blob: 6fa4a2cc7c461a8c203a6df3f959546b9d609e8f [file] [log] [blame]
\ tag: forth memory allocation
\ Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Stefan Reinauer
\ See the file "COPYING" for further information about
\ the copyright and warranty status of this work.
\ memory allocation
\ these need to be initialized by the forth kernel by now.
variable start-mem 0 start-mem ! \ start of memory
variable end-mem 0 end-mem ! \ end of memory
variable free-list 0 free-list ! \ free list head
\ initialize necessary variables and write a valid
\ free-list entry containing all of the memory.
\ start-mem: pointer to start of memory.
\ end-mem: pointer to end of memory.
\ free-list: head of linked free list
: init-mem ( start-addr size )
over dup
start-mem ! \ write start-mem
free-list ! \ write first freelist entry
2dup /n - swap ! \ write 'len' entry
over cell+ 0 swap ! \ write 'next' entry
+ end-mem ! \ write end-mem
\ --------------------------------------------------------------------
\ return pointer to smallest free block that contains
\ at least nb bytes and the block previous the the
\ actual block. On failure the pointer to the smallest
\ free block is 0.
: smallest-free-block ( nb -- prev ptr | 0 0 )
0 free-list @
fffffff 0 0 >r >r >r
( nb prev pp R: best_nb best_pp )
dup @ 3 pick r@ within if
( nb prev pp )
r> r> r> 3drop \ drop old smallest
2dup >r >r dup @ >r \ new smallest
nip dup \ prev = pp
cell + @ \ pp = pp->next
3drop r> drop r> r>
\ --------------------------------------------------------------------
\ allocate size bytes of memory
\ return pointer to memory (or throws an exception on failure).
: alloc-mem ( size -- addr )
\ make it legal (and fast) to allocate 0 bytes
dup 0= if exit then
aligned \ keep memory aligned.
dup smallest-free-block \ look up smallest free block.
dup 0= if
\ 2drop
-15 throw \ out of memory
( al-size prev addr )
\ If the smallest fitting block found is bigger than
\ the size of the requested block plus 2*cellsize we
\ can split the block in 2 parts. otherwise return a
\ slightly bigger block than requested.
dup @ ( d->len ) 3 pick cell+ cell+ > if
\ splitting the block in 2 pieces.
\ new block = old block + len field + size of requested mem
dup 3 pick cell+ + ( al-size prev addr nd )
\ new block len = old block len - req. mem size - 1 cell
over @ ( al-size prev addr nd addr->len )
4 pick ( ... al-size )
cell+ - ( al-size prev addr nd nd nd->len )
over ! ( al-size prev addr nd )
over cell+ @ ( al-size prev addr nd addr->next )
\ write addr->next to nd->next
over cell+ ! ( al-size prev addr nd )
over 4 pick swap !
\ don't split the block, it's too small.
dup cell+ @
( al-size prev addr nd )
\ If the free block we got is the first one rewrite free-list
\ pointer instead of the previous entry's next field.
rot dup 0= if drop free-list else cell+ then
( al-size addr nd prev->next|fl )
nip cell+ \ remove al-size and skip len field of returned pointer
\ --------------------------------------------------------------------
\ free block given by addr. The length of the
\ given block is stored at addr - cellsize.
\ merge with blocks to the left and right
\ immediately, if they are free.
: free-mem ( addr len -- )
\ we define that it is legal to free 0-byte areas
0= if drop exit then
( addr )
\ check if the address to free is somewhere within
\ our available memory. This fails badly on discontigmem
\ architectures. If we need more RAM than fits on one
\ contiguous memory area we are too bloated anyways. ;)
dup start-mem @ end-mem @ within 0= if
\ ." free-mem: no such memory: 0x" u. cr
/n - \ get real block address
0 free-list @ ( addr prev l )
begin \ now scan the free list
dup 0<> if \ only check len, if block ptr != 0
dup dup @ cell+ + 3 pick <
nip dup \ prev=l
cell+ @ \ l=l->next
( addr prev l )
dup 0<> if \ do we have free memory to merge with?
dup dup @ cell+ + 3 pick = if \ hole hit. adding bytes.
\ freeaddr = end of current block -> merge
( addr prev l )
rot @ cell+ ( prev l f->len+cellsize )
over @ + \ add l->len
over ! ( prev l )
swap over cell+ @ \ f = l; l = l->next;
\ The free list is sorted by addresses. When merging at the
\ start of our block we might also want to merge at the end
\ of it. Therefore we fall through to the next border check
\ instead of returning.
true \ fallthrough value
false \ no fallthrough
>r \ store fallthrough on ret stack
( addr prev l )
dup 3 pick dup @ cell+ + = if \ hole hit. real merging.
\ current block starts where block to free ends.
\ end of free block addr = current block -> merge and exit
( addr prev l )
2 pick dup @ ( f f->len )
2 pick @ cell+ + ( f newlen )
swap ! ( addr prev l )
3dup drop
0= if
2 pick cell+
then ( value prev->next|free-list )
! ( addr prev l )
cell+ @ rot ( prev l->next addr )
cell+ ! drop
r> drop exit \ clean up return stack
r> if 3drop exit then \ fallthrough? -> exit
\ loose block - hang it before current.
( addr prev l )
\ hang block to free in front of the current entry.
dup 3 pick cell+ ! \ f->next = l;
free-list @ = if \ is block to free new list head?
over free-list !
( addr prev )
dup 0<> if \ if (prev) prev->next=f
cell+ !
2drop \ no fixup needed. clean up.