blob: e6063359552990622d5cd8d8117dd9cc83b51557 [file] [log] [blame]
project('subproject isolation', ['c', 'cpp'])
if not find_program('cmake', required: false).found()
error('MESON_SKIP_TEST CMake is not installed')
incdir = meson.source_root() / 'incDir'
cm = import('cmake')
# This should generate a warning and the include dir should be skipped.
sub_pro = cm.subproject('cmMod', cmake_options : [ '-DMESON_INC_DIR=' + incdir ])
sub_dep = sub_pro.dependency('cmModLib++')
# Since the include dir is skipped, the compilation of this project should fail.
exe1 = executable('main', ['main.cpp'], dependencies: [sub_dep])
test('test1', exe1)