blob: d5d97b482e547983cc9b75d2613ba1f5004ddea2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Brown <>.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
* You can also choose to distribute this program under the terms of
* the Unmodified Binary Distribution Licence (as given in the file
* COPYING.UBDL), provided that you have satisfied its requirements.
.arch i386
#define SMAP 0x534d4150
/* Most documentation refers to the E820 buffer as being 20 bytes, and
* the API makes it perfectly legitimate to pass only a 20-byte buffer
* and expect to get valid data. However, some morons at ACPI decided
* to extend the data structure by adding an extra "extended
* attributes" field and by including critical information within this
* field, such as whether or not the region is enabled. A caller who
* passes in only a 20-byte buffer therefore risks getting very, very
* misleading information.
* I have personally witnessed an HP BIOS that returns a value of
* 0x0009 in the extended attributes field. If we don't pass this
* value through to the caller, 32-bit WinPE will die, usually with a
* PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA blue screen of death.
* Allow a ridiculously large maximum value (64 bytes) for the E820
* buffer as a guard against insufficiently creative idiots in the
* future.
#define E820MAXSIZE 64
* Allowed memory windows
* There are two ways to view this list. The first is as a list of
* (non-overlapping) allowed memory regions, sorted by increasing
* address. The second is as a list of (non-overlapping) hidden
* memory regions, again sorted by increasing address. The second
* view is offset by half an entry from the first: think about this
* for a moment and it should make sense.
* xxx_memory_window is used to indicate an "allowed region"
* structure, hidden_xxx_memory is used to indicate a "hidden region"
* structure. Each structure is 16 bytes in length.
.section ".data16", "aw", @progbits
.align 16
.globl hidemem_base
.globl hidemem_umalloc
.globl hidemem_textdata
base_memory_window: .long 0x00000000, 0x00000000 /* Start of memory */
hidemem_base: .long 0x000a0000, 0x00000000 /* Changes at runtime */
ext_memory_window: .long 0x000a0000, 0x00000000 /* 640kB mark */
hidemem_umalloc: .long 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff /* Changes at runtime */
.long 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff /* Changes at runtime */
hidemem_textdata: .long 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff /* Changes at runtime */
.long 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff /* Changes at runtime */
.long 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff /* End of memory */
* Truncate region to memory window
* Parameters:
* %edx:%eax Start of region
* %ecx:%ebx Length of region
* %si Memory window
* Returns:
* %edx:%eax Start of windowed region
* %ecx:%ebx Length of windowed region
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
/* Convert (start,len) to (start, end) */
addl %eax, %ebx
adcl %edx, %ecx
/* Truncate to window start */
cmpl 4(%si), %edx
jne 1f
cmpl 0(%si), %eax
1: jae 2f
movl 4(%si), %edx
movl 0(%si), %eax
2: /* Truncate to window end */
cmpl 12(%si), %ecx
jne 1f
cmpl 8(%si), %ebx
1: jbe 2f
movl 12(%si), %ecx
movl 8(%si), %ebx
2: /* Convert (start, end) back to (start, len) */
subl %eax, %ebx
sbbl %edx, %ecx
/* If length is <0, set length to 0 */
jae 1f
xorl %ebx, %ebx
xorl %ecx, %ecx
.size window_region, . - window_region
* Patch "memory above 1MB" figure
* Parameters:
* %ax Memory above 1MB, in 1kB blocks
* Returns:
* %ax Modified memory above 1M in 1kB blocks
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
/* Convert to (start,len) format and call truncate */
xorl %ecx, %ecx
movzwl %ax, %ebx
shll $10, %ebx
xorl %edx, %edx
movl $0x100000, %eax
movw $ext_memory_window, %si
call window_region
/* Convert back to "memory above 1MB" format and return via %ax */
shrl $10, %ebx
movw %sp, %bp
movw %bx, 28(%bp)
.size patch_1m, . - patch_1m
* Patch "memory above 16MB" figure
* Parameters:
* %bx Memory above 16MB, in 64kB blocks
* Returns:
* %bx Modified memory above 16M in 64kB blocks
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
/* Convert to (start,len) format and call truncate */
xorl %ecx, %ecx
shll $16, %ebx
xorl %edx, %edx
movl $0x1000000, %eax
movw $ext_memory_window, %si
call window_region
/* Convert back to "memory above 16MB" format and return via %bx */
shrl $16, %ebx
movw %sp, %bp
movw %bx, 16(%bp)
.size patch_16m, . - patch_16m
* Patch "memory between 1MB and 16MB" and "memory above 16MB" figures
* Parameters:
* %ax Memory between 1MB and 16MB, in 1kB blocks
* %bx Memory above 16MB, in 64kB blocks
* Returns:
* %ax Modified memory between 1MB and 16MB, in 1kB blocks
* %bx Modified memory above 16MB, in 64kB blocks
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
call patch_1m
call patch_16m
/* If 1M region is no longer full-length, kill off the 16M region */
cmpw $( 15 * 1024 ), %ax
je 1f
xorw %bx, %bx
1: ret
.size patch_1m_16m, . - patch_1m_16m
* Get underlying e820 memory region to underlying_e820 buffer
* Parameters:
* As for INT 15,e820
* Returns:
* As for INT 15,e820
* Wraps the underlying INT 15,e820 call so that the continuation
* value (%ebx) is a 16-bit simple sequence counter (with the high 16
* bits ignored), and termination is always via CF=1 rather than
* %ebx=0.
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
/* If the requested region is in the cache, return it */
cmpw %bx, underlying_e820_index
jne 2f
pushw %di
pushw %si
movw $underlying_e820_cache, %si
cmpl underlying_e820_cache_size, %ecx
jbe 1f
movl underlying_e820_cache_size, %ecx
1: pushl %ecx
rep movsb
popl %ecx
popw %si
popw %di
incw %bx
movl %edx, %eax
/* If the requested region is earlier than the cached region,
* invalidate the cache.
cmpw %bx, underlying_e820_index
jbe 1f
movw $0xffff, underlying_e820_index
/* If the cache is invalid, reset the underlying %ebx */
cmpw $0xffff, underlying_e820_index
jne 1f
andl $0, underlying_e820_ebx
/* If the cache is valid but the continuation value is zero,
* this means that the previous underlying call returned with
* %ebx=0. Return with CF=1 in this case.
cmpw $0xffff, underlying_e820_index
je 1f
cmpl $0, underlying_e820_ebx
jne 1f
/* Get the next region into the cache */
pushl %eax
pushl %ebx
pushl %ecx
pushl %edx
pushl %esi /* Some implementations corrupt %esi, so we */
pushl %edi /* preserve %esi, %edi and %ebp to be paranoid */
pushl %ebp
pushw %es
pushw %ds
popw %es
movw $underlying_e820_cache, %di
cmpl $E820MAXSIZE, %ecx
jbe 1f
movl $E820MAXSIZE, %ecx
1: movl underlying_e820_ebx, %ebx
lcall *%cs:int15_vector
popw %es
popl %ebp
popl %edi
popl %esi
/* Check for error return from underlying e820 call */
jc 2f /* CF set: error */
cmpl $SMAP, %eax
je 3f /* 'SMAP' missing: error */
2: /* An error occurred: return values returned by underlying e820 call */
stc /* Force CF set if SMAP was missing */
addr32 leal 16(%esp), %esp /* avoid changing other flags */
3: /* No error occurred */
movl %ebx, underlying_e820_ebx
movl %ecx, underlying_e820_cache_size
popl %edx
popl %ecx
popl %ebx
popl %eax
/* Mark cache as containing this result */
incw underlying_e820_index
/* Loop until found */
jmp get_underlying_e820
.size get_underlying_e820, . - get_underlying_e820
.section ".data16", "aw", @progbits
.word 0xffff /* Initialise to an invalid value */
.size underlying_e820_index, . - underlying_e820_index
.section ".bss16", "aw", @nobits
.long 0
.size underlying_e820_ebx, . - underlying_e820_ebx
.section ".bss16", "aw", @nobits
.space E820MAXSIZE
.size underlying_e820_cache, . - underlying_e820_cache
.section ".bss16", "aw", @nobits
.long 0
.size underlying_e820_cache_size, . - underlying_e820_cache_size
* Get windowed e820 region, without empty region stripping
* Parameters:
* As for INT 15,e820
* Returns:
* As for INT 15,e820
* Wraps the underlying INT 15,e820 call so that each underlying
* region is returned N times, windowed to fit within N visible-memory
* windows. Termination is always via CF=1.
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
/* Preserve registers */
pushl %esi
pushw %bp
/* Split %ebx into %si:%bx, store original %bx in %bp */
pushl %ebx
popw %bp
popw %si
/* %si == 0 => start of memory_windows list */
testw %si, %si
jne 1f
movw $memory_windows, %si
/* Get (cached) underlying e820 region to buffer */
call get_underlying_e820
jc 99f /* Abort on error */
/* Preserve registers */
/* start => %edx:%eax, len => %ecx:%ebx */
movl %es:0(%di), %eax
movl %es:4(%di), %edx
movl %es:8(%di), %ebx
movl %es:12(%di), %ecx
/* Truncate region to current window */
call window_region
1: /* Store modified values in e820 map entry */
movl %eax, %es:0(%di)
movl %edx, %es:4(%di)
movl %ebx, %es:8(%di)
movl %ecx, %es:12(%di)
/* Restore registers */
/* Derive continuation value for next call */
addw $16, %si
cmpw $memory_windows_end, %si
jne 1f
/* End of memory windows: reset %si and allow %bx to continue */
xorw %si, %si
jmp 2f
1: /* More memory windows to go: restore original %bx */
movw %bp, %bx
2: /* Construct %ebx from %si:%bx */
pushw %si
pushw %bx
popl %ebx
98: /* Clear CF */
99: /* Restore registers and return */
popw %bp
popl %esi
.size get_windowed_e820, . - get_windowed_e820
* Get windowed e820 region, with empty region stripping
* Parameters:
* As for INT 15,e820
* Returns:
* As for INT 15,e820
* Wraps the underlying INT 15,e820 call so that each underlying
* region is returned up to N times, windowed to fit within N
* visible-memory windows. Empty windows are never returned.
* Termination is always via CF=1.
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
/* Record entry parameters */
pushl %eax
pushl %ecx
pushl %edx
/* Get next windowed region */
call get_windowed_e820
jc 99f /* abort on error */
/* If region is non-empty, finish here */
cmpl $0, %es:8(%di)
jne 98f
cmpl $0, %es:12(%di)
jne 98f
/* Region was empty: restore entry parameters and go to next region */
popl %edx
popl %ecx
popl %eax
jmp get_nonempty_e820
98: /* Clear CF */
99: /* Return values from underlying call */
addr32 leal 12(%esp), %esp /* avoid changing flags */
.size get_nonempty_e820, . - get_nonempty_e820
* Get mangled e820 region, with empty region stripping
* Parameters:
* As for INT 15,e820
* Returns:
* As for INT 15,e820
* Wraps the underlying INT 15,e820 call so that underlying regions
* are windowed to the allowed memory regions. Empty regions are
* stripped from the map. Termination is always via %ebx=0.
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
/* Get a nonempty region */
call get_nonempty_e820
jc 99f /* Abort on error */
/* Peek ahead to see if there are any further nonempty regions */
pushw %es
movw %sp, %bp
subw %cx, %sp
movl $0xe820, %eax
movl $SMAP, %edx
pushw %ss
popw %es
movw %sp, %di
call get_nonempty_e820
movw %bp, %sp
popw %es
jnc 99f /* There are further nonempty regions */
/* No futher nonempty regions: zero %ebx and clear CF */
xorl %ebx, %ebx
99: /* Return */
.size get_mangled_e820, . - get_mangled_e820
* INT 15,e820 handler
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
pushw %ds
pushw %cs:rm_ds
popw %ds
call get_mangled_e820
popw %ds
call patch_cf
.size int15_e820, . - int15_e820
* INT 15,e801 handler
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
/* Call previous handler */
lcall *%cs:int15_vector
call patch_cf
/* Edit result */
pushw %ds
pushw %cs:rm_ds
popw %ds
call patch_1m_16m
xchgw %ax, %cx
xchgw %bx, %dx
call patch_1m_16m
xchgw %ax, %cx
xchgw %bx, %dx
popw %ds
.size int15_e801, . - int15_e801
* INT 15,88 handler
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
/* Call previous handler */
lcall *%cs:int15_vector
call patch_cf
/* Edit result */
pushw %ds
pushw %cs:rm_ds
popw %ds
call patch_1m
popw %ds
.size int15_88, . - int15_88
* INT 15 handler
.section ".text16", "ax", @progbits
.globl int15
/* See if we want to intercept this call */
cmpw $0xe820, %ax
jne 1f
cmpl $SMAP, %edx
jne 1f
jmp int15_e820
1: cmpw $0xe801, %ax
jne 2f
jmp int15_e801
2: cmpb $0x88, %ah
jne 3f
jmp int15_88
3: popfw
ljmp *%cs:int15_vector
.size int15, . - int15
.section "", "aw", @progbits
.globl int15_vector
.long 0
.size int15_vector, . - int15_vector