blob: 54649b5049655b98075d17f4ca4705552593fe42 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef PXE_H
#define PXE_H
#include "pxe_types.h"
#include "pxe_error.h"
#include "pxe_api.h"
#include <ipxe/device.h>
#include <ipxe/tables.h>
/** PXE API invalid function code */
#define PXENV_UNKNOWN 0xffff
/** Parameter block for pxenv_unknown() */
struct s_PXENV_UNKNOWN {
PXENV_STATUS_t Status; /**< PXE status code */
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/* Union used for PXE API calls; we don't know the type of the
* structure until we interpret the opcode. Also, Status is available
* in the same location for any opcode, and it's convenient to have
* non-specific access to it.
union u_PXENV_ANY {
/* Make it easy to read status for any operation */
struct s_PXENV_UNKNOWN unknown;
struct s_PXENV_UNLOAD_STACK unload_stack;
struct s_PXENV_GET_CACHED_INFO get_cached_info;
struct s_PXENV_TFTP_READ_FILE restart_tftp;
struct s_PXENV_START_UNDI start_undi;
struct s_PXENV_STOP_UNDI stop_undi;
struct s_PXENV_START_BASE start_base;
struct s_PXENV_STOP_BASE stop_base;
struct s_PXENV_TFTP_OPEN tftp_open;
struct s_PXENV_TFTP_CLOSE tftp_close;
struct s_PXENV_TFTP_READ tftp_read;
struct s_PXENV_TFTP_READ_FILE tftp_read_file;
struct s_PXENV_TFTP_GET_FSIZE tftp_get_fsize;
struct s_PXENV_UDP_OPEN udp_open;
struct s_PXENV_UDP_CLOSE udp_close;
struct s_PXENV_UDP_WRITE udp_write;
struct s_PXENV_UDP_READ udp_read;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_STARTUP undi_startup;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_CLEANUP undi_cleanup;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_INITIALIZE undi_initialize;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_RESET undi_reset_adapter;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_SHUTDOWN undi_shutdown;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_OPEN undi_open;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_CLOSE undi_close;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_TRANSMIT undi_transmit;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_SET_MCAST_ADDRESS undi_set_mcast_address;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_SET_STATION_ADDRESS undi_set_station_address;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_SET_PACKET_FILTER undi_set_packet_filter;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_GET_INFORMATION undi_get_information;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_GET_STATISTICS undi_get_statistics;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_CLEAR_STATISTICS undi_clear_statistics;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_INITIATE_DIAGS undi_initiate_diags;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_FORCE_INTERRUPT undi_force_interrupt;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_GET_MCAST_ADDRESS undi_get_mcast_address;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_GET_NIC_TYPE undi_get_nic_type;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_GET_IFACE_INFO undi_get_iface_info;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_GET_STATE undi_get_state;
struct s_PXENV_UNDI_ISR undi_isr;
struct s_PXENV_FILE_OPEN file_open;
struct s_PXENV_FILE_CLOSE file_close;
struct s_PXENV_FILE_SELECT file_select;
struct s_PXENV_FILE_READ file_read;
struct s_PXENV_GET_FILE_SIZE get_file_size;
struct s_PXENV_FILE_EXEC file_exec;
struct s_PXENV_FILE_API_CHECK file_api_check;
struct s_PXENV_FILE_EXIT_HOOK file_exit_hook;
typedef union u_PXENV_ANY PXENV_ANY_t;
/** A PXE API call */
struct pxe_api_call {
/** Entry point
* @v params PXE API call parameters
* @ret exit PXE API call exit code
PXENV_EXIT_t ( * entry ) ( union u_PXENV_ANY *params );
/** Length of parameters */
uint16_t params_len;
/** Opcode */
uint16_t opcode;
/** PXE API call table */
#define PXE_API_CALLS __table ( struct pxe_api_call, "pxe_api_calls" )
/** Declare a PXE API call */
#define __pxe_api_call __table_entry ( PXE_API_CALLS, 01 )
* Define a PXE API call
* @v _opcode Opcode
* @v _entry Entry point
* @v _params_type Type of parameter structure
* @ret call PXE API call
#define PXE_API_CALL( _opcode, _entry, _params_type ) { \
.entry = ( ( ( ( PXENV_EXIT_t ( * ) ( _params_type *params ) ) NULL ) \
== ( ( typeof ( _entry ) * ) NULL ) ) \
? ( ( PXENV_EXIT_t ( * ) \
( union u_PXENV_ANY *params ) ) _entry ) \
: ( ( PXENV_EXIT_t ( * ) \
( union u_PXENV_ANY *params ) ) _entry ) ), \
.params_len = sizeof ( _params_type ), \
.opcode = _opcode, \
/** An UNDI expansion ROM header */
struct undi_rom_header {
/** Signature
* Must be equal to @c ROM_SIGNATURE
UINT16_t Signature;
/** ROM length in 512-byte blocks */
UINT8_t ROMLength;
/** Unused */
UINT8_t unused[0x13];
/** Offset of the PXE ROM ID structure */
/** Offset of the PCI ROM structure */
UINT16_t PCIRHeader;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** Signature for an expansion ROM */
#define ROM_SIGNATURE 0xaa55
/** An UNDI ROM ID structure */
struct undi_rom_id {
/** Signature
* Must be equal to @c UNDI_ROM_ID_SIGNATURE
UINT32_t Signature;
/** Length of structure */
UINT8_t StructLength;
/** Checksum */
UINT8_t StructCksum;
/** Structure revision
* Must be zero.
UINT8_t StructRev;
/** UNDI revision
* Version 2.1.0 is encoded as the byte sequence 0x00, 0x01, 0x02.
UINT8_t UNDIRev[3];
/** Offset to UNDI loader */
UINT16_t UNDILoader;
/** Minimum required stack segment size */
UINT16_t StackSize;
/** Minimum required data segment size */
UINT16_t DataSize;
/** Minimum required code segment size */
UINT16_t CodeSize;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** Signature for an UNDI ROM ID structure */
( ( 'U' << 0 ) + ( 'N' << 8 ) + ( 'D' << 16 ) + ( 'I' << 24 ) )
/** A PCI expansion header */
struct pcir_header {
/** Signature
* Must be equal to @c PCIR_SIGNATURE
uint32_t signature;
/** PCI vendor ID */
uint16_t vendor_id;
/** PCI device ID */
uint16_t device_id;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** Signature for an UNDI ROM ID structure */
( ( 'P' << 0 ) + ( 'C' << 8 ) + ( 'I' << 16 ) + ( 'R' << 24 ) )
extern struct net_device *pxe_netdev;
extern const char *pxe_cmdline;
extern void pxe_set_netdev ( struct net_device *netdev );
extern void pxe_fake_cached_info ( void );
extern PXENV_EXIT_t pxenv_tftp_read_file ( struct s_PXENV_TFTP_READ_FILE
*tftp_read_file );
extern PXENV_EXIT_t undi_loader ( struct s_UNDI_LOADER *undi_loader );
#endif /* PXE_H */