blob: e19c47fb45b01107c680f7a0be390fae41eef8cf [file] [log] [blame]
project('Inclusive', 'fortran',
meson_version: '>= 0.51.1')
cm = import('cmake')
hier_exe = executable('include_hierarchy', 'include_hierarchy.f90')
test('Fortran include file hierarchy', hier_exe)
syntax_exe = executable('include_syntax', 'include_syntax.f90')
test('Fortran include file syntax', syntax_exe)
# older CI runs into problems with too-old Ninja and CMake and Fortran
ninja_version = run_command('ninja', '--version', check: true).stdout().strip()
cmake_version = run_command('cmake', '--version', check: true).stdout().split()[2]
if ninja_version.version_compare('>=1.10.0') and cmake_version.version_compare('>=3.17.0')
message('SKIP: CMake Fortran subproject with include. Ninja >= 1.10 and CMake >= 3.17 needed. You have Ninja ' + ninja_version + ' and CMake ' + cmake_version)