blob: edd3688f23f710da57a7ac9066e40a7e53189089 [file] [log] [blame]
project('has function xcode8', 'c')
cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
# XCode 8 location for the macOS 10.12 SDK
sdk_args = ['-isysroot', '/Applications/']
args_10_11 = ['-mmacosx-version-min=10.11'] + sdk_args
args_10_12 = ['-mmacosx-version-min=10.12'] + sdk_args
# XCode 9 location for the macOS 10.13 SDK
sdk_args = ['-isysroot', '/Applications/']
args_10_12 = ['-mmacosx-version-min=10.13'] + sdk_args
# Test requires XCode 8 which has the MacOSX 10.12 SDK
if cc.version().version_compare('>=8.0') and cc.version().version_compare('<8.1')
if cc.has_function('clock_gettime', args : args_10_11, prefix : '#include <time.h>')
error('Should not have found clock_gettime via <time.h> when targeting Mac OS X 10.11')
if not cc.has_function('clock_gettime', args : args_10_12, prefix : '#include <time.h>')
error('Did NOT find clock_gettime via <time.h> when targeting Mac OS X 10.12')
if not cc.has_function('clock_gettime', args : args_10_11)
error('Did NOT find clock_gettime w/o a prototype when targeting Mac OS X 10.11')
if not cc.has_function('clock_gettime', args : args_10_12)
error('Did NOT find clock_gettime w/o a prototype when targeting Mac OS X 10.12')
error('MESON_SKIP_TEST Test needs XCode 8.')