blob: 7263eb7120541156adfdc4707a78dcb4ccba90f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Brown <>.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
* You can also choose to distribute this program under the terms of
* the Unmodified Binary Distribution Licence (as given in the file
* COPYING.UBDL), provided that you have satisfied its requirements.
#include <assert.h>
#include <realmode.h>
#include <bios.h>
#include <biosint.h>
#include <ipxe/console.h>
#include <ipxe/ansiesc.h>
#include <ipxe/keys.h>
#include <ipxe/keymap.h>
#include <ipxe/init.h>
#include <config/console.h>
#define ATTR_BOLD 0x08
#define ATTR_FCOL_MASK 0x07
#define ATTR_FCOL_BLACK 0x00
#define ATTR_FCOL_BLUE 0x01
#define ATTR_FCOL_GREEN 0x02
#define ATTR_FCOL_CYAN 0x03
#define ATTR_FCOL_RED 0x04
#define ATTR_FCOL_MAGENTA 0x05
#define ATTR_FCOL_YELLOW 0x06
#define ATTR_FCOL_WHITE 0x07
#define ATTR_BLINK 0x80
#define ATTR_BCOL_MASK 0x70
#define ATTR_BCOL_BLACK 0x00
#define ATTR_BCOL_BLUE 0x10
#define ATTR_BCOL_GREEN 0x20
#define ATTR_BCOL_CYAN 0x30
#define ATTR_BCOL_RED 0x40
#define ATTR_BCOL_MAGENTA 0x50
#define ATTR_BCOL_YELLOW 0x60
#define ATTR_BCOL_WHITE 0x70
/** Maximum keycode subject to remapping
* This allows us to avoid remapping the numeric keypad, which is
* necessary for keyboard layouts such as "fr" that swap the shifted
* and unshifted digit keys.
#define SCANCODE_RSHIFT 0x36
/** Scancode for the "non-US \ and |" key
* This is the key that appears between Left Shift and Z on non-US
* keyboards.
#define SCANCODE_NON_US 0x56
/* Set default console usage if applicable */
/** Current character attribute */
static unsigned int bios_attr = ATTR_DEFAULT;
/** Keypress injection lock */
static uint8_t __text16 ( bios_inject_lock );
#define bios_inject_lock __use_text16 ( bios_inject_lock )
/** Vector for chaining to other INT 16 handlers */
static struct segoff __text16 ( int16_vector );
#define int16_vector __use_text16 ( int16_vector )
/** Assembly wrapper */
extern void int16_wrapper ( void );
* Handle ANSI CUP (cursor position)
* @v ctx ANSI escape sequence context
* @v count Parameter count
* @v params[0] Row (1 is top)
* @v params[1] Column (1 is left)
static void bios_handle_cup ( struct ansiesc_context *ctx __unused,
unsigned int count __unused, int params[] ) {
int cx = ( params[1] - 1 );
int cy = ( params[0] - 1 );
if ( cx < 0 )
cx = 0;
if ( cy < 0 )
cy = 0;
__asm__ __volatile__ ( REAL_CODE ( "int $0x10\n\t" )
: : "a" ( 0x0200 ), "b" ( 1 ),
"d" ( ( cy << 8 ) | cx ) );
* Handle ANSI ED (erase in page)
* @v ctx ANSI escape sequence context
* @v count Parameter count
* @v params[0] Region to erase
static void bios_handle_ed ( struct ansiesc_context *ctx __unused,
unsigned int count __unused,
int params[] __unused ) {
/* We assume that we always clear the whole screen */
assert ( params[0] == ANSIESC_ED_ALL );
__asm__ __volatile__ ( REAL_CODE ( "int $0x10\n\t" )
: : "a" ( 0x0600 ), "b" ( bios_attr << 8 ),
"c" ( 0 ),
"d" ( ( ( console_height - 1 ) << 8 ) |
( console_width - 1 ) ) );
* Handle ANSI SGR (set graphics rendition)
* @v ctx ANSI escape sequence context
* @v count Parameter count
* @v params List of graphic rendition aspects
static void bios_handle_sgr ( struct ansiesc_context *ctx __unused,
unsigned int count, int params[] ) {
static const uint8_t bios_attr_fcols[10] = {
static const uint8_t bios_attr_bcols[10] = {
unsigned int i;
int aspect;
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) {
aspect = params[i];
if ( aspect == 0 ) {
bios_attr = ATTR_DEFAULT;
} else if ( aspect == 1 ) {
bios_attr |= ATTR_BOLD;
} else if ( aspect == 5 ) {
bios_attr |= ATTR_BLINK;
} else if ( aspect == 22 ) {
bios_attr &= ~ATTR_BOLD;
} else if ( aspect == 25 ) {
bios_attr &= ~ATTR_BLINK;
} else if ( ( aspect >= 30 ) && ( aspect <= 39 ) ) {
bios_attr &= ~ATTR_FCOL_MASK;
bios_attr |= bios_attr_fcols[ aspect - 30 ];
} else if ( ( aspect >= 40 ) && ( aspect <= 49 ) ) {
bios_attr &= ~ATTR_BCOL_MASK;
bios_attr |= bios_attr_bcols[ aspect - 40 ];
* Handle ANSI DECTCEM set (show cursor)
* @v ctx ANSI escape sequence context
* @v count Parameter count
* @v params List of graphic rendition aspects
static void bios_handle_dectcem_set ( struct ansiesc_context *ctx __unused,
unsigned int count __unused,
int params[] __unused ) {
uint8_t height;
/* Get character height */
get_real ( height, BDA_SEG, BDA_CHAR_HEIGHT );
__asm__ __volatile__ ( REAL_CODE ( "int $0x10\n\t" )
: : "a" ( 0x0100 ),
"c" ( ( ( height - 2 ) << 8 ) |
( height - 1 ) ) );
* Handle ANSI DECTCEM reset (hide cursor)
* @v ctx ANSI escape sequence context
* @v count Parameter count
* @v params List of graphic rendition aspects
static void bios_handle_dectcem_reset ( struct ansiesc_context *ctx __unused,
unsigned int count __unused,
int params[] __unused ) {
__asm__ __volatile__ ( REAL_CODE ( "int $0x10\n\t" )
: : "a" ( 0x0100 ), "c" ( 0x2000 ) );
/** BIOS console ANSI escape sequence handlers */
static struct ansiesc_handler bios_ansiesc_handlers[] = {
{ ANSIESC_CUP, bios_handle_cup },
{ ANSIESC_ED, bios_handle_ed },
{ ANSIESC_SGR, bios_handle_sgr },
{ ANSIESC_DECTCEM_SET, bios_handle_dectcem_set },
{ ANSIESC_DECTCEM_RESET, bios_handle_dectcem_reset },
{ 0, NULL }
/** BIOS console ANSI escape sequence context */
static struct ansiesc_context bios_ansiesc_ctx = {
.handlers = bios_ansiesc_handlers,
* Print a character to BIOS console
* @v character Character to be printed
static void bios_putchar ( int character ) {
int discard_a, discard_b, discard_c;
/* Intercept ANSI escape sequences */
character = ansiesc_process ( &bios_ansiesc_ctx, character );
if ( character < 0 )
/* Print character with attribute */
__asm__ __volatile__ ( REAL_CODE ( "pushl %%ebp\n\t" /* gcc bug */
/* Skip non-printable characters */
"cmpb $0x20, %%al\n\t"
"jb 1f\n\t"
/* Read attribute */
"movb %%al, %%cl\n\t"
"movb $0x08, %%ah\n\t"
"int $0x10\n\t"
"xchgb %%al, %%cl\n\t"
/* Skip if attribute matches */
"cmpb %%ah, %%bl\n\t"
"je 1f\n\t"
/* Set attribute */
"movw $0x0001, %%cx\n\t"
"movb $0x09, %%ah\n\t"
"int $0x10\n\t"
/* Print character */
"xorw %%bx, %%bx\n\t"
"movb $0x0e, %%ah\n\t"
"int $0x10\n\t"
"popl %%ebp\n\t" /* gcc bug */ )
: "=a" ( discard_a ), "=b" ( discard_b ),
"=c" ( discard_c )
: "a" ( character ), "b" ( bios_attr ) );
* Pointer to current ANSI output sequence
* While we are in the middle of returning an ANSI sequence for a
* special key, this will point to the next character to return. When
* not in the middle of such a sequence, this will point to a NUL
* (note: not "will be NULL").
static const char *bios_ansi_input = "";
/** A BIOS key */
struct bios_key {
/** Scancode */
uint8_t scancode;
/** Relative key value */
uint16_t rkey;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
* Define a BIOS key mapping
* @v scancode Scancode
* @v key iPXE key code
* @v bioskey BIOS key mapping
#define BIOS_KEY( scancode, key ) { scancode, KEY_REL ( key ) }
/** Mapping from BIOS scan codes to iPXE key codes */
static const struct bios_key bios_keys[] = {
BIOS_KEY ( 0x53, KEY_DC ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x48, KEY_UP ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x50, KEY_DOWN ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x4b, KEY_LEFT ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x47, KEY_HOME ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x4f, KEY_END ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x3f, KEY_F5 ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x40, KEY_F6 ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x41, KEY_F7 ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x42, KEY_F8 ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x43, KEY_F9 ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x44, KEY_F10 ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x85, KEY_F11 ),
BIOS_KEY ( 0x86, KEY_F12 ),
* Get ANSI escape sequence corresponding to BIOS scancode
* @v scancode BIOS scancode
* @ret ansi_seq ANSI escape sequence, if any, otherwise NULL
static const char * bios_ansi_seq ( unsigned int scancode ) {
static char buf[ 5 /* "[" + two digits + terminator + NUL */ ];
unsigned int rkey;
unsigned int terminator;
unsigned int n;
unsigned int i;
char *tmp = buf;
/* Construct ANSI escape sequence for scancode, if known */
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof ( bios_keys ) /
sizeof ( bios_keys[0] ) ) ; i++ ) {
/* Look for matching scancode */
if ( bios_keys[i].scancode != scancode )
/* Construct escape sequence */
rkey = bios_keys[i].rkey;
n = KEY_ANSI_N ( rkey );
terminator = KEY_ANSI_TERMINATOR ( rkey );
*(tmp++) = '[';
if ( n )
tmp += sprintf ( tmp, "%d", n );
*(tmp++) = terminator;
*(tmp++) = '\0';
assert ( tmp <= &buf[ sizeof ( buf ) ] );
return buf;
DBG ( "Unrecognised BIOS scancode %02x\n", scancode );
return NULL;
* Get character from BIOS console
* @ret character Character read from console
static int bios_getchar ( void ) {
uint16_t keypress;
uint8_t kb0;
uint8_t kb2;
unsigned int scancode;
unsigned int character;
const char *ansi_seq;
/* If we are mid-sequence, pass out the next byte */
if ( ( character = *bios_ansi_input ) ) {
return character;
/* Do nothing if injection is in progress */
if ( bios_inject_lock )
return 0;
/* Read character from real BIOS console */
__asm__ __volatile__ ( REAL_CODE ( "sti\n\t"
"int $0x16\n\t"
"cli\n\t" )
: "=a" ( keypress )
: "a" ( 0x1000 ), "m" ( bios_inject_lock ) );
scancode = ( keypress >> 8 );
character = ( keypress & 0xff );
get_real ( kb0, BDA_SEG, BDA_KB0 );
get_real ( kb2, BDA_SEG, BDA_KB2 );
/* If it's a normal character, map (if applicable) and return it */
if ( character && ( character < 0x80 ) ) {
/* Handle special scancodes */
if ( scancode == SCANCODE_NON_US ) {
/* Treat as "\|" with high bit set */
character |= KEYMAP_PSEUDO;
} else if ( scancode >= SCANCODE_RSHIFT ) {
/* Non-remappable scancode (e.g. numeric keypad) */
return character;
/* Apply modifiers */
if ( kb0 & BDA_KB0_CTRL )
character |= KEYMAP_CTRL;
if ( kb0 & BDA_KB0_CAPSLOCK )
if ( kb2 & BDA_KB2_RALT )
character |= KEYMAP_ALTGR;
/* Treat LShift+RShift as AltGr since many BIOSes will
* not return ASCII characters when AltGr is pressed.
if ( ( kb0 & ( BDA_KB0_LSHIFT | BDA_KB0_RSHIFT ) ) ==
character |= KEYMAP_ALTGR;
/* Map and return */
return key_remap ( character );
/* Otherwise, check for a special key that we know about */
if ( ( ansi_seq = bios_ansi_seq ( keypress >> 8 ) ) ) {
/* Start of escape sequence: return ESC (0x1b) */
bios_ansi_input = ansi_seq;
return 0x1b;
return 0;
* Check for character ready to read from BIOS console
* @ret True Character available to read
* @ret False No character available to read
static int bios_iskey ( void ) {
unsigned int discard_a;
unsigned int flags;
/* If we are mid-sequence, we are always ready */
if ( *bios_ansi_input )
return 1;
/* Do nothing if injection is in progress */
if ( bios_inject_lock )
return 0;
/* Otherwise check the real BIOS console */
__asm__ __volatile__ ( REAL_CODE ( "sti\n\t"
"int $0x16\n\t"
"popw %w0\n\t"
"cli\n\t" )
: "=R" ( flags ), "=a" ( discard_a )
: "a" ( 0x1100 ), "m" ( bios_inject_lock ) );
return ( ! ( flags & ZF ) );
/** BIOS console */
struct console_driver bios_console __console_driver = {
.putchar = bios_putchar,
.getchar = bios_getchar,
.iskey = bios_iskey,
* Inject keypresses
* @v ix86 Registers as passed to INT 16
static __asmcall __used void bios_inject ( struct i386_all_regs *ix86 ) {
unsigned int discard_a;
unsigned int scancode;
unsigned int rkey;
unsigned int i;
uint16_t keypress;
int key;
/* If this is a blocking call, then loop until the
* non-blocking variant of the call indicates that a keypress
* is available. Do this without acquiring the injection
* lock, so that injection may take place.
if ( ( ix86->regs.ah & ~0x10 ) == 0x00 ) {
__asm__ __volatile__ ( REAL_CODE ( "sti\n\t"
"pushw %%ax\n\t"
"int $0x16\n\t"
"popw %%ax\n\t"
"jc 2f\n\t"
"jz 1b\n\t"
"cli\n\t" )
: "=a" ( discard_a )
: "a" ( ix86->regs.eax | 0x0100 ),
"m" ( bios_inject_lock ) );
/* Acquire injection lock */
/* Check for keypresses */
if ( iskey() ) {
/* Get key */
key = getkey ( 0 );
/* Reverse internal CR->LF mapping */
if ( key == '\n' )
key = '\r';
/* Convert to keypress */
keypress = ( ( key << 8 ) | key );
/* Handle special keys */
if ( key >= KEY_MIN ) {
rkey = KEY_REL ( key );
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof ( bios_keys ) /
sizeof ( bios_keys[0] ) ) ; i++ ) {
if ( bios_keys[i].rkey == rkey ) {
scancode = bios_keys[i].scancode;
keypress = ( scancode << 8 );
/* Inject keypress */
DBGC ( &bios_console, "BIOS injecting keypress %04x\n",
keypress );
__asm__ __volatile__ ( REAL_CODE ( "int $0x16\n\t" )
: "=a" ( discard_a )
: "a" ( 0x0500 ), "c" ( keypress ),
"m" ( bios_inject_lock ) );
/* Release injection lock */
* Start up keypress injection
static void bios_inject_startup ( void ) {
/* Assembly wrapper to call bios_inject() */
__asm__ __volatile__ (
TEXT16_CODE ( "\nint16_wrapper:\n\t"
"cmpb $0, %%cs:bios_inject_lock\n\t"
"jnz 1f\n\t"
VIRT_CALL ( bios_inject )
"ljmp *%%cs:int16_vector\n\t" ) : );
/* Hook INT 16 */
hook_bios_interrupt ( 0x16, ( ( intptr_t ) int16_wrapper ),
&int16_vector );
* Shut down keypress injection
* @v booting System is shutting down for OS boot
static void bios_inject_shutdown ( int booting __unused ) {
/* Unhook INT 16 */
unhook_bios_interrupt ( 0x16, ( ( intptr_t ) int16_wrapper ),
&int16_vector );
/** Keypress injection startup function */
struct startup_fn bios_inject_startup_fn __startup_fn ( STARTUP_NORMAL ) = {
.name = "bios_inject",
.startup = bios_inject_startup,
.shutdown = bios_inject_shutdown,