blob: 7deff4035b6b2959482a8509d3266ed1e7028601 [file] [log] [blame]
gen = find_program('codegen') # Should use overridden value set in "subdir".
src = custom_target('arrival',
input : 'source.desc',
output : 'file.c',
command : [gen, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']
e = executable('six', 'main.c', src)
test('six', e)
# Override stuff with an executables
meson.override_find_program('six_meson_exe', e)
# The same again, but this time with a program that was generated
# with configure_file.
gen = find_program('gencodegen')
src = custom_target('hundred',
input : 'source2.desc',
output : 'file2.c',
command : [gen, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']
e = executable('hundred', 'main2.c', src)
test('hundred', e)