blob: 27290a1f69d57f62530aaab14e2ae6d262609eb4 [file] [log] [blame]
project('has arg', 'c', 'cpp')
cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp')
if cc.get_id() == 'msvc'
is_arg = '/O2'
useless = '/DFOO'
is_arg = '-O2'
useless = '-DFOO'
isnt_arg = '-fiambroken'
assert(cc.has_argument(is_arg), 'Arg that should have worked does not work.')
assert(not cc.has_argument(isnt_arg), 'Arg that should be broken is not.')
assert(cpp.has_argument(is_arg), 'Arg that should have worked does not work.')
assert(not cpp.has_argument(isnt_arg), 'Arg that should be broken is not.')
assert(cc.get_supported_arguments([is_arg, isnt_arg, useless]) == [is_arg, useless], 'Arg filtering returned different result.')
assert(cpp.get_supported_arguments([is_arg, isnt_arg, useless]) == [is_arg, useless], 'Arg filtering returned different result.')
# Have useless at the end to ensure that the search goes from front to back.
l1 = cc.first_supported_argument([isnt_arg, is_arg, isnt_arg, useless])
l2 = cc.first_supported_argument(isnt_arg, isnt_arg, isnt_arg)
assert(l1.length() == 1, 'First supported returned wrong result.')
assert(l1.get(0) == is_arg, 'First supported returned wrong argument.')
assert(l2.length() == 0, 'First supported did not return empty array.')
l1 = cpp.first_supported_argument([isnt_arg, is_arg, isnt_arg, useless])
l2 = cpp.first_supported_argument(isnt_arg, isnt_arg, isnt_arg)
assert(l1.length() == 1, 'First supported returned wrong result.')
assert(l1.get(0) == is_arg, 'First supported returned wrong argument.')
assert(l2.length() == 0, 'First supported did not return empty array.')
if cc.get_id() == 'gcc'
pre_arg = '-Wformat'
anti_pre_arg = '-Wno-format'
arg = '-Werror=format-security'
assert(not cc.has_multi_arguments([anti_pre_arg, arg]), 'Arg that should be broken is not.')
assert(cc.has_multi_arguments(pre_arg), 'Arg that should have worked does not work.')
assert(cc.has_multi_arguments([pre_arg, arg]), 'Arg that should have worked does not work.')
if cc.get_id() == 'clang' and cc.version().version_compare('<=4.0.0')
# 4.0.0 does not support -fpeel-loops. Newer versions may.
# Please adjust above version number as new versions of clang are released.
notyet_arg = '-fpeel-loops'
assert(not cc.has_argument(notyet_arg), 'Arg that should be broken (unless clang added support recently) is not.')