blob: f452b659b8af31548458aac9ac2c139e5d1c8767 [file] [log] [blame]
#define LOAD_DEBUG 0
static int get_x_header(unsigned char *data, unsigned long now);
static void jump_2ep();
static unsigned char ce_signature[] = {'B', '0', '0', '0', 'F', 'F', '\n',};
static char ** ep;
typedef struct _BOOT_ARGS{
unsigned char ucVideoMode;
unsigned char ucComPort;
unsigned char ucBaudDivisor;
unsigned char ucPCIConfigType;
unsigned long dwSig;
#define BOOTARG_SIG 0x544F4F42
unsigned long dwLen;
unsigned char ucLoaderFlags;
unsigned char ucEshellFlags;
unsigned char ucEdbgAdapterType;
unsigned char ucEdbgIRQ;
unsigned long dwEdbgBaseAddr;
unsigned long dwEdbgDebugZone;
unsigned long dwDHCPLeaseTime;
unsigned long dwEdbgFlags;
unsigned long dwEBootFlag;
unsigned long dwEBootAddr;
unsigned long dwLaunchAddr;
unsigned long pvFlatFrameBuffer;
unsigned short vesaMode;
unsigned short cxDisplayScreen;
unsigned short cyDisplayScreen;
unsigned short cxPhysicalScreen;
unsigned short cyPhysicalScreen;
unsigned short cbScanLineLength;
unsigned short bppScreen;
unsigned char RedMaskSize;
unsigned char REdMaskPosition;
unsigned char GreenMaskSize;
unsigned char GreenMaskPosition;
unsigned char BlueMaskSize;
unsigned char BlueMaskPosition;
static struct segment_info{
unsigned long addr; // Section Address
unsigned long size; // Section Size
unsigned long checksum; // Section CheckSum
} X;
#define PSIZE (1500) //Max Packet Size
#define DSIZE (PSIZE+12)
static unsigned long dbuffer_available =0;
static unsigned long not_loadin =0;
static unsigned long d_now =0;
unsigned long entry;
static unsigned long ce_curaddr;
static sector_t ce_loader(unsigned char *data, unsigned int len, int eof);
static os_download_t wince_probe(unsigned char *data, unsigned int len)
if (strncmp(ce_signature, data, sizeof(ce_signature)) != 0) {
return 0;
return ce_loader;
static sector_t ce_loader(unsigned char *data, unsigned int len, int eof)
static unsigned char dbuffer[DSIZE];
int this_write = 0;
static int firsttime = 1;
* new packet in, we have to
* [1] copy data to dbuffer,
* update...
* [2] dbuffer_available
memcpy( (dbuffer+dbuffer_available), data, len); //[1]
dbuffer_available += len; // [2]
len = 0;
d_now = 0;
#if 0
printf("dbuffer_available =%ld \n", dbuffer_available);
if (firsttime)
d_now = sizeof(ce_signature);
printf("String Physical Address = %lx \n",
*(unsigned long *)(dbuffer+d_now));
d_now += sizeof(unsigned long);
printf("Image Size = %ld [%lx]\n",
*(unsigned long *)(dbuffer+d_now),
*(unsigned long *)(dbuffer+d_now));
d_now += sizeof(unsigned long);
dbuffer_available -= d_now;
d_now = (unsigned long)get_x_header(dbuffer, d_now);
firsttime = 0;
if (not_loadin == 0)
d_now = get_x_header(dbuffer, d_now);
while ( not_loadin > 0 )
/* dbuffer do not have enough data to loading, copy all */
printf("[0] not_loadin = [%ld], dbuffer_available = [%ld] \n",
not_loadin, dbuffer_available);
printf("[0] d_now = [%ld] \n", d_now);
if( dbuffer_available <= not_loadin)
this_write = dbuffer_available ;
memcpy(phys_to_virt(ce_curaddr), (dbuffer+d_now), this_write );
ce_curaddr += this_write;
not_loadin -= this_write;
/* reset index and available in the dbuffer */
dbuffer_available = 0;
d_now = 0;
printf("[1] not_loadin = [%ld], dbuffer_available = [%ld] \n",
not_loadin, dbuffer_available);
printf("[1] d_now = [%ld], this_write = [%d] \n",
d_now, this_write);
// get the next packet...
return (0);
/* dbuffer have more data then loading ... , copy partital.... */
this_write = not_loadin;
memcpy(phys_to_virt(ce_curaddr), (dbuffer+d_now), this_write);
ce_curaddr += this_write;
not_loadin = 0;
/* reset index and available in the dbuffer */
dbuffer_available -= this_write;
d_now += this_write;
printf("[2] not_loadin = [%ld], dbuffer_available = [%ld] \n",
not_loadin, dbuffer_available);
printf("[2] d_now = [%ld], this_write = [%d] \n\n",
d_now, this_write);
/* dbuffer not empty, proceed processing... */
// don't have enough data to get_x_header..
if ( dbuffer_available < (sizeof(unsigned long) * 3) )
// printf("we don't have enough data remaining to call get_x. \n");
memcpy( (dbuffer+0), (dbuffer+d_now), dbuffer_available);
return (0);
printf("with remaining data to call get_x \n");
printf("dbuffer available = %ld , d_now = %ld\n",
dbuffer_available, d_now);
d_now = get_x_header(dbuffer, d_now);
return (0);
static int get_x_header(unsigned char *dbuffer, unsigned long now)
X.addr = *(unsigned long *)(dbuffer + now);
X.size = *(unsigned long *)(dbuffer + now + sizeof(unsigned long));
X.checksum = *(unsigned long *)(dbuffer + now + sizeof(unsigned long)*2);
if (X.addr == 0)
entry = X.size;
printf("Entry Point Address = [%lx] \n", entry);
if (!prep_segment(X.addr, X.addr + X.size, X.addr + X.size, 0, 0)) {
longjmp(restart_etherboot, -2);
ce_curaddr = X.addr;
now += sizeof(unsigned long)*3;
/* re-calculate dbuffer available... */
dbuffer_available -= sizeof(unsigned long)*3;
/* reset index of this section */
not_loadin = X.size;
#if 1
printf("\t Section Address = [%lx] \n", X.addr);
printf("\t Size = %d [%lx]\n", X.size, X.size);
printf("\t Checksum = %ld [%lx]\n", X.checksum, X.checksum);
printf("\t dbuffer_now = %ld \n", now);
printf("\t dbuffer available = %ld \n", dbuffer_available);
printf("\t not_loadin = %ld \n", not_loadin);
return now;
static void jump_2ep()
BootArgs.ucVideoMode = 1;
BootArgs.ucComPort = 1;
BootArgs.ucBaudDivisor = 1;
BootArgs.ucPCIConfigType = 1; // do not fill with 0
BootArgs.dwSig = BOOTARG_SIG;
BootArgs.dwLen = sizeof(BootArgs);
if(BootArgs.ucVideoMode == 0)
BootArgs.cxDisplayScreen = 640;
BootArgs.cyDisplayScreen = 480;
BootArgs.cxPhysicalScreen = 640;
BootArgs.cyPhysicalScreen = 480;
BootArgs.bppScreen = 16;
BootArgs.cbScanLineLength = 1024;
BootArgs.pvFlatFrameBuffer = 0x800a0000; // ollie say 0x98000000
else if(BootArgs.ucVideoMode != 0xFF)
BootArgs.cxDisplayScreen = 0;
BootArgs.cyDisplayScreen = 0;
BootArgs.cxPhysicalScreen = 0;
BootArgs.cyPhysicalScreen = 0;
BootArgs.bppScreen = 0;
BootArgs.cbScanLineLength = 0;
BootArgs.pvFlatFrameBuffer = 0;
ep = phys_to_virt(BOOT_ARG_PTR_LOCATION);
*ep= virt_to_phys(&BootArgs);