blob: c49215cca8df3707f7a11827f34f87e28366d3f0 [file] [log] [blame]
# AArch64 A64 allowed instruction decoding
# Copyright (c) 2023 Linaro, Ltd
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, see <>.
# This file is processed by scripts/
&r rn
&ri rd imm
&rri_sf rd rn imm sf
&i imm
### Data Processing - Immediate
# PC-rel addressing
%imm_pcrel 5:s19 29:2
@pcrel . .. ..... ................... rd:5 &ri imm=%imm_pcrel
ADR 0 .. 10000 ................... ..... @pcrel
ADRP 1 .. 10000 ................... ..... @pcrel
# Add/subtract (immediate)
%imm12_sh12 10:12 !function=shl_12
@addsub_imm sf:1 .. ...... . imm:12 rn:5 rd:5
@addsub_imm12 sf:1 .. ...... . ............ rn:5 rd:5 imm=%imm12_sh12
ADD_i . 00 100010 0 ............ ..... ..... @addsub_imm
ADD_i . 00 100010 1 ............ ..... ..... @addsub_imm12
ADDS_i . 01 100010 0 ............ ..... ..... @addsub_imm
ADDS_i . 01 100010 1 ............ ..... ..... @addsub_imm12
SUB_i . 10 100010 0 ............ ..... ..... @addsub_imm
SUB_i . 10 100010 1 ............ ..... ..... @addsub_imm12
SUBS_i . 11 100010 0 ............ ..... ..... @addsub_imm
SUBS_i . 11 100010 1 ............ ..... ..... @addsub_imm12
# Add/subtract (immediate with tags)
&rri_tag rd rn uimm6 uimm4
@addsub_imm_tag . .. ...... . uimm6:6 .. uimm4:4 rn:5 rd:5 &rri_tag
ADDG_i 1 00 100011 0 ...... 00 .... ..... ..... @addsub_imm_tag
SUBG_i 1 10 100011 0 ...... 00 .... ..... ..... @addsub_imm_tag
# Logical (immediate)
&rri_log rd rn sf dbm
@logic_imm_64 1 .. ...... dbm:13 rn:5 rd:5 &rri_log sf=1
@logic_imm_32 0 .. ...... 0 dbm:12 rn:5 rd:5 &rri_log sf=0
AND_i . 00 100100 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @logic_imm_64
AND_i . 00 100100 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @logic_imm_32
ORR_i . 01 100100 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @logic_imm_64
ORR_i . 01 100100 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @logic_imm_32
EOR_i . 10 100100 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @logic_imm_64
EOR_i . 10 100100 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @logic_imm_32
ANDS_i . 11 100100 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @logic_imm_64
ANDS_i . 11 100100 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @logic_imm_32
# Move wide (immediate)
&movw rd sf imm hw
@movw_64 1 .. ...... hw:2 imm:16 rd:5 &movw sf=1
@movw_32 0 .. ...... 0 hw:1 imm:16 rd:5 &movw sf=0
MOVN . 00 100101 .. ................ ..... @movw_64
MOVN . 00 100101 .. ................ ..... @movw_32
MOVZ . 10 100101 .. ................ ..... @movw_64
MOVZ . 10 100101 .. ................ ..... @movw_32
MOVK . 11 100101 .. ................ ..... @movw_64
MOVK . 11 100101 .. ................ ..... @movw_32
# Bitfield
&bitfield rd rn sf immr imms
@bitfield_64 1 .. ...... 1 immr:6 imms:6 rn:5 rd:5 &bitfield sf=1
@bitfield_32 0 .. ...... 0 0 immr:5 0 imms:5 rn:5 rd:5 &bitfield sf=0
SBFM . 00 100110 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @bitfield_64
SBFM . 00 100110 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @bitfield_32
BFM . 01 100110 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @bitfield_64
BFM . 01 100110 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @bitfield_32
UBFM . 10 100110 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @bitfield_64
UBFM . 10 100110 . ...... ...... ..... ..... @bitfield_32
# Extract
&extract rd rn rm imm sf
EXTR 1 00 100111 1 0 rm:5 imm:6 rn:5 rd:5 &extract sf=1
EXTR 0 00 100111 0 0 rm:5 0 imm:5 rn:5 rd:5 &extract sf=0
# Branches
%imm26 0:s26 !function=times_4
@branch . ..... .......................... &i imm=%imm26
B 0 00101 .......................... @branch
BL 1 00101 .......................... @branch
%imm19 5:s19 !function=times_4
&cbz rt imm sf nz
CBZ sf:1 011010 nz:1 ................... rt:5 &cbz imm=%imm19
%imm14 5:s14 !function=times_4
%imm31_19 31:1 19:5
&tbz rt imm nz bitpos
TBZ . 011011 nz:1 ..... .............. rt:5 &tbz imm=%imm14 bitpos=%imm31_19
B_cond 0101010 0 ................... 0 cond:4 imm=%imm19
BR 1101011 0000 11111 000000 rn:5 00000 &r
BLR 1101011 0001 11111 000000 rn:5 00000 &r
RET 1101011 0010 11111 000000 rn:5 00000 &r
&braz rn m
BRAZ 1101011 0000 11111 00001 m:1 rn:5 11111 &braz # BRAAZ, BRABZ
BLRAZ 1101011 0001 11111 00001 m:1 rn:5 11111 &braz # BLRAAZ, BLRABZ
&reta m
RETA 1101011 0010 11111 00001 m:1 11111 11111 &reta # RETAA, RETAB
&bra rn rm m
BRA 1101011 1000 11111 00001 m:1 rn:5 rm:5 &bra # BRAA, BRAB
BLRA 1101011 1001 11111 00001 m:1 rn:5 rm:5 &bra # BLRAA, BLRAB
ERET 1101011 0100 11111 000000 11111 00000
ERETA 1101011 0100 11111 00001 m:1 11111 11111 &reta # ERETAA, ERETAB
# We don't need to decode DRPS because it always UNDEFs except when
# the processor is in halting debug state (which we don't implement).
# The pattern is listed here as documentation.
# DRPS 1101011 0101 11111 000000 11111 00000
# Hint instruction group
YIELD 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0000 001 11111
WFE 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0000 010 11111
WFI 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0000 011 11111
# We implement WFE to never block, so our SEV/SEVL are NOPs
# SEV 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0000 100 11111
# SEVL 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0000 101 11111
# Our DGL is a NOP because we don't merge memory accesses anyway.
# DGL 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0000 110 11111
XPACLRI 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0000 111 11111
PACIA1716 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0001 000 11111
PACIB1716 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0001 010 11111
AUTIA1716 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0001 100 11111
AUTIB1716 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0001 110 11111
ESB 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0010 000 11111
PACIAZ 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0011 000 11111
PACIASP 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0011 001 11111
PACIBZ 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0011 010 11111
PACIBSP 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0011 011 11111
AUTIAZ 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0011 100 11111
AUTIASP 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0011 101 11111
AUTIBZ 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0011 110 11111
AUTIBSP 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 0011 111 11111
# The canonical NOP has CRm == op2 == 0, but all of the space
# that isn't specifically allocated to an instruction must NOP
NOP 1101 0101 0000 0011 0010 ---- --- 11111
# Barriers
CLREX 1101 0101 0000 0011 0011 ---- 010 11111
DSB_DMB 1101 0101 0000 0011 0011 domain:2 types:2 10- 11111
ISB 1101 0101 0000 0011 0011 ---- 110 11111
SB 1101 0101 0000 0011 0011 0000 111 11111
CFINV 1101 0101 0000 0 000 0100 0000 000 11111
XAFLAG 1101 0101 0000 0 000 0100 0000 001 11111
AXFLAG 1101 0101 0000 0 000 0100 0000 010 11111
# These are architecturally all "MSR (immediate)"; we decode the destination
# register too because there is no commonality in our implementation.
@msr_i .... .... .... . ... .... imm:4 ... .....
MSR_i_UAO 1101 0101 0000 0 000 0100 .... 011 11111 @msr_i
MSR_i_PAN 1101 0101 0000 0 000 0100 .... 100 11111 @msr_i
MSR_i_SPSEL 1101 0101 0000 0 000 0100 .... 101 11111 @msr_i
MSR_i_SBSS 1101 0101 0000 0 011 0100 .... 001 11111 @msr_i
MSR_i_DIT 1101 0101 0000 0 011 0100 .... 010 11111 @msr_i
MSR_i_TCO 1101 0101 0000 0 011 0100 .... 100 11111 @msr_i
MSR_i_DAIFSET 1101 0101 0000 0 011 0100 .... 110 11111 @msr_i
MSR_i_DAIFCLEAR 1101 0101 0000 0 011 0100 .... 111 11111 @msr_i
MSR_i_SVCR 1101 0101 0000 0 011 0100 0 mask:2 imm:1 011 11111
# MRS, MSR (register), SYS, SYSL. These are all essentially the
# same instruction as far as QEMU is concerned.
# NB: op0 is bits [20:19], but op0=0b00 is other insns, so we have
# to hand-decode it.
SYS 1101 0101 00 l:1 01 op1:3 crn:4 crm:4 op2:3 rt:5 op0=1
SYS 1101 0101 00 l:1 10 op1:3 crn:4 crm:4 op2:3 rt:5 op0=2
SYS 1101 0101 00 l:1 11 op1:3 crn:4 crm:4 op2:3 rt:5 op0=3