blob: 586f7b6b8219d964f903bb330d4cb5991174bbb6 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2008 Michael Brown <>.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $offsets = {};
my $defaults = {};
my $structures = {};
my $structure = "";
while ( <> ) {
if ( /^\#define (\S+)_OFFS (\S+)$/ ) {
$structure = $1;
$offsets->{$structure} = $2;
} elsif ( /^\#define ${structure}_DEF (\S+)$/ ) {
$defaults->{$structure} = $1;
} elsif ( /^\#define ${structure}_(\S+)_LSB (\S+)$/ ) {
$structures->{$structure}->{$1}->{LSB} = $2;
} elsif ( /^\#define ${structure}_(\S+)_MSB (\S+)$/ ) {
$structures->{$structure}->{$1}->{MSB} = $2;
} elsif ( /^\#define ${structure}_(\S+)_RMASK (\S+)$/ ) {
$structures->{$structure}->{$1}->{RMASK} = $2;
} elsif ( /^\s*$/ ) {
# Do nothing
} else {
print "$_\n";
my $data = [ map { { name => $_, offset => $offsets->{$_},
default => $defaults->{$_} }; }
sort { hex ( $offsets->{$a} ) <=> hex ( $offsets->{$b} ) }
keys %$offsets ];
foreach my $datum ( @$data ) {
next unless exists $structures->{$datum->{name}};
$structure = $structures->{$datum->{name}};
my $fields = [ map { { name => $_, lsb => $structure->{$_}->{LSB},
msb => $structure->{$_}->{MSB},
rmask => $structure->{$_}->{RMASK} }; }
sort { hex ( $structure->{$a}->{LSB} ) <=>
hex ( $structure->{$b}->{LSB} ) }
keys %$structure ];
$datum->{fields} = $fields;
print "\n/* This file has been further processed by $0 */\n\n";
print "FILE_LICENCE ( GPL2_ONLY );\n\n";
foreach my $datum ( @$data ) {
printf "#define %s_offset 0x%08xUL\n",
$datum->{name}, hex ( $datum->{offset} );
if ( exists $datum->{fields} ) {
my $lsb = 0;
my $reserved_idx = 0;
printf "struct %s_pb {\n", $datum->{name};
foreach my $field ( @{$datum->{fields}} ) {
my $pad_width = ( hex ( $field->{lsb} ) - $lsb );
die "Inconsistent LSB/RMASK in $datum->{name} before $field->{name}\n"
if $pad_width < 0;
printf "\tpseudo_bit_t _unused_%u[%u];\n", $reserved_idx++, $pad_width
if $pad_width;
$lsb += $pad_width;
# Damn Perl can't cope with 64-bit hex constants
my $width = 0;
die "Missing RMASK in $datum->{name}.$field->{name}\n"
unless defined $field->{rmask};
my $rmask = $field->{rmask};
while ( $rmask =~ /^(0x.+)f$/i ) {
$width += 4;
$rmask = $1;
$rmask = hex ( $rmask );
while ( $rmask ) {
$rmask >>= 1;
if ( defined $field->{msb} ) {
my $msb_width = ( hex ( $field->{msb} ) - $lsb + 1 );
$width ||= $msb_width;
die "Inconsistent LSB/MSB/RMASK in $datum->{name}.$field->{name}\n"
unless $width == $msb_width;
printf "\tpseudo_bit_t %s[%u];\n", $field->{name}, $width;
$lsb += $width;
my $pad_width = ( 64 - $lsb );
die "Inconsistent LSB/RMASK in $datum->{name} final field\n"
if $pad_width < 0;
printf "\tpseudo_bit_t _unused_%u[%u];\n", $reserved_idx++, $pad_width
if $pad_width;
printf "};\n";
printf "struct %s {\n\tPSEUDO_BIT_STRUCT ( struct %s_pb );\n};\n",
$datum->{name}, $datum->{name};
printf "/* Default value: %s */\n", $datum->{default}
if defined $datum->{default};
print "\n";