blob: 89de9506e27ee9cee15a9dd8af38e3ebb9eaeb5b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pathlib import Path
import typing as T
root = Path(__file__).absolute().parent
mesonbuild = root / 'mesonbuild'
whitelist = ['mesonbuild/', 'run_', 'ci/', 'tools/', 'docs/']
def check_missing_encoding(lines: T.List[str], path: str) -> int:
errors = 0
functions = ['read_text', 'write_text', 'open']
for num, line in enumerate(lines):
for func in functions:
l = line
# Skip ignored lines
if '[ignore encoding]' in l:
# Do we have a match?
loc = l.find(func + '(')
if loc < 0:
if loc > 0 and ord(l[loc-1].lower()) in [*range(ord('a'), ord('z')), *range(ord('0'), ord('9')), '_']:
loc += len(func) + 1
# Some preprocessign to make parsing easier
l = l[loc:]
l = l.replace(' ', '')
l = l.replace('\t', '')
l = l.replace('\n', '')
l = l.replace('\'', '"')
# Parameter begin
args = ''
b_open = 1
while l:
c = l[0]
l = l[1:]
if c == ')':
b_open -= 1
if b_open == 0:
elif b_open == 1:
args += c
if c == '(':
b_open += 1
binary_modes = ['rb', 'br', 'r+b', 'wb', 'bw', 'ab', 'ba']
is_binary = any([f'"{x}"' in args for x in binary_modes])
if 'encoding=' not in args and not (func == 'open' and is_binary):
location = f'\x1b[33;1m[\x1b[0;1m{path}:{num+1}\x1b[33m]\x1b[0m'
#print(f'{location:<64}: \x1b[31;1mERROR:\x1b[0m Missing `encoding=` parameter in "{line.strip()}"')
print(f'{location:<72}: \x1b[31;1mERROR:\x1b[0m Missing `encoding=` parameter in `{func}` call')
errors += 1
return errors
def main() -> int:
print('Scanning mesonbuild...')
errors = 0
for i in sorted(root.glob('**/*.py')):
raw = i.read_text(encoding='utf-8')
lines = raw.splitlines()
filename = i.relative_to(root).as_posix()
if not any([filename.startswith(x) for x in whitelist]):
errors += check_missing_encoding(lines, filename)
print(f'Found {errors} errors while scanning mesonbuild')
return 0 if errors == 0 else 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
raise SystemExit(main())