blob: df045a10463665f84e3f8da8793655ca1708c9d4 [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2019 The Meson development team
from __future__ import annotations
from . import coredata as cdata
from .mesonlib import MachineChoice, OptionKey
import os.path
import pprint
import textwrap
# Note: when adding arguments, please also add them to the completion
# scripts in $MESONSRC/data/shell-completions/
def add_arguments(parser):
parser.add_argument('--all', action='store_true', dest='all', default=False,
help='Show data not used by current backend.')
parser.add_argument('builddir', nargs='?', default='.', help='The build directory')
def dump_compilers(compilers):
for lang, compiler in compilers.items():
print(' ' + lang + ':')
print(' Id: ' +
print(' Command: ' + ' '.join(compiler.exelist))
if compiler.full_version:
print(' Full version: ' + compiler.full_version)
if compiler.version:
print(' Detected version: ' + compiler.version)
def dump_guids(d):
for name, value in d.items():
print(' ' + name + ': ' + value)
def run(options):
datadir = 'meson-private'
if options.builddir is not None:
datadir = os.path.join(options.builddir, datadir)
if not os.path.isdir(datadir):
print('Current directory is not a build dir. Please specify it or '
'change the working directory to it.')
return 1
all_backends = options.all
print('This is a dump of the internal unstable cache of meson. This is for debugging only.')
print('Do NOT parse, this will change from version to version in incompatible ways')
coredata = cdata.load(options.builddir)
backend = coredata.get_option(OptionKey('backend'))
for k, v in sorted(coredata.__dict__.items()):
if k in {'backend_options', 'base_options', 'builtins', 'compiler_options', 'user_options'}:
# use `meson configure` to view these
elif k in {'install_guid', 'test_guid', 'regen_guid'}:
if all_backends or backend.startswith('vs'):
print(k + ': ' + v)
elif k == 'target_guids':
if all_backends or backend.startswith('vs'):
print(k + ':')
elif k == 'lang_guids':
if all_backends or backend.startswith('vs') or backend == 'xcode':
print(k + ':')
elif k == 'meson_command':
if all_backends or backend.startswith('vs'):
print('Meson command used in build file regeneration: ' + ' '.join(v))
elif k == 'pkgconf_envvar':
print('Last seen PKGCONFIG environment variable value: ' + v)
elif k == 'version':
print('Meson version: ' + v)
elif k == 'cross_files':
if v:
print('Cross File: ' + ' '.join(v))
elif k == 'config_files':
if v:
print('Native File: ' + ' '.join(v))
elif k == 'compilers':
for for_machine in MachineChoice:
print('Cached {} machine compilers:'.format(
elif k == 'deps':
def print_dep(dep_key, dep):
print(' ' + dep_key[0][1] + ": ")
print(' compile args: ' + repr(dep.get_compile_args()))
print(' link args: ' + repr(dep.get_link_args()))
if dep.get_sources():
print(' sources: ' + repr(dep.get_sources()))
print(' version: ' + repr(dep.get_version()))
for for_machine in iter(MachineChoice):
items_list = sorted(v[for_machine].items())
if items_list:
print(f'Cached dependencies for {for_machine.get_lower_case_name()} machine')
for dep_key, deps in items_list:
for dep in deps:
print_dep(dep_key, dep)
print(k + ':')
print(textwrap.indent(pprint.pformat(v), ' '))