blob: b23a59f194138885e19f8817e6ddfb60f1b2f322 [file] [log] [blame]
/* We adjust linker script modification to place all of the stuff that needs to
* persist across fuzzing runs into a contiguous seciton of memory. Then, it is
* easy to re-map the counter-related memory as shared.
.data.fuzz_start : ALIGN(4K)
__start___sancov_cntrs = .;
__stop___sancov_cntrs = .;
/* Lowest stack counter */
.data.fuzz_ordered :
/* Coverage counters. They're not necessary for fuzzing, but are useful
* for analyzing the fuzzing performance
__start___llvm_prf_cnts = .;
__stop___llvm_prf_cnts = .;
/* Internal Libfuzzer TracePC object which contains the ValueProfileMap */
.data.fuzz_end : ALIGN(4K)
/* Dont overwrite the SECTIONS in the default linker script. Instead insert the
* above into the default script */