blob: b029d16abe2253e5edd769db7251bd209445d596 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
* Network device management
#include <stdint.h>
#include <gpxe/list.h>
#include <gpxe/tables.h>
#include <gpxe/hotplug.h>
struct pk_buff;
struct net_device;
struct net_protocol;
struct ll_protocol;
struct device;
/** Maximum length of a link-layer address */
#define MAX_LL_ADDR_LEN 6
/** Maximum length of a link-layer header */
#define MAX_LL_HEADER_LEN 16
/** Maximum length of a network-layer address */
#define MAX_NET_ADDR_LEN 4
* A network-layer protocol
struct net_protocol {
/** Protocol name */
const char *name;
* Process received packet
* @v pkb Packet buffer
* @v netdev Network device
* @v ll_source Link-layer source address
* This method takes ownership of the packet buffer.
int ( * rx ) ( struct pk_buff *pkb, struct net_device *netdev,
const void *ll_source );
* Transcribe network-layer address
* @v net_addr Network-layer address
* @ret string Human-readable transcription of address
* This method should convert the network-layer address into a
* human-readable format (e.g. dotted quad notation for IPv4).
* The buffer used to hold the transcription is statically
* allocated.
const char * ( *ntoa ) ( const void * net_addr );
/** Network-layer protocol
* This is an ETH_P_XXX constant, in network-byte order
uint16_t net_proto;
/** Network-layer address length */
uint8_t net_addr_len;
* A link-layer protocol
struct ll_protocol {
/** Protocol name */
const char *name;
* Transmit network-layer packet via network device
* @v pkb Packet buffer
* @v netdev Network device
* @v net_protocol Network-layer protocol
* @v ll_dest Link-layer destination address
* @ret rc Return status code
* This method should prepend in the link-layer header
* (e.g. the Ethernet DIX header) and transmit the packet.
* This method takes ownership of the packet buffer.
int ( * tx ) ( struct pk_buff *pkb, struct net_device *netdev,
struct net_protocol *net_protocol,
const void *ll_dest );
* Handle received packet
* @v pkb Packet buffer
* @v netdev Network device
* This method should strip off the link-layer header
* (e.g. the Ethernet DIX header) and pass the packet to
* net_rx(). This method takes ownership of the packet
* buffer.
int ( * rx ) ( struct pk_buff *pkb, struct net_device *netdev );
* Transcribe link-layer address
* @v ll_addr Link-layer address
* @ret string Human-readable transcription of address
* This method should convert the link-layer address into a
* human-readable format.
* The buffer used to hold the transcription is statically
* allocated.
const char * ( * ntoa ) ( const void * ll_addr );
/** Link-layer protocol
* This is an ARPHRD_XXX constant, in network byte order.
uint16_t ll_proto;
/** Link-layer address length */
uint8_t ll_addr_len;
/** Link-layer broadcast address */
const uint8_t *ll_broadcast;
* A network device
* This structure represents a piece of networking hardware. It has
* properties such as a link-layer address and methods for
* transmitting and receiving raw packets.
* Note that this structure must represent a generic network device,
* not just an Ethernet device.
struct net_device {
/** List of network devices */
struct list_head list;
/** Name of this network device */
char name[8];
/** Underlying hardware device */
struct device *dev;
/** List of persistent reference holders */
struct list_head references;
/** Open network device
* @v netdev Network device
* @ret rc Return status code
* This method should allocate RX packet buffers and enable
* the hardware to start transmitting and receiving packets.
int ( * open ) ( struct net_device *netdev );
/** Close network device
* @v netdev Network device
* This method should stop the flow of packets, and free up
* any packets that are currently in the device's TX queue.
void ( * close ) ( struct net_device *netdev );
/** Transmit packet
* @v netdev Network device
* @v pkb Packet buffer
* @ret rc Return status code
* This method should cause the hardware to initiate
* transmission of the packet buffer.
* If this method returns success, the packet buffer remains
* owned by the net device's TX queue, and the net device must
* eventually call netdev_tx_complete() to free the buffer.
* If this method returns failure, the packet buffer is
* immediately released.
* This method is guaranteed to be called only when the device
* is open.
int ( * transmit ) ( struct net_device *netdev, struct pk_buff *pkb );
/** Poll for received packet
* @v netdev Network device
* @v rx_quota Maximum number of packets to receive
* This method should cause the hardware to check for received
* packets. Any received packets should be delivered via
* netdev_rx(), up to a maximum of @c rx_quota packets.
* This method is guaranteed to be called only when the device
* is open.
void ( * poll ) ( struct net_device *netdev, unsigned int rx_quota );
/** Link-layer protocol */
struct ll_protocol *ll_protocol;
/** Link-layer address
* For Ethernet, this is the MAC address.
uint8_t ll_addr[MAX_LL_ADDR_LEN];
/** Current device state
* This is the bitwise-OR of zero or more NETDEV_XXX constants.
unsigned int state;
/** TX packet queue */
struct list_head tx_queue;
/** RX packet queue */
struct list_head rx_queue;
/** Driver private data */
void *priv;
/** Network device is open */
#define NETDEV_OPEN 0x0001
/** Declare a link-layer protocol */
#define __ll_protocol __table ( struct ll_protocol, ll_protocols, 01 )
/** Declare a network-layer protocol */
#define __net_protocol __table ( struct net_protocol, net_protocols, 01 )
extern struct list_head net_devices;
* Get printable network device hardware address
* @v netdev Network device
* @ret name Hardware address
static inline const char * netdev_hwaddr ( struct net_device *netdev ) {
return netdev->ll_protocol->ntoa ( netdev->ll_addr );
/** Iterate over all network devices */
#define for_each_netdev( netdev ) \
list_for_each_entry ( (netdev), &net_devices, list )
/** There exist some network devices
* @ret existence Existence of network devices
static inline int have_netdevs ( void ) {
return ( ! list_empty ( &net_devices ) );
extern int netdev_tx ( struct net_device *netdev, struct pk_buff *pkb );
void netdev_tx_complete ( struct net_device *netdev, struct pk_buff *pkb );
void netdev_tx_complete_next ( struct net_device *netdev );
extern void netdev_rx ( struct net_device *netdev, struct pk_buff *pkb );
extern int netdev_poll ( struct net_device *netdev, unsigned int rx_quota );
extern struct pk_buff * netdev_rx_dequeue ( struct net_device *netdev );
extern struct net_device * alloc_netdev ( size_t priv_size );
extern int register_netdev ( struct net_device *netdev );
extern int netdev_open ( struct net_device *netdev );
extern void netdev_close ( struct net_device *netdev );
extern void unregister_netdev ( struct net_device *netdev );
extern void free_netdev ( struct net_device *netdev );
struct net_device * find_netdev ( const char *name );
extern int net_tx ( struct pk_buff *pkb, struct net_device *netdev,
struct net_protocol *net_protocol, const void *ll_dest );
extern int net_rx ( struct pk_buff *pkb, struct net_device *netdev,
uint16_t net_proto, const void *ll_source );
#endif /* _GPXE_NETDEVICE_H */