| #!/usr/bin/env python3 |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| # Copyright 2017-2021 The Meson development team |
| |
| import subprocess |
| import shutil, sys, os |
| from glob import glob |
| |
| import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET |
| |
| sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) |
| from mesonbuild import coredata |
| |
| class PkgGenerator: |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| self.pkg_dir = 'macpkg' |
| self.sharedir = os.path.join(self.pkg_dir, 'usr/local/share') |
| self.bindir = os.path.join(self.pkg_dir, 'usr/local/bin') |
| self.product_name = 'Meson Build System' |
| self.identifier = 'com.mesonbuild.meson' |
| self.version = coredata.version.replace('dev', '') |
| self.mesonstashdir = os.path.join(self.sharedir, f'meson-{self.version}') |
| self.pkgname = 'meson.pkg' |
| self.productname = f'meson-{self.version}.pkg' |
| self.distribution_file = 'meson-distribution.xml' |
| self.resourcedir = 'packaging/macpages' |
| |
| def build_dist(self): |
| if os.path.exists(self.pkg_dir): |
| shutil.rmtree(self.pkg_dir) |
| os.mkdir(self.pkg_dir) |
| pyinstaller_bin = glob('/Users/jpakkane/Library/Python/*/bin/pyinstaller') |
| if len(pyinstaller_bin) != 1: |
| sys.exit('Could not determine unique installer.') |
| pyinstaller_bin = pyinstaller_bin[0] |
| pyinst_cmd = [pyinstaller_bin, |
| '--clean', |
| '--additional-hooks-dir=packaging', |
| '--distpath', |
| self.pkg_dir] |
| pyinst_cmd += ['meson.py'] |
| subprocess.check_call(pyinst_cmd) |
| tmpdir = os.path.join(self.pkg_dir, 'meson') |
| shutil.move(tmpdir, self.mesonstashdir) |
| os.makedirs(self.bindir) |
| ln_base = os.path.relpath(self.mesonstashdir, self.bindir) |
| ninja_bin = shutil.which('ninja') |
| assert ninja_bin |
| shutil.copy(ninja_bin, self.bindir) |
| subprocess.check_call(['strip', os.path.join(self.bindir, 'ninja')]) |
| os.symlink(os.path.join(ln_base, 'meson'), os.path.join(self.bindir, 'meson')) |
| |
| def build_package(self): |
| subprocess.check_call(['pkgbuild', |
| '--root', |
| self.pkg_dir, |
| '--identifier', |
| self.identifier, |
| self.pkgname]) |
| self.generate_distribution() |
| subprocess.check_call(['productbuild', |
| '--distribution', |
| self.distribution_file, |
| '--resources', |
| self.resourcedir, |
| self.productname]) |
| |
| def generate_distribution(self): |
| root = ET.Element('installer-gui-script', {'minSpecVersion': '1'}) |
| ET.SubElement(root, 'welcome', {'file': 'welcome.html', |
| 'mime-type': 'text/html'}) |
| ET.SubElement(root, 'license', {'file': 'license.html', |
| 'mime-type': 'text/html'}) |
| ET.SubElement(root, 'conclusion', {'file': 'conclusion.html', |
| 'mime-type': 'text/html'}) |
| ET.SubElement(root, 'pkg-ref', {'id': self.identifier}) |
| ET.SubElement(root, 'options', {'customize': 'never', |
| 'require-scripts': 'false', |
| 'hostArchitectures': 'x86_64,arm64'}) |
| choices_outline = ET.SubElement(root, 'choices-outline') |
| line = ET.SubElement(choices_outline, 'line', {'choice': 'default'}) |
| ET.SubElement(line, 'line', {'choice': self.identifier}) |
| ET.SubElement(root, 'choice', {'id': 'default'}) |
| choice = ET.SubElement(root, 'choice', {'id': self.identifier, 'visible': 'false'}) |
| ET.SubElement(choice, 'pkg-ref', {'id': self.identifier}) |
| ET.SubElement(root, 'pkg-ref', {'id': self.identifier, |
| 'version': '0', # self.version, |
| 'onConclusion': 'none'}).text = self.pkgname |
| ET.ElementTree(root).write(self.distribution_file, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True) |
| # ElementTree cannot do pretty-printing, so do it manually |
| import xml.dom.minidom |
| doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.distribution_file) |
| with open(self.distribution_file, 'w') as open_file: |
| open_file.write(doc.toprettyxml()) |
| |
| def remove_tempfiles(self): |
| shutil.rmtree('macpkg') |
| os.unlink('meson-distribution.xml') |
| os.unlink('meson.pkg') |
| os.unlink('meson.spec') |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| if not os.path.exists('meson.py'): |
| sys.exit(print('Run me in the top level source dir.')) |
| subprocess.check_call(['pip3', 'install', '--user', '--upgrade', 'pyinstaller']) |
| |
| pg = PkgGenerator() |
| pg.build_dist() |
| pg.build_package() |
| pg.remove_tempfiles() |