blob: fddee2bc2a29569b40bcb30247f165b5afb47e9b [file] [log] [blame]
project('generated llvm ir', 'c')
if meson.get_compiler('c').get_id() != 'clang'
error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: LLVM IR files can only be built with clang')
if meson.backend() == 'xcode'
error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: LLVM ir not supported with the Xcode backend. Patches welcome.')
copy = find_program('')
copygen = generator(copy,
arguments : ['@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],
output : '@BASENAME@')
l = library('square-gen', copygen.process(''))
test('square-gen-test', executable('square-gen-test', 'main.c', link_with : l))
copyct = custom_target('square',
input : '',
output : 'square.ll',
command : [copy, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'])
l = library('square-ct', copyct)
test('square-ct-test', executable('square-ct-test', 'main.c', link_with : l))