blob: 3d4f3b039c7679cf7cc8f6a0b903b6bb25964ee6 [file] [log] [blame]
project('foo', meson_version: '>=1.5')
a = configuration_data()
a.set('HELLO', 1)
b = a
assert(a.has('HELLO'), 'Original config data should be set on a')
assert(b.has('HELLO'), 'Original config data should be set on copy')
configure_file(output : 'b.h', configuration : b)
testcase expect_error('Can not modify object after it has been used.')
b.set('WORLD', 1)
# A copy of immutable object is mutable. This should print FeatureNew warning
# if meson_version is lower than 1.5.
c = b
c.set('WORLD', 1)
# This should still work, as we didn't use the original above but a copy!
a.set('WORLD', 1)
assert(a.has('WORLD'), 'New config data should have been set')
assert(not b.has('WORLD'), 'New config data set should not affect var copied earlier')
configure_file(output : 'a.h', configuration : a)
env1 = environment()
env1.set('FOO', '1')
env2 = env1
env1.set('BAR', '1')
# FOO should be in env1 and env2
run_command('', 'FOO', env: env1, check: true)
run_command('', 'FOO', env: env2, check: true)
# BAR should be only in env1
run_command('', 'BAR', env: env1, check: true)
assert(run_command('', 'BAR', env: env2, check: false).returncode() == 42)
# This should print deprecation warning but still work
env1.set('PLOP', '1')
run_command('', 'PLOP', env: env1, check: true)
# A copy of used env should be mutable and not print warning
env3 = env1
env3.set('BAZ', '1')
run_command('', 'PLOP', env: env3, check: true)
run_command('', 'BAZ', env: env3, check: true)