blob: e928e9c1ee85eecc4784e70a4db60cbf00e4da53 [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2013-2016 The Meson development team
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import sys
import argparse
import pickle
import subprocess
import typing as T
import locale
from ..utils.core import ExecutableSerialisation
def buildparser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Custom executable wrapper for Meson. Do not run on your own, mmm\'kay?')
return parser
def run_exe(exe: ExecutableSerialisation, extra_env: T.Optional[T.Dict[str, str]] = None) -> int:
if exe.exe_wrapper:
if not exe.exe_wrapper.found():
raise AssertionError('BUG: Can\'t run cross-compiled exe {!r} with not-found '
'wrapper {!r}'.format(exe.cmd_args[0], exe.exe_wrapper.get_path()))
cmd_args = exe.exe_wrapper.get_command() + exe.cmd_args
cmd_args = exe.cmd_args
child_env = os.environ.copy()
if extra_env:
if exe.env:
child_env = exe.env.get_env(child_env)
if exe.extra_paths:
child_env['PATH'] = (os.pathsep.join(exe.extra_paths + ['']) +
if exe.exe_wrapper and any('wine' in i for i in exe.exe_wrapper.get_command()):
from .. import mesonlib
child_env['WINEPATH'] = mesonlib.get_wine_shortpath(
['Z:' + p for p in exe.extra_paths] + child_env.get('WINEPATH', '').split(';'),
stdin = None
if exe.feed:
stdin = open(exe.feed, 'rb')
pipe = subprocess.PIPE
if exe.verbose:
assert not exe.capture, 'Cannot capture and print to console at the same time'
pipe = None
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, env=child_env, cwd=exe.workdir,
close_fds=False, stdin=stdin, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if stdin is not None:
if p.returncode == 0xc0000135:
# STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND on Windows indicating a common problem that is otherwise hard to diagnose
strerror = 'Failed to run due to missing DLLs, with path: ' + child_env['PATH']
raise FileNotFoundError(p.returncode, strerror, cmd_args)
if p.returncode != 0:
if exe.pickled:
print(f'while executing {cmd_args!r}')
if exe.verbose:
return p.returncode
encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
if not exe.capture:
print('--- stdout ---')
print(stdout.decode(encoding=encoding, errors='replace'))
print('--- stderr ---')
print(stderr.decode(encoding=encoding, errors='replace'))
return p.returncode
if exe.capture:
skip_write = False
with open(exe.capture, 'rb') as cur:
skip_write = == stdout
except OSError:
if not skip_write:
with open(exe.capture, 'wb') as output:
return 0
def run(args: T.List[str]) -> int:
parser = buildparser()
options, cmd_args = parser.parse_known_args(args)
# argparse supports double dash to separate options and positional arguments,
# but the user has to remove it manually.
if cmd_args and cmd_args[0] == '--':
cmd_args = cmd_args[1:]
if not options.unpickle and not cmd_args:
parser.error('either --unpickle or executable and arguments are required')
if options.unpickle:
if cmd_args or options.capture or options.feed:
parser.error('no other arguments can be used with --unpickle')
with open(options.unpickle, 'rb') as f:
exe = pickle.load(f)
exe.pickled = True
exe = ExecutableSerialisation(cmd_args, capture=options.capture, feed=options.feed)
return run_exe(exe)
if __name__ == '__main__':