blob: 1e2a3493ad834c644752f7e29f2a3614cff7aef2 [file] [log] [blame]
name: subdir_done
returns: void
since: 0.46.0
description: |
Stops further interpretation of the Meson script file from the point
of the invocation. All steps executed up to this point are valid and
will be executed by Meson. This means that all targets defined before
the call of [[subdir_done]] will be build.
If the current script was called by `subdir` the execution returns to
the calling directory and continues as if the script had reached the
end. If the current script is the top level script Meson configures
the project as defined up to this point.
example: |
project('example exit', 'cpp')
executable('exe1', 'exe1.cpp')
executable('exe2', 'exe2.cpp')
The executable `exe1` will be build, while the executable `exe2` is not