blob: ce1d4b8e19212ff1298712a5719c38bc28c9ce2b [file] [log] [blame]
project('subproject targets', 'c')
if meson.backend() == 'xcode'
error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: many targets with the same name not supported in Xcode. Patches welcome.')
# Idea behind this test is to create targets with identical name
# but different output files. We can do this by choosing different
# name_prefix of libraries. Target id does not depend on name_prefix.
main_foo = static_library('foo', 'foo.c', name_prefix : 'main')
subproj_foo = subproject('subproj').get_variable('foo')
exe = executable('prog', 'main.c', link_with : [main_foo, subproj_foo])
test('main test', exe)