blob: 652525d9683ceb9887356ea8d137426300aba2c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Creation Date: <2000/09/03 23:04:27 samuel>
* Time-stamp: <2000/09/04 01:23:55 samuel>
* <hfs_mdb.h>
* HFS Master Directory Block (MDB)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation
#ifndef _H_HFS_MDB
#define _H_HFS_MDB
#include "libc/byteorder.h"
typedef unsigned char hfs_char_t;
typedef unsigned char hfs_ushort_t[2];
typedef unsigned char hfs_uint_t[4];
static inline unsigned short hfs_get_ushort(hfs_ushort_t addr)
return __be16_to_cpu(*((unsigned short *)(addr)));
static inline unsigned int hfs_get_uint(hfs_uint_t addr)
return __be32_to_cpu(*((unsigned int *)(addr)));
* The HFS Master Directory Block (MDB).
* Also known as the Volume Information Block (VIB), this structure is
* the HFS equivalent of a superblock.
* Reference: _Inside Macintosh: Files_ pages 2-59 through 2-62
* modified for HFS Extended
typedef struct hfs_mdb {
hfs_ushort_t drSigWord; /* Signature word indicating fs type */
hfs_uint_t drCrDate; /* fs creation date/time */
hfs_uint_t drLsMod; /* fs modification date/time */
hfs_ushort_t drAtrb; /* fs attributes */
hfs_ushort_t drNmFls; /* number of files in root directory */
hfs_ushort_t drVBMSt; /* location (in 512-byte blocks)
of the volume bitmap */
hfs_ushort_t drAllocPtr; /* location (in allocation blocks)
to begin next allocation search */
hfs_ushort_t drNmAlBlks; /* number of allocation blocks */
hfs_uint_t drAlBlkSiz; /* bytes in an allocation block */
hfs_uint_t drClpSiz; /* clumpsize, the number of bytes to
allocate when extending a file */
hfs_ushort_t drAlBlSt; /* location (in 512-byte blocks)
of the first allocation block */
hfs_uint_t drNxtCNID; /* CNID to assign to the next
file or directory created */
hfs_ushort_t drFreeBks; /* number of free allocation blocks */
hfs_char_t drVN[28]; /* the volume label */
hfs_uint_t drVolBkUp; /* fs backup date/time */
hfs_ushort_t drVSeqNum; /* backup sequence number */
hfs_uint_t drWrCnt; /* fs write count */
hfs_uint_t drXTClpSiz; /* clumpsize for the extents B-tree */
hfs_uint_t drCTClpSiz; /* clumpsize for the catalog B-tree */
hfs_ushort_t drNmRtDirs; /* number of directories in
the root directory */
hfs_uint_t drFilCnt; /* number of files in the fs */
hfs_uint_t drDirCnt; /* number of directories in the fs */
hfs_char_t drFndrInfo[32]; /* data used by the Finder */
hfs_ushort_t drEmbedSigWord; /* embedded volume signature */
hfs_uint_t drEmbedExtent; /* starting block number (xdrStABN)
and number of allocation blocks
(xdrNumABlks) occupied by embedded
volume */
hfs_uint_t drXTFlSize; /* bytes in the extents B-tree */
hfs_char_t drXTExtRec[12]; /* extents B-tree's first 3 extents */
hfs_uint_t drCTFlSize; /* bytes in the catalog B-tree */
hfs_char_t drCTExtRec[12]; /* catalog B-tree's first 3 extents */
} hfs_mdb_t;
#define HFS_PLUS_SIGNATURE 0x482b /* 'H+' */
#define HFS_SIGNATURE 0x4244 /* HFS / embedded HFS+ */
typedef struct hfs_plus_mdb
unsigned short signature;
unsigned short version;
unsigned int attributes;
unsigned int lastMountedVersion;
unsigned int reserved;
unsigned int createDate;
unsigned int modifyDate;
unsigned int backupDate;
unsigned int checkedDate;
unsigned int fileCount;
unsigned int folderCount;
unsigned int blockSize;
unsigned int totalBlocks;
unsigned int freeBlocks;
unsigned int nextAllocation;
unsigned int rsrcClumpSize;
unsigned int dataClumpSize;
/* ... there are more fields here ... */
} hfs_plus_mdb_t;
#endif /* _H_HFS_MDB */