| .. _Deprecated features: |
| |
| Deprecated features |
| =================== |
| |
| In general features are intended to be supported indefinitely once |
| introduced into QEMU. In the event that a feature needs to be removed, |
| it will be listed in this section. The feature will remain functional for the |
| release in which it was deprecated and one further release. After these two |
| releases, the feature is liable to be removed. Deprecated features may also |
| generate warnings on the console when QEMU starts up, or if activated via a |
| monitor command, however, this is not a mandatory requirement. |
| |
| Prior to the 2.10.0 release there was no official policy on how |
| long features would be deprecated prior to their removal, nor |
| any documented list of which features were deprecated. Thus |
| any features deprecated prior to 2.10.0 will be treated as if |
| they were first deprecated in the 2.10.0 release. |
| |
| What follows is a list of all features currently marked as |
| deprecated. |
| |
| System emulator command line arguments |
| -------------------------------------- |
| |
| ``QEMU_AUDIO_`` environment variables and ``-audio-help`` (since 4.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``-audiodev`` argument is now the preferred way to specify audio |
| backend settings instead of environment variables. To ease migration to |
| the new format, the ``-audiodev-help`` option can be used to convert |
| the current values of the environment variables to ``-audiodev`` options. |
| |
| Creating sound card devices and vnc without ``audiodev=`` property (since 4.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| When not using the deprecated legacy audio config, each sound card |
| should specify an ``audiodev=`` property. Additionally, when using |
| vnc, you should specify an ``audiodev=`` property if you plan to |
| transmit audio through the VNC protocol. |
| |
| Creating sound card devices using ``-soundhw`` (since 5.1) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Sound card devices should be created using ``-device`` instead. The |
| names are the same for most devices. The exceptions are ``hda`` which |
| needs two devices (``-device intel-hda -device hda-duplex``) and |
| ``pcspk`` which can be activated using ``-machine |
| pcspk-audiodev=<name>``. |
| |
| ``-chardev`` backend aliases ``tty`` and ``parport`` (since 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| ``tty`` and ``parport`` are aliases that will be removed. Instead, the |
| actual backend names ``serial`` and ``parallel`` should be used. |
| |
| Short-form boolean options (since 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Boolean options such as ``share=on``/``share=off`` could be written |
| in short form as ``share`` and ``noshare``. This is now deprecated |
| and will cause a warning. |
| |
| ``delay`` option for socket character devices (since 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The replacement for the ``nodelay`` short-form boolean option is ``nodelay=on`` |
| rather than ``delay=off``. |
| |
| ``--enable-fips`` (since 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| This option restricts usage of certain cryptographic algorithms when |
| the host is operating in FIPS mode. |
| |
| If FIPS compliance is required, QEMU should be built with the ``libgcrypt`` |
| library enabled as a cryptography provider. |
| |
| Neither the ``nettle`` library, or the built-in cryptography provider are |
| supported on FIPS enabled hosts. |
| |
| ``-writeconfig`` (since 6.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``-writeconfig`` option is not able to serialize the entire contents |
| of the QEMU command line. It is thus considered a failed experiment |
| and deprecated, with no current replacement. |
| |
| Userspace local APIC with KVM (x86, since 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Using ``-M kernel-irqchip=off`` with x86 machine types that include a local |
| APIC is deprecated. The ``split`` setting is supported, as is using |
| ``-M kernel-irqchip=off`` with the ISA PC machine type. |
| |
| hexadecimal sizes with scaling multipliers (since 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Input parameters that take a size value should only use a size suffix |
| (such as 'k' or 'M') when the base is written in decimal, and not when |
| the value is hexadecimal. That is, '0x20M' is deprecated, and should |
| be written either as '32M' or as '0x2000000'. |
| |
| ``-spice password=string`` (since 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| This option is insecure because the SPICE password remains visible in |
| the process listing. This is replaced by the new ``password-secret`` |
| option which lets the password be securely provided on the command |
| line using a ``secret`` object instance. |
| |
| ``opened`` property of ``rng-*`` objects (since 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The only effect of specifying ``opened=on`` in the command line or QMP |
| ``object-add`` is that the device is opened immediately, possibly before all |
| other options have been processed. This will either have no effect (if |
| ``opened`` was the last option) or cause errors. The property is therefore |
| useless and should not be specified. |
| |
| ``loaded`` property of ``secret`` and ``secret_keyring`` objects (since 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The only effect of specifying ``loaded=on`` in the command line or QMP |
| ``object-add`` is that the secret is loaded immediately, possibly before all |
| other options have been processed. This will either have no effect (if |
| ``loaded`` was the last option) or cause options to be effectively ignored as |
| if they were not given. The property is therefore useless and should not be |
| specified. |
| |
| ``-display sdl,window_close=...`` (since 6.1) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``-display sdl,window-close=...`` instead (i.e. with a minus instead of |
| an underscore between "window" and "close"). |
| |
| ``-alt-grab`` and ``-display sdl,alt_grab=on`` (since 6.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``-display sdl,grab-mod=lshift-lctrl-lalt`` instead. |
| |
| ``-ctrl-grab`` and ``-display sdl,ctrl_grab=on`` (since 6.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``-display sdl,grab-mod=rctrl`` instead. |
| |
| ``-sdl`` (since 6.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``-display sdl`` instead. |
| |
| ``-curses`` (since 6.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``-display curses`` instead. |
| |
| ``-watchdog`` (since 6.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``-device`` instead. |
| |
| ``-smp`` ("parameter=0" SMP configurations) (since 6.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Specified CPU topology parameters must be greater than zero. |
| |
| In the SMP configuration, users should either provide a CPU topology |
| parameter with a reasonable value (greater than zero) or just omit it |
| and QEMU will compute the missing value. |
| |
| However, historically it was implicitly allowed for users to provide |
| a parameter with zero value, which is meaningless and could also possibly |
| cause unexpected results in the -smp parsing. So support for this kind of |
| configurations (e.g. -smp 8,sockets=0) is deprecated since 6.2 and will |
| be removed in the near future, users have to ensure that all the topology |
| members described with -smp are greater than zero. |
| |
| Plugin argument passing through ``arg=<string>`` (since 6.1) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Passing TCG plugins arguments through ``arg=`` is redundant is makes the |
| command-line less readable, especially when the argument itself consist of a |
| name and a value, e.g. ``-plugin plugin_name,arg="arg_name=arg_value"``. |
| Therefore, the usage of ``arg`` is redundant. Single-word arguments are treated |
| as short-form boolean values, and passed to plugins as ``arg_name=on``. |
| However, short-form booleans are deprecated and full explicit ``arg_name=on`` |
| form is preferred. |
| |
| ``-drive if=none`` for the sifive_u OTP device (since 6.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Using ``-drive if=none`` to configure the OTP device of the sifive_u |
| RISC-V machine is deprecated. Use ``-drive if=pflash`` instead. |
| |
| |
| QEMU Machine Protocol (QMP) commands |
| ------------------------------------ |
| |
| ``blockdev-open-tray``, ``blockdev-close-tray`` argument ``device`` (since 2.8) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use argument ``id`` instead. |
| |
| ``eject`` argument ``device`` (since 2.8) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use argument ``id`` instead. |
| |
| ``blockdev-change-medium`` argument ``device`` (since 2.8) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use argument ``id`` instead. |
| |
| ``block_set_io_throttle`` argument ``device`` (since 2.8) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use argument ``id`` instead. |
| |
| ``blockdev-add`` empty string argument ``backing`` (since 2.10) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use argument value ``null`` instead. |
| |
| ``block-commit`` arguments ``base`` and ``top`` (since 3.1) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use arguments ``base-node`` and ``top-node`` instead. |
| |
| ``nbd-server-add`` and ``nbd-server-remove`` (since 5.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use the more generic commands ``block-export-add`` and ``block-export-del`` |
| instead. As part of this deprecation, where ``nbd-server-add`` used a |
| single ``bitmap``, the new ``block-export-add`` uses a list of ``bitmaps``. |
| |
| ``query-qmp-schema`` return value member ``values`` (since 6.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Member ``values`` in return value elements with meta-type ``enum`` is |
| deprecated. Use ``members`` instead. |
| |
| ``drive-backup`` (since 6.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use ``blockdev-backup`` in combination with ``blockdev-add`` instead. |
| This change primarily separates the creation/opening process of the backup |
| target with explicit, separate steps. ``blockdev-backup`` uses mostly the |
| same arguments as ``drive-backup``, except the ``format`` and ``mode`` |
| options are removed in favor of using explicit ``blockdev-create`` and |
| ``blockdev-add`` calls. See :doc:`/interop/live-block-operations` for |
| details. |
| |
| Incorrectly typed ``device_add`` arguments (since 6.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Due to shortcomings in the internal implementation of ``device_add``, QEMU |
| incorrectly accepts certain invalid arguments: Any object or list arguments are |
| silently ignored. Other argument types are not checked, but an implicit |
| conversion happens, so that e.g. string values can be assigned to integer |
| device properties or vice versa. |
| |
| This is a bug in QEMU that will be fixed in the future so that previously |
| accepted incorrect commands will return an error. Users should make sure that |
| all arguments passed to ``device_add`` are consistent with the documented |
| property types. |
| |
| ``query-sgx`` return value member ``section-size`` (since 7.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Member ``section-size`` in return value elements with meta-type ``uint64`` is |
| deprecated. Use ``sections`` instead. |
| |
| |
| ``query-sgx-capabilities`` return value member ``section-size`` (since 7.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Member ``section-size`` in return value elements with meta-type ``uint64`` is |
| deprecated. Use ``sections`` instead. |
| |
| System accelerators |
| ------------------- |
| |
| MIPS ``Trap-and-Emul`` KVM support (since 6.0) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The MIPS ``Trap-and-Emul`` KVM host and guest support has been removed |
| from Linux upstream kernel, declare it deprecated. |
| |
| System emulator CPUS |
| -------------------- |
| |
| ``Icelake-Client`` CPU Model (since 5.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| ``Icelake-Client`` CPU Models are deprecated. Use ``Icelake-Server`` CPU |
| Models instead. |
| |
| MIPS ``I7200`` CPU Model (since 5.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``I7200`` guest CPU relies on the nanoMIPS ISA, which is deprecated |
| (the ISA has never been upstreamed to a compiler toolchain). Therefore |
| this CPU is also deprecated. |
| |
| |
| QEMU API (QAPI) events |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| ``MEM_UNPLUG_ERROR`` (since 6.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Use the more generic event ``DEVICE_UNPLUG_GUEST_ERROR`` instead. |
| |
| |
| System emulator machines |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| Aspeed ``swift-bmc`` machine (since 6.1) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| This machine is deprecated because we have enough AST2500 based OpenPOWER |
| machines. It can be easily replaced by the ``witherspoon-bmc`` or the |
| ``romulus-bmc`` machines. |
| |
| PPC 405 ``taihu`` machine (since 7.0) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The PPC 405 CPU is a system-on-a-chip, so all 405 machines are very similar, |
| except for some external periphery. However, the periphery of the ``taihu`` |
| machine is hardly emulated at all (e.g. neither the LCD nor the USB part had |
| been implemented), so there is not much value added by this board. Use the |
| ``ref405ep`` machine instead. |
| |
| Backend options |
| --------------- |
| |
| Using non-persistent backing file with pmem=on (since 6.1) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| This option is used when ``memory-backend-file`` is consumed by emulated NVDIMM |
| device. However enabling ``memory-backend-file.pmem`` option, when backing file |
| is (a) not DAX capable or (b) not on a filesystem that support direct mapping |
| of persistent memory, is not safe and may lead to data loss or corruption in case |
| of host crash. |
| Options are: |
| |
| - modify VM configuration to set ``pmem=off`` to continue using fake NVDIMM |
| (without persistence guaranties) with backing file on non DAX storage |
| - move backing file to NVDIMM storage and keep ``pmem=on`` |
| (to have NVDIMM with persistence guaranties). |
| |
| Device options |
| -------------- |
| |
| Emulated device options |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| ``-device virtio-blk,scsi=on|off`` (since 5.0) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The virtio-blk SCSI passthrough feature is a legacy VIRTIO feature. VIRTIO 1.0 |
| and later do not support it because the virtio-scsi device was introduced for |
| full SCSI support. Use virtio-scsi instead when SCSI passthrough is required. |
| |
| Note this also applies to ``-device virtio-blk-pci,scsi=on|off``, which is an |
| alias. |
| |
| ``-device sga`` (since 6.2) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The ``sga`` device loads an option ROM for x86 targets which enables |
| SeaBIOS to send messages to the serial console. SeaBIOS 1.11.0 onwards |
| contains native support for this feature and thus use of the option |
| ROM approach is obsolete. The native SeaBIOS support can be activated |
| by using ``-machine graphics=off``. |
| |
| |
| Block device options |
| '''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| ``"backing": ""`` (since 2.12) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| In order to prevent QEMU from automatically opening an image's backing |
| chain, use ``"backing": null`` instead. |
| |
| ``rbd`` keyvalue pair encoded filenames: ``""`` (since 3.1) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Options for ``rbd`` should be specified according to its runtime options, |
| like other block drivers. Legacy parsing of keyvalue pair encoded |
| filenames is useful to open images with the old format for backing files; |
| These image files should be updated to use the current format. |
| |
| Example of legacy encoding:: |
| |
| json:{"file.driver":"rbd", "file.filename":"rbd:rbd/name"} |
| |
| The above, converted to the current supported format:: |
| |
| json:{"file.driver":"rbd", "file.pool":"rbd", "file.image":"name"} |
| |
| linux-user mode CPUs |
| -------------------- |
| |
| ``ppc64abi32`` CPUs (since 5.2) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``ppc64abi32`` architecture has a number of issues which regularly |
| trip up our CI testing and is suspected to be quite broken. For that |
| reason the maintainers strongly suspect no one actually uses it. |
| |
| MIPS ``I7200`` CPU (since 5.2) |
| '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``I7200`` guest CPU relies on the nanoMIPS ISA, which is deprecated |
| (the ISA has never been upstreamed to a compiler toolchain). Therefore |
| this CPU is also deprecated. |
| |
| Backwards compatibility |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| Runnability guarantee of CPU models (since 4.1) |
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
| |
| Previous versions of QEMU never changed existing CPU models in |
| ways that introduced additional host software or hardware |
| requirements to the VM. This allowed management software to |
| safely change the machine type of an existing VM without |
| introducing new requirements ("runnability guarantee"). This |
| prevented CPU models from being updated to include CPU |
| vulnerability mitigations, leaving guests vulnerable in the |
| default configuration. |
| |
| The CPU model runnability guarantee won't apply anymore to |
| existing CPU models. Management software that needs runnability |
| guarantees must resolve the CPU model aliases using the |
| ``alias-of`` field returned by the ``query-cpu-definitions`` QMP |
| command. |
| |
| While those guarantees are kept, the return value of |
| ``query-cpu-definitions`` will have existing CPU model aliases |
| point to a version that doesn't break runnability guarantees |
| (specifically, version 1 of those CPU models). In future QEMU |
| versions, aliases will point to newer CPU model versions |
| depending on the machine type, so management software must |
| resolve CPU model aliases before starting a virtual machine. |
| |
| Guest Emulator ISAs |
| ------------------- |
| |
| nanoMIPS ISA |
| '''''''''''' |
| |
| The ``nanoMIPS`` ISA has never been upstreamed to any compiler toolchain. |
| As it is hard to generate binaries for it, declare it deprecated. |