``power7+`` CPU names (since 9.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The character "+" in device (and thus also CPU) names is not allowed |
| in the QEMU object model anymore. ``power5+``, ``power5+_v2.1``, |
| ``power7+`` and ``power7+_v2.1`` are currently still supported via |
| an alias, but for consistency these will get removed in a future |
| release, too. Use ``power5p_v2.1`` and ``power7p_v2.1`` instead. |
| |
| CRIS CPU architecture (since 9.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The CRIS architecture was pulled from Linux in 4.17 and the compiler |
| is no longer packaged in any distro making it harder to run the |
| ``check-tcg`` tests. Unless we can improve the testing situation there |
| is a chance the code will bitrot without anyone noticing. |
| |
| System emulator machines |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| Arm ``virt`` machine ``dtb-kaslr-seed`` property (since 7.1) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``dtb-kaslr-seed`` property on the ``virt`` board has been |
| deprecated; use the new name ``dtb-randomness`` instead. The new name |
| better reflects the way this property affects all random data within |
| the device tree blob, not just the ``kaslr-seed`` node. |
| |
| ``pc-i440fx-2.0`` up to ``pc-i440fx-2.3`` (since 8.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| These old machine types are quite neglected nowadays and thus might have |
| various pitfalls with regards to live migration. Use a newer machine type |
| instead. |
| |
| Nios II ``10m50-ghrd`` and ``nios2-generic-nommu`` machines (since 8.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The Nios II architecture is orphan. |
| |
| ``shix`` (since 9.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The machine is no longer in existence and has been long unmaintained |
| in QEMU. This also holds for the TC51828 16MiB flash that it uses. |
| |
| ``pseries-2.1`` up to ``pseries-2.11`` (since 9.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Older pseries machines before version 2.12 have undergone many changes |
| to correct issues, mostly regarding migration compatibility. These are |
| no longer maintained and removing them will make the code easier to |
| read and maintain. Use versions 2.12 and above as a replacement. |
| |
| Arm machines ``akita``, ``borzoi``, ``cheetah``, ``connex``, ``mainstone``, ``n800``, ``n810``, ``spitz``, ``terrier``, ``tosa``, ``verdex``, ``z2`` (since 9.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| QEMU includes models of some machine types where the QEMU code that |
| emulates their SoCs is very old and unmaintained. This code is now |
| blocking our ability to move forward with various changes across |
| the codebase, and over many years nobody has been interested in |
| trying to modernise it. We don't expect any of these machines to have |
| a large number of users, because they're all modelling hardware that |
| has now passed away into history. We are therefore dropping support |
| for all machine types using the PXA2xx and OMAP2 SoCs. We are also |
| dropping the ``cheetah`` OMAP1 board, because we don't have any |
| test images for it and don't know of anybody who does; the ``sx1`` |
| and ``sx1-v1`` OMAP1 machines remain supported for now. |
| |
| Backend options |
| --------------- |
| |
| Using non-persistent backing file with pmem=on (since 6.1) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| This option is used when ``memory-backend-file`` is consumed by emulated NVDIMM |
| device. However enabling ``memory-backend-file.pmem`` option, when backing file |
| is (a) not DAX capable or (b) not on a filesystem that support direct mapping |
| of persistent memory, is not safe and may lead to data loss or corruption in case |
| of host crash. |
| Options are: |
| |
| - modify VM configuration to set ``pmem=off`` to continue using fake NVDIMM |
| (without persistence guaranties) with backing file on non DAX storage |
| - move backing file to NVDIMM storage and keep ``pmem=on`` |
| (to have NVDIMM with persistence guaranties). |
| |
| Device options |
| -------------- |
| |
| Emulated device options |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| ``-device virtio-blk,scsi=on|off`` (since 5.0) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The virtio-blk SCSI passthrough feature is a legacy VIRTIO feature. VIRTIO 1.0 |
| and later do not support it because the virtio-scsi device was introduced for |
| full SCSI support. Use virtio-scsi instead when SCSI passthrough is required. |
| |
| Note this also applies to ``-device virtio-blk-pci,scsi=on|off``, which is an |
| alias. |
| |
| ``-device nvme-ns,eui64-default=on|off`` (since 7.1) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| In QEMU versions 6.1, 6.2 and 7.0, the ``nvme-ns`` generates an EUI-64 |
| identifier that is not globally unique. If an EUI-64 identifier is required, the |
| user must set it explicitly using the ``nvme-ns`` device parameter ``eui64``. |
| |
| ``-device nvme,use-intel-id=on|off`` (since 7.1) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The ``nvme`` device originally used a PCI Vendor/Device Identifier combination |
| from Intel that was not properly allocated. Since version 5.2, the controller |
| has used a properly allocated identifier. Deprecate the ``use-intel-id`` |
| machine compatibility parameter. |
| |
| ``-device cxl-type3,memdev=xxxx`` (since 8.0) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The ``cxl-type3`` device initially only used a single memory backend. With |
| the addition of volatile memory support, it is now necessary to distinguish |
| between persistent and volatile memory backends. As such, memdev is deprecated |
| in favor of persistent-memdev. |
| |
| ``-fsdev proxy`` and ``-virtfs proxy`` (since 8.1) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The 9p ``proxy`` filesystem backend driver has been deprecated and will be |
| removed (along with its proxy helper daemon) in a future version of QEMU. Please |
| use ``-fsdev local`` or ``-virtfs local`` for using the 9p ``local`` filesystem |
| backend, or alternatively consider deploying virtiofsd instead. |
| |
| The 9p ``proxy`` backend was originally developed as an alternative to the 9p |
| ``local`` backend. The idea was to enhance security by dispatching actual low |
| level filesystem operations from 9p server (QEMU process) over to a separate |
| process (the virtfs-proxy-helper binary). However this alternative never gained |
| momentum. The proxy backend is much slower than the local backend, hasn't seen |
| any development in years, and showed to be less secure, especially due to the |
| fact that its helper daemon must be run as root, whereas with the local backend |
| QEMU is typically run as unprivileged user and allows to tighten behaviour by |
| mapping permissions et al by using its 'mapped' security model option. |
| |
| Nowadays it would make sense to reimplement the ``proxy`` backend by using |
| QEMU's ``vhost`` feature, which would eliminate the high latency costs under |
| which the 9p ``proxy`` backend currently suffers. However as of to date nobody |
| has indicated plans for such kind of reimplementation unfortunately. |
| |
| RISC-V 'any' CPU type ``-cpu any`` (since 8.2) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The 'any' CPU type was introduced back in 2018 and has been around since the |
| initial RISC-V QEMU port. Its usage has always been unclear: users don't know |
| what to expect from a CPU called 'any', and in fact the CPU does not do anything |
| special that isn't already done by the default CPUs rv32/rv64. |
| |
| After the introduction of the 'max' CPU type, RISC-V now has a good coverage |
| of generic CPUs: rv32 and rv64 as default CPUs and 'max' as a feature complete |
| CPU for both 32 and 64 bit builds. Users are then discouraged to use the 'any' |
| CPU type starting in 8.2. |
| |
| RISC-V CPU properties which start with capital 'Z' (since 8.2) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| All RISC-V CPU properties which start with capital 'Z' are being deprecated |
| starting in 8.2. The reason is that they were wrongly added with capital 'Z' |
| in the past. CPU properties were later added with lower-case names, which |
| is the format we want to use from now on. |
| |
| Users which try to use these deprecated properties will receive a warning |
| recommending to switch to their stable counterparts: |
| |
| - "Zifencei" should be replaced with "zifencei" |
| - "Zicsr" should be replaced with "zicsr" |
| - "Zihintntl" should be replaced with "zihintntl" |
| - "Zihintpause" should be replaced with "zihintpause" |
| - "Zawrs" should be replaced with "zawrs" |
| - "Zfa" should be replaced with "zfa" |
| - "Zfh" should be replaced with "zfh" |
| - "Zfhmin" should be replaced with "zfhmin" |
| - "Zve32f" should be replaced with "zve32f" |
| - "Zve64f" should be replaced with "zve64f" |
| - "Zve64d" should be replaced with "zve64d" |
| |
| ``-device pvrdma`` and the rdma subsystem (since 8.2) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The pvrdma device and the whole rdma subsystem are in a bad shape and |
| without active maintenance. The QEMU project intends to remove this |
| device and subsystem from the code base in a future release without |
| replacement unless somebody steps up and improves the situation. |
| |
| |
| Block device options |
| '''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| ``"backing": ""`` (since 2.12) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| In order to prevent QEMU from automatically opening an image's backing |
| chain, use ``"backing": null`` instead. |
| |
| ``rbd`` keyvalue pair encoded filenames: ``""`` (since 3.1) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Options for ``rbd`` should be specified according to its runtime options, |
| like other block drivers. Legacy parsing of keyvalue pair encoded |
| filenames is useful to open images with the old format for backing files; |
| These image files should be updated to use the current format. |
| |
| Example of legacy encoding:: |
| |
| json:{"file.driver":"rbd", "file.filename":"rbd:rbd/name"} |
| |
| The above, converted to the current supported format:: |
| |
| json:{"file.driver":"rbd", "file.pool":"rbd", "file.image":"name"} |
| |
| ``iscsi,password=xxx`` (since 8.0) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Specifying the iSCSI password in plain text on the command line using the |
| ``password`` option is insecure. The ``password-secret`` option should be |
| used instead, to refer to a ``--object secret...`` instance that provides |
| a password via a file, or encrypted. |
| |
| Character device options |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Backend ``memory`` (since 9.0) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| ``memory`` is a deprecated synonym for ``ringbuf``. |
| |
| CPU device properties |
| ''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| ``pmu-num=n`` on RISC-V CPUs (since 8.2) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| In order to support more flexible counter configurations this has been replaced |
| by a ``pmu-mask`` property. If set of counters is continuous then the mask can |
| be calculated with ``((2 ^ n) - 1) << 3``. The least significant three bits |
| must be left clear. |
| |
| |
| Backwards compatibility |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| Runnability guarantee of CPU models (since 4.1) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Previous versions of QEMU never changed existing CPU models in |
| ways that introduced additional host software or hardware |
| requirements to the VM. This allowed management software to |
| safely change the machine type of an existing VM without |
| introducing new requirements ("runnability guarantee"). This |
| prevented CPU models from being updated to include CPU |
| vulnerability mitigations, leaving guests vulnerable in the |
| default configuration. |
| |
| The CPU model runnability guarantee won't apply anymore to |
| existing CPU models. Management software that needs runnability |
| guarantees must resolve the CPU model aliases using the |
| ``alias-of`` field returned by the ``query-cpu-definitions`` QMP |
| command. |
| |
| While those guarantees are kept, the return value of |
| ``query-cpu-definitions`` will have existing CPU model aliases |
| point to a version that doesn't break runnability guarantees |
| (specifically, version 1 of those CPU models). In future QEMU |
| versions, aliases will point to newer CPU model versions |
| depending on the machine type, so management software must |
| resolve CPU model aliases before starting a virtual machine. |
| |
| QEMU guest agent |
| ---------------- |
| |
| ``--blacklist`` command line option (since 7.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| ``--blacklist`` has been replaced by ``--block-rpcs`` (which is a better |
| wording for what this option does). The short form ``-b`` still stays |
| the same and thus is the preferred way for scripts that should run with |
| both, older and future versions of QEMU. |
| |
| ``blacklist`` config file option (since 7.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``blacklist`` config file option has been renamed to ``block-rpcs`` |
| (to be in sync with the renaming of the corresponding command line |
| option). |
| |
| Migration |
| --------- |
| |
| ``skipped`` MigrationStats field (since 8.1) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| ``skipped`` field in Migration stats has been deprecated. It hasn't |
| been used for more than 10 years. |
| |
| ``inc`` migrate command option (since 8.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use blockdev-mirror with NBD instead. |
| |
| As an intermediate step the ``inc`` functionality can be achieved by |
| setting the ``block-incremental`` migration parameter to ``true``. |
| But this parameter is also deprecated. |
| |
| ``blk`` migrate command option (since 8.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use blockdev-mirror with NBD instead. |
| |
| As an intermediate step the ``blk`` functionality can be achieved by |
| setting the ``block`` migration capability to ``true``. But this |
| capability is also deprecated. |
| |
| block migration (since 8.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Block migration is too inflexible. It needs to migrate all block |
| devices or none. |
| |
| Please see "QMP invocation for live storage migration with |
| ``blockdev-mirror`` + NBD" in docs/interop/live-block-operations.rst |
| for a detailed explanation. |
| |
| old compression method (since 8.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Compression method fails too much. Too many races. We are going to |
| remove it if nobody fixes it. For starters, migration-test |
| compression tests are disabled because they fail randomly. If you need |
| compression, use multifd compression methods. |