blob: 03f5fde1f000bfaef9ea49aaeba9bb485cfd5c7e [file] [log] [blame]
\ tag: initialize builtin functionality
\ Copyright (C) 2003 Stefan Reinauer
\ See the file "COPYING" for further information about
\ the copyright and warranty status of this work.
: init-builtin-terminal ( -- )
\ define key, key? and emit
['] (key) ['] key (to)
['] (key?) ['] key? (to)
['] (emit) ['] emit (to)
\ 2 bytes band guard on each side
100 #ib !
#ib @ dup ( -- ibs ibs )
cell+ alloc-mem ( -- ibs addr )
dup -rot ( -- addr ibs addr )
/w + ['] ib (to) \ assign input buffer
0 fill \ erase tib
0 ['] source-id (to) \ builtin terminal has id 0