blob: 8bc3f434057993373413c3e91f7252aabd6cd70d [file] [log] [blame]
project('llvm-ir', 'c', 'cpp')
if meson.backend() == 'xcode'
error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: asm not supported with the Xcode backend. Patches welcome.')
cpu = host_machine.cpu_family()
supported_cpus = ['arm', 'aarch64', 'x86', 'x86_64']
foreach lang : ['c', 'cpp']
cc = meson.get_compiler(lang)
cc_id = cc.get_id()
## Build a trivial executable with mixed LLVM IR source
if cc_id == 'clang'
e = executable('square_ir_' + lang, 'square.ll', 'main.' + lang)
test('test IR square' + lang, e)
## Build a trivial executable with mixed assembly source
# This also helps test whether cc.symbols_have_underscore_prefix() is working
# properly. This is done by assembling some assembly into an object that will
# provide the unsigned_squared() symbol to main.c/cpp. This requires the
# C symbol mangling to be known in advance.
if cc.symbols_have_underscore_prefix()
message('underscore is prefixed')
uscore_args = []
message('underscore is NOT prefixed')
square_base = 'square-' + cpu
square_impl = square_base + '.S'
# MSVC cannot directly compile assembly files, so we pass it through the
# cl.exe pre-processor first and then assemble it with ml.exe or armasm.exe
# assembler. Then we can link it into the executable.
if cc.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc'
cl = cc.cmd_array()
if cpu == 'x86'
asmcmd = 'ml'
elif cpu == 'x86_64'
asmcmd = 'ml64'
elif cpu == 'aarch64'
asmcmd = 'armasm64'
elif cpu == 'arm'
asmcmd = 'armasm'
error('Unsupported cpu family: "' + cpu + '"')
ml = find_program(asmcmd, required: false)
if not ml.found()
error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: Microsoft assembler (ml/armasm) not found')
# Preprocess file (ml doesn't support pre-processing)
# Force the input to be C (/Tc) because ICL otherwise assumes it's an object (.obj) file
preproc_name = lang + square_base + '.i'
square_preproc = custom_target(lang + square_impl + 'preproc',
input : square_impl,
output : preproc_name,
command : [cl, '/nologo', '/EP', '/P', '/Fi' + preproc_name, '/Tc', '@INPUT@'] + uscore_args)
# Use assembled object file instead of the original .S assembly source
if asmcmd.startswith('armasm')
square_impl = custom_target(lang + square_impl,
input : square_preproc,
output : lang + square_base + '.obj',
command : [ml, '-nologo', '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'])
square_impl = custom_target(lang + square_impl,
input : square_preproc,
output : lang + square_base + '.obj',
command : [ml, '/nologo', '/safeseh', '/Fo', '@OUTPUT@', '/c', '@INPUT@'])
if supported_cpus.contains(cpu)
e = executable('square_asm_' + lang, square_impl, 'main.' + lang,
c_args : uscore_args, cpp_args : uscore_args)
test('test ASM square' + lang, e)
elif cc_id != 'clang'
error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: Unsupported cpu: "' + cpu + '", and LLVM not found')