| |
| Removed features |
| ================ |
| |
| What follows is a record of recently removed, formerly deprecated |
| features that serves as a record for users who have encountered |
| trouble after a recent upgrade. |
| |
| System emulator command line arguments |
| -------------------------------------- |
| |
| ``-net ...,name=``\ *name* (removed in 5.1) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``name`` parameter of the ``-net`` option was a synonym |
| for the ``id`` parameter, which should now be used instead. |
| |
| ``-no-kvm`` (removed in 5.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``-no-kvm`` argument was a synonym for setting ``-machine accel=tcg``. |
| |
| ``-realtime`` (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``-realtime mlock=on|off`` argument has been replaced by the |
| ``-overcommit mem-lock=on|off`` argument. |
| |
| ``-show-cursor`` option (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``-display sdl,show-cursor=on``, ``-display gtk,show-cursor=on`` |
| or ``-display default,show-cursor=on`` instead. |
| |
| ``-tb-size`` option (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| QEMU 5.0 introduced an alternative syntax to specify the size of the translation |
| block cache, ``-accel tcg,tb-size=``. |
| |
| ``-usbdevice audio`` (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| This option lacked the possibility to specify an audio backend device. |
| Use ``-device usb-audio`` now instead (and specify a corresponding USB |
| host controller or ``-usb`` if necessary). |
| |
| ``-vnc acl`` (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``acl`` option to the ``-vnc`` argument has been replaced |
| by the ``tls-authz`` and ``sasl-authz`` options. |
| |
| ``-mon ...,control=readline,pretty=on|off`` (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``pretty=on|off`` switch has no effect for HMP monitors and |
| its use is rejected. |
| |
| ``-drive file=json:{...{'driver':'file'}}`` (removed 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The 'file' driver for drives is no longer appropriate for character or host |
| devices and will only accept regular files (S_IFREG). The correct driver |
| for these file types is 'host_cdrom' or 'host_device' as appropriate. |
| |
| Floppy controllers' drive properties (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``-device floppy,...`` instead. When configuring onboard floppy |
| controllers |
| :: |
| |
| -global isa-fdc.driveA=... |
| -global sysbus-fdc.driveA=... |
| -global SUNW,fdtwo.drive=... |
| |
| become |
| :: |
| |
| -device floppy,unit=0,drive=... |
| |
| and |
| :: |
| |
| -global isa-fdc.driveB=... |
| -global sysbus-fdc.driveB=... |
| |
| become |
| :: |
| |
| -device floppy,unit=1,drive=... |
| |
| When plugging in a floppy controller |
| :: |
| |
| -device isa-fdc,...,driveA=... |
| |
| becomes |
| :: |
| |
| -device isa-fdc,... |
| -device floppy,unit=0,drive=... |
| |
| and |
| :: |
| |
| -device isa-fdc,...,driveB=... |
| |
| becomes |
| :: |
| |
| -device isa-fdc,... |
| -device floppy,unit=1,drive=... |
| |
| ``-drive`` with bogus interface type (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Drives with interface types other than ``if=none`` are for onboard |
| devices. Drives the board doesn't pick up can no longer be used with |
| -device. Use ``if=none`` instead. |
| |
| ``-usbdevice ccid`` (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| This option was undocumented and not used in the field. |
| Use `-device usb-ccid`` instead. |
| |
| |
| QEMU Machine Protocol (QMP) commands |
| ------------------------------------ |
| |
| ``block-dirty-bitmap-add`` "autoload" parameter (removed in 4.2.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The "autoload" parameter has been ignored since 2.12.0. All bitmaps |
| are automatically loaded from qcow2 images. |
| |
| ``cpu-add`` (removed in 5.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``device_add`` for hotplugging vCPUs instead of ``cpu-add``. See |
| documentation of ``query-hotpluggable-cpus`` for additional details. |
| |
| ``change`` (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``blockdev-change-medium`` or ``change-vnc-password`` instead. |
| |
| ``query-events`` (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``query-events`` command has been superseded by the more powerful |
| and accurate ``query-qmp-schema`` command. |
| |
| ``migrate_set_cache_size`` and ``query-migrate-cache-size`` (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``migrate_set_parameter`` and ``info migrate_parameters`` instead. |
| |
| ``migrate_set_downtime`` and ``migrate_set_speed`` (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``migrate_set_parameter`` instead. |
| |
| ``query-cpus`` (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``query-cpus`` command is replaced by the ``query-cpus-fast`` command. |
| |
| ``query-cpus-fast`` ``arch`` output member (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``arch`` output member of the ``query-cpus-fast`` command is |
| replaced by the ``target`` output member. |
| |
| chardev client socket with ``wait`` option (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Character devices creating sockets in client mode should not specify |
| the 'wait' field, which is only applicable to sockets in server mode |
| |
| ``query-named-block-nodes`` result ``encryption_key_missing`` (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Removed with no replacement. |
| |
| ``query-block`` result ``inserted.encryption_key_missing`` (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Removed with no replacement. |
| |
| ``query-named-block-nodes`` and ``query-block`` result dirty-bitmaps[i].status (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``status`` field of the ``BlockDirtyInfo`` structure, returned by |
| these commands is removed. Two new boolean fields, ``recording`` and |
| ``busy`` effectively replace it. |
| |
| ``query-block`` result field ``dirty-bitmaps`` (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``dirty-bitmaps`` field of the ``BlockInfo`` structure, returned by |
| the query-block command is itself now removed. The ``dirty-bitmaps`` |
| field of the ``BlockDeviceInfo`` struct should be used instead, which is the |
| type of the ``inserted`` field in query-block replies, as well as the |
| type of array items in query-named-block-nodes. |
| |
| ``object-add`` option ``props`` (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Specify the properties for the object as top-level arguments instead. |
| |
| Human Monitor Protocol (HMP) commands |
| ------------------------------------- |
| |
| The ``hub_id`` parameter of ``hostfwd_add`` / ``hostfwd_remove`` (removed in 5.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``[hub_id name]`` parameter tuple of the 'hostfwd_add' and |
| 'hostfwd_remove' HMP commands has been replaced by ``netdev_id``. |
| |
| ``cpu-add`` (removed in 5.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``device_add`` for hotplugging vCPUs instead of ``cpu-add``. See |
| documentation of ``query-hotpluggable-cpus`` for additional details. |
| |
| ``change vnc TARGET`` (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| No replacement. The ``change vnc password`` and ``change DEVICE MEDIUM`` |
| commands are not affected. |
| |
| ``acl_show``, ``acl_reset``, ``acl_policy``, ``acl_add``, ``acl_remove`` (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``acl_show``, ``acl_reset``, ``acl_policy``, ``acl_add``, and |
| ``acl_remove`` commands were removed with no replacement. Authorization |
| for VNC should be performed using the pluggable QAuthZ objects. |
| |
| ``migrate-set-cache-size`` and ``info migrate-cache-size`` (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``migrate-set-parameters`` and ``info migrate-parameters`` instead. |
| |
| ``migrate_set_downtime`` and ``migrate_set_speed`` (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``migrate-set-parameters`` instead. |
| |
| Guest Emulator ISAs |
| ------------------- |
| |
| RISC-V ISA privilege specification version 1.09.1 (removed in 5.1) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The RISC-V ISA privilege specification version 1.09.1 has been removed. |
| QEMU supports both the newer version 1.10.0 and the ratified version 1.11.0, these |
| should be used instead of the 1.09.1 version. |
| |
| System emulator CPUS |
| -------------------- |
| |
| KVM guest support on 32-bit Arm hosts (removed in 5.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The Linux kernel has dropped support for allowing 32-bit Arm systems |
| to host KVM guests as of the 5.7 kernel. Accordingly, QEMU is deprecating |
| its support for this configuration and will remove it in a future version. |
| Running 32-bit guests on a 64-bit Arm host remains supported. |
| |
| RISC-V ISA Specific CPUs (removed in 5.1) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The RISC-V cpus with the ISA version in the CPU name have been removed. The |
| four CPUs are: ``rv32gcsu-v1.9.1``, ``rv32gcsu-v1.10.0``, ``rv64gcsu-v1.9.1`` and |
| ``rv64gcsu-v1.10.0``. Instead the version can be specified via the CPU ``priv_spec`` |
| option when using the ``rv32`` or ``rv64`` CPUs. |
| |
| RISC-V no MMU CPUs (removed in 5.1) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The RISC-V no MMU cpus have been removed. The two CPUs: ``rv32imacu-nommu`` and |
| ``rv64imacu-nommu`` can no longer be used. Instead the MMU status can be specified |
| via the CPU ``mmu`` option when using the ``rv32`` or ``rv64`` CPUs. |
| |
| ``compat`` property of server class POWER CPUs (removed in 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``max-cpu-compat`` property of the ``pseries`` machine type should be used |
| instead. |
| |
| System emulator machines |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| ``spike_v1.9.1`` and ``spike_v1.10`` (removed in 5.1) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The version specific Spike machines have been removed in favour of the |
| generic ``spike`` machine. If you need to specify an older version of the RISC-V |
| spec you can use the ``-cpu rv64gcsu,priv_spec=v1.10.0`` command line argument. |
| |
| mips ``r4k`` platform (removed in 5.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| This machine type was very old and unmaintained. Users should use the ``malta`` |
| machine type instead. |
| |
| mips ``fulong2e`` machine alias (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| This machine has been renamed ``fuloong2e``. |
| |
| ``pc-1.0``, ``pc-1.1``, ``pc-1.2`` and ``pc-1.3`` (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| These machine types were very old and likely could not be used for live |
| migration from old QEMU versions anymore. Use a newer machine type instead. |
| |
| |
| linux-user mode CPUs |
| -------------------- |
| |
| ``tilegx`` CPUs (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``tilegx`` guest CPU support has been removed without replacement. It was |
| only implemented in linux-user mode, but support for this CPU was removed from |
| the upstream Linux kernel in 2018, and it has also been dropped from glibc, so |
| there is no new Linux development taking place with this architecture. For |
| running the old binaries, you can use older versions of QEMU. |
| |
| System emulator devices |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| ``ide-drive`` (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The 'ide-drive' device has been removed. Users should use 'ide-hd' or |
| 'ide-cd' as appropriate to get an IDE hard disk or CD-ROM as needed. |
| |
| ``scsi-disk`` (removed in 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The 'scsi-disk' device has been removed. Users should use 'scsi-hd' or |
| 'scsi-cd' as appropriate to get a SCSI hard disk or CD-ROM as needed. |
| |
| Related binaries |
| ---------------- |
| |
| ``qemu-nbd --partition`` (removed in 5.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``qemu-nbd --partition $digit`` code (also spelled ``-P``) |
| could only handle MBR partitions, and never correctly handled logical |
| partitions beyond partition 5. Exporting a partition can still be |
| done by utilizing the ``--image-opts`` option with a raw blockdev |
| using the ``offset`` and ``size`` parameters layered on top of |
| any other existing blockdev. For example, if partition 1 is 100MiB |
| long starting at 1MiB, the old command:: |
| |
| qemu-nbd -t -P 1 -f qcow2 file.qcow2 |
| |
| can be rewritten as:: |
| |
| qemu-nbd -t --image-opts driver=raw,offset=1M,size=100M,file.driver=qcow2,file.file.driver=file,file.file.filename=file.qcow2 |
| |
| ``qemu-img convert -n -o`` (removed in 5.1) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| All options specified in ``-o`` are image creation options, so |
| they are now rejected when used with ``-n`` to skip image creation. |
| |
| |
| ``qemu-img create -b bad file $size`` (removed in 5.1) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| When creating an image with a backing file that could not be opened, |
| ``qemu-img create`` used to issue a warning about the failure but |
| proceed with the image creation if an explicit size was provided. |
| However, as the ``-u`` option exists for this purpose, it is safer to |
| enforce that any failure to open the backing image (including if the |
| backing file is missing or an incorrect format was specified) is an |
| error when ``-u`` is not used. |
| |
| Command line options |
| -------------------- |
| |
| ``-smp`` (invalid topologies) (removed 5.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| CPU topology properties should describe whole machine topology including |
| possible CPUs. |
| |
| However, historically it was possible to start QEMU with an incorrect topology |
| where *n* <= *sockets* * *cores* * *threads* < *maxcpus*, |
| which could lead to an incorrect topology enumeration by the guest. |
| Support for invalid topologies is removed, the user must ensure |
| topologies described with -smp include all possible cpus, i.e. |
| *sockets* * *cores* * *threads* = *maxcpus*. |
| |
| ``-numa`` node (without memory specified) (removed 5.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Splitting RAM by default between NUMA nodes had the same issues as ``mem`` |
| parameter with the difference that the role of the user plays QEMU using |
| implicit generic or board specific splitting rule. |
| Use ``memdev`` with *memory-backend-ram* backend or ``mem`` (if |
| it's supported by used machine type) to define mapping explicitly instead. |
| Users of existing VMs, wishing to preserve the same RAM distribution, should |
| configure it explicitly using ``-numa node,memdev`` options. Current RAM |
| distribution can be retrieved using HMP command ``info numa`` and if separate |
| memory devices (pc|nv-dimm) are present use ``info memory-device`` and subtract |
| device memory from output of ``info numa``. |
| |
| ``-numa node,mem=``\ *size* (removed in 5.1) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The parameter ``mem`` of ``-numa node`` was used to assign a part of |
| guest RAM to a NUMA node. But when using it, it's impossible to manage a specified |
| RAM chunk on the host side (like bind it to a host node, setting bind policy, ...), |
| so the guest ends up with the fake NUMA configuration with suboptiomal performance. |
| However since 2014 there is an alternative way to assign RAM to a NUMA node |
| using parameter ``memdev``, which does the same as ``mem`` and adds |
| means to actually manage node RAM on the host side. Use parameter ``memdev`` |
| with *memory-backend-ram* backend as replacement for parameter ``mem`` |
| to achieve the same fake NUMA effect or a properly configured |
| *memory-backend-file* backend to actually benefit from NUMA configuration. |
| New machine versions (since 5.1) will not accept the option but it will still |
| work with old machine types. User can check the QAPI schema to see if the legacy |
| option is supported by looking at MachineInfo::numa-mem-supported property. |
| |
| ``-mem-path`` fallback to RAM (removed in 5.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| If guest RAM allocation from file pointed by ``mem-path`` failed, |
| QEMU was falling back to allocating from RAM, which might have resulted |
| in unpredictable behavior since the backing file specified by the user |
| as ignored. Currently, users are responsible for making sure the backing storage |
| specified with ``-mem-path`` can actually provide the guest RAM configured with |
| ``-m`` and QEMU fails to start up if RAM allocation is unsuccessful. |
| |
| ``-smp`` (invalid topologies) (removed 5.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| CPU topology properties should describe whole machine topology including |
| possible CPUs. |
| |
| However, historically it was possible to start QEMU with an incorrect topology |
| where *n* <= *sockets* * *cores* * *threads* < *maxcpus*, |
| which could lead to an incorrect topology enumeration by the guest. |
| Support for invalid topologies is removed, the user must ensure |
| topologies described with -smp include all possible cpus, i.e. |
| *sockets* * *cores* * *threads* = *maxcpus*. |
| |
| ``-machine enforce-config-section=on|off`` (removed 5.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``enforce-config-section`` property was replaced by the |
| ``-global migration.send-configuration={on|off}`` option. |
| |
| Block devices |
| ------------- |
| |
| VXHS backend (removed in 5.1) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The VXHS code did not compile since v2.12.0. It was removed in 5.1. |