blob: 24c0b53b0905e7b264df42ebffda9e0b829c5208 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 Michael Brown <>.
* Based in part upon the original driver by Mellanox Technologies
* Ltd. Portions may be Copyright (c) Mellanox Technologies Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
* You can also choose to distribute this program under the terms of
* the Unmodified Binary Distribution Licence (as given in the file
* COPYING.UBDL), provided that you have satisfied its requirements.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <byteswap.h>
#include <ipxe/io.h>
#include <ipxe/pci.h>
#include <ipxe/pcibackup.h>
#include <ipxe/malloc.h>
#include <ipxe/umalloc.h>
#include <ipxe/iobuf.h>
#include <ipxe/netdevice.h>
#include <ipxe/infiniband.h>
#include <ipxe/ib_smc.h>
#include "arbel.h"
* @file
* Mellanox Arbel Infiniband HCA
* Queue number allocation
* Allocate offset within usage bitmask
* @v bits Usage bitmask
* @v bits_len Length of usage bitmask
* @ret bit First free bit within bitmask, or negative error
static int arbel_bitmask_alloc ( arbel_bitmask_t *bits,
unsigned int bits_len ) {
unsigned int bit = 0;
arbel_bitmask_t mask = 1;
while ( bit < bits_len ) {
if ( ( mask & *bits ) == 0 ) {
*bits |= mask;
return bit;
mask = ( mask << 1 ) | ( mask >> ( 8 * sizeof ( mask ) - 1 ) );
if ( mask == 1 )
return -ENFILE;
* Free offset within usage bitmask
* @v bits Usage bitmask
* @v bit Bit within bitmask
static void arbel_bitmask_free ( arbel_bitmask_t *bits, int bit ) {
arbel_bitmask_t mask;
mask = ( 1 << ( bit % ( 8 * sizeof ( mask ) ) ) );
bits += ( bit / ( 8 * sizeof ( mask ) ) );
*bits &= ~mask;
* HCA commands
* Wait for Arbel command completion
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_cmd_wait ( struct arbel *arbel,
struct arbelprm_hca_command_register *hcr ) {
unsigned int wait;
for ( wait = ARBEL_HCR_MAX_WAIT_MS ; wait ; wait-- ) {
hcr->u.dwords[6] =
readl ( arbel->config + ARBEL_HCR_REG ( 6 ) );
if ( MLX_GET ( hcr, go ) == 0 )
return 0;
mdelay ( 1 );
return -EBUSY;
* Issue HCA command
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @v command Command opcode, flags and input/output lengths
* @v op_mod Opcode modifier (0 if no modifier applicable)
* @v in Input parameters
* @v in_mod Input modifier (0 if no modifier applicable)
* @v out Output parameters
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_cmd ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned long command,
unsigned int op_mod, const void *in,
unsigned int in_mod, void *out ) {
struct arbelprm_hca_command_register hcr;
unsigned int opcode = ARBEL_HCR_OPCODE ( command );
size_t in_len = ARBEL_HCR_IN_LEN ( command );
size_t out_len = ARBEL_HCR_OUT_LEN ( command );
void *in_buffer;
void *out_buffer;
unsigned int status;
unsigned int i;
int rc;
assert ( in_len <= ARBEL_MBOX_SIZE );
assert ( out_len <= ARBEL_MBOX_SIZE );
DBGC2 ( arbel, "Arbel %p command %02x in %zx%s out %zx%s\n",
arbel, opcode, in_len,
( ( command & ARBEL_HCR_IN_MBOX ) ? "(mbox)" : "" ), out_len,
( ( command & ARBEL_HCR_OUT_MBOX ) ? "(mbox)" : "" ) );
/* Check that HCR is free */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_wait ( arbel, &hcr ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p command interface locked\n", arbel );
return rc;
/* Prepare HCR */
memset ( &hcr, 0, sizeof ( hcr ) );
in_buffer = &hcr.u.dwords[0];
if ( in_len && ( command & ARBEL_HCR_IN_MBOX ) ) {
in_buffer = arbel->mailbox_in;
MLX_FILL_H ( &hcr, 0, in_param_h, virt_to_bus ( in_buffer ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &hcr, 1, in_param_l, virt_to_bus ( in_buffer ) );
memcpy ( in_buffer, in, in_len );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &hcr, 2, input_modifier, in_mod );
out_buffer = &hcr.u.dwords[3];
if ( out_len && ( command & ARBEL_HCR_OUT_MBOX ) ) {
out_buffer = arbel->mailbox_out;
MLX_FILL_H ( &hcr, 3, out_param_h,
virt_to_bus ( out_buffer ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &hcr, 4, out_param_l,
virt_to_bus ( out_buffer ) );
MLX_FILL_3 ( &hcr, 6,
opcode, opcode,
opcode_modifier, op_mod,
go, 1 );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p issuing command %04x\n", arbel, opcode );
DBGC2_HDA ( arbel, virt_to_phys ( arbel->config + ARBEL_HCR_BASE ),
&hcr, sizeof ( hcr ) );
if ( in_len && ( command & ARBEL_HCR_IN_MBOX ) ) {
DBGC2 ( arbel, "Input mailbox:\n" );
DBGC2_HDA ( arbel, virt_to_phys ( in_buffer ), in_buffer,
( ( in_len < 512 ) ? in_len : 512 ) );
/* Issue command */
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof ( hcr ) / sizeof ( hcr.u.dwords[0] ) ) ;
i++ ) {
writel ( hcr.u.dwords[i],
arbel->config + ARBEL_HCR_REG ( i ) );
/* Wait for command completion */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_wait ( arbel, &hcr ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p timed out waiting for command:\n",
arbel );
DBGC_HD ( arbel, &hcr, sizeof ( hcr ) );
return rc;
/* Check command status */
status = MLX_GET ( &hcr, status );
if ( status != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p command failed with status %02x:\n",
arbel, status );
DBGC_HD ( arbel, &hcr, sizeof ( hcr ) );
return -EIO;
/* Read output parameters, if any */
hcr.u.dwords[3] = readl ( arbel->config + ARBEL_HCR_REG ( 3 ) );
hcr.u.dwords[4] = readl ( arbel->config + ARBEL_HCR_REG ( 4 ) );
memcpy ( out, out_buffer, out_len );
if ( out_len ) {
DBGC2 ( arbel, "Output%s:\n",
( command & ARBEL_HCR_OUT_MBOX ) ? " mailbox" : "" );
DBGC2_HDA ( arbel, virt_to_phys ( out_buffer ), out_buffer,
( ( out_len < 512 ) ? out_len : 512 ) );
return 0;
static inline int
arbel_cmd_query_dev_lim ( struct arbel *arbel,
struct arbelprm_query_dev_lim *dev_lim ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *dev_lim ) ),
0, NULL, 0, dev_lim );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_query_fw ( struct arbel *arbel, struct arbelprm_query_fw *fw ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *fw ) ),
0, NULL, 0, fw );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_init_hca ( struct arbel *arbel,
const struct arbelprm_init_hca *init_hca ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *init_hca ) ),
0, init_hca, 0, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_close_hca ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
0, NULL, 0, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_init_ib ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned int port,
const struct arbelprm_init_ib *init_ib ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *init_ib ) ),
0, init_ib, port, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_close_ib ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned int port ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
0, NULL, port, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_sw2hw_mpt ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned int index,
const struct arbelprm_mpt *mpt ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *mpt ) ),
0, mpt, index, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_map_eq ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned long index_map,
const struct arbelprm_event_mask *mask ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
0, sizeof ( *mask ) ),
0, mask, index_map, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_sw2hw_eq ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned int index,
const struct arbelprm_eqc *eqctx ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *eqctx ) ),
0, eqctx, index, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_hw2sw_eq ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned int index,
struct arbelprm_eqc *eqctx ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *eqctx ) ),
1, NULL, index, eqctx );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_sw2hw_cq ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned long cqn,
const struct arbelprm_completion_queue_context *cqctx ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *cqctx ) ),
0, cqctx, cqn, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_hw2sw_cq ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned long cqn,
struct arbelprm_completion_queue_context *cqctx) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *cqctx ) ),
0, NULL, cqn, cqctx );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_query_cq ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned long cqn,
struct arbelprm_completion_queue_context *cqctx ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *cqctx ) ),
0, NULL, cqn, cqctx );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_rst2init_qpee ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned long qpn,
const struct arbelprm_qp_ee_state_transitions *ctx ){
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *ctx ) ),
0, ctx, qpn, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_init2rtr_qpee ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned long qpn,
const struct arbelprm_qp_ee_state_transitions *ctx ){
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *ctx ) ),
0, ctx, qpn, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_rtr2rts_qpee ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned long qpn,
const struct arbelprm_qp_ee_state_transitions *ctx ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *ctx ) ),
0, ctx, qpn, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_rts2rts_qpee ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned long qpn,
const struct arbelprm_qp_ee_state_transitions *ctx ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *ctx ) ),
0, ctx, qpn, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_2rst_qpee ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned long qpn ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
0x03, NULL, qpn, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_query_qpee ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned long qpn,
struct arbelprm_qp_ee_state_transitions *ctx ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *ctx ) ),
0, NULL, qpn, ctx );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_conf_special_qp ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned int qp_type,
unsigned long base_qpn ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
qp_type, NULL, base_qpn, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_mad_ifc ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned int port,
union arbelprm_mad *mad ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *mad ),
1, sizeof ( *mad ) ),
0x03, mad, port, mad );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_read_mgm ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned int index,
struct arbelprm_mgm_entry *mgm ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *mgm ) ),
0, NULL, index, mgm );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_write_mgm ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned int index,
const struct arbelprm_mgm_entry *mgm ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *mgm ) ),
0, mgm, index, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_mgid_hash ( struct arbel *arbel, const union ib_gid *gid,
struct arbelprm_mgm_hash *hash ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *gid ),
0, sizeof ( *hash ) ),
0, gid, 0, hash );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_run_fw ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
0, NULL, 0, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_disable_lam ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
0, NULL, 0, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_enable_lam ( struct arbel *arbel, struct arbelprm_access_lam *lam ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *lam ) ),
1, NULL, 0, lam );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_unmap_icm ( struct arbel *arbel, unsigned int page_count,
const struct arbelprm_scalar_parameter *offset ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
sizeof ( *offset ) ),
0, offset, page_count, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_map_icm ( struct arbel *arbel,
const struct arbelprm_virtual_physical_mapping *map ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *map ) ),
0, map, 1, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_unmap_icm_aux ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
0, NULL, 0, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_map_icm_aux ( struct arbel *arbel,
const struct arbelprm_virtual_physical_mapping *map ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *map ) ),
0, map, 1, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_set_icm_size ( struct arbel *arbel,
const struct arbelprm_scalar_parameter *icm_size,
struct arbelprm_scalar_parameter *icm_aux_size ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
0, sizeof ( *icm_size ),
0, sizeof ( *icm_aux_size ) ),
0, icm_size, 0, icm_aux_size );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_unmap_fa ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
0, NULL, 0, NULL );
static inline int
arbel_cmd_map_fa ( struct arbel *arbel,
const struct arbelprm_virtual_physical_mapping *map ) {
return arbel_cmd ( arbel,
1, sizeof ( *map ) ),
0, map, 1, NULL );
* MAD operations
* Issue management datagram
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v mad Management datagram
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_mad ( struct ib_device *ibdev, union ib_mad *mad ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
union arbelprm_mad mad_ifc;
int rc;
/* Sanity check */
static_assert ( sizeof ( *mad ) == sizeof ( mad_ifc.mad ) );
/* Copy in request packet */
memcpy ( &mad_ifc.mad, mad, sizeof ( mad_ifc.mad ) );
/* Issue MAD */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_mad_ifc ( arbel, ibdev->port,
&mad_ifc ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p port %d could not issue MAD IFC: %s\n",
arbel, ibdev->port, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
/* Copy out reply packet */
memcpy ( mad, &mad_ifc.mad, sizeof ( *mad ) );
if ( mad->hdr.status != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p port %d MAD IFC status %04x\n",
arbel, ibdev->port, ntohs ( mad->hdr.status ) );
return -EIO;
return 0;
* Completion queue operations
* Dump completion queue context (for debugging only)
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @v cq Completion queue
* @ret rc Return status code
static __attribute__ (( unused )) int
arbel_dump_cqctx ( struct arbel *arbel, struct ib_completion_queue *cq ) {
struct arbelprm_completion_queue_context cqctx;
int rc;
memset ( &cqctx, 0, sizeof ( cqctx ) );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_query_cq ( arbel, cq->cqn, &cqctx ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p CQN %#lx QUERY_CQ failed: %s\n",
arbel, cq->cqn, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p CQN %#lx context:\n", arbel, cq->cqn );
DBGC_HDA ( arbel, 0, &cqctx, sizeof ( cqctx ) );
return 0;
* Create completion queue
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v cq Completion queue
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_create_cq ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_completion_queue *cq ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct arbel_completion_queue *arbel_cq;
struct arbelprm_completion_queue_context cqctx;
struct arbelprm_cq_ci_db_record *ci_db_rec;
struct arbelprm_cq_arm_db_record *arm_db_rec;
int cqn_offset;
unsigned int i;
int rc;
/* Find a free completion queue number */
cqn_offset = arbel_bitmask_alloc ( arbel->cq_inuse, ARBEL_MAX_CQS );
if ( cqn_offset < 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p out of completion queues\n", arbel );
rc = cqn_offset;
goto err_cqn_offset;
cq->cqn = ( arbel->limits.reserved_cqs + cqn_offset );
/* Allocate control structures */
arbel_cq = zalloc ( sizeof ( *arbel_cq ) );
if ( ! arbel_cq ) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
goto err_arbel_cq;
arbel_cq->ci_doorbell_idx = arbel_cq_ci_doorbell_idx ( arbel, cq );
arbel_cq->arm_doorbell_idx = arbel_cq_arm_doorbell_idx ( arbel, cq );
/* Allocate completion queue itself */
arbel_cq->cqe_size = ( cq->num_cqes * sizeof ( arbel_cq->cqe[0] ) );
arbel_cq->cqe = malloc_phys ( arbel_cq->cqe_size,
sizeof ( arbel_cq->cqe[0] ) );
if ( ! arbel_cq->cqe ) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
goto err_cqe;
memset ( arbel_cq->cqe, 0, arbel_cq->cqe_size );
for ( i = 0 ; i < cq->num_cqes ; i++ ) {
MLX_FILL_1 ( &arbel_cq->cqe[i].normal, 7, owner, 1 );
/* Initialise doorbell records */
ci_db_rec = &arbel->db_rec[arbel_cq->ci_doorbell_idx].cq_ci;
MLX_FILL_1 ( ci_db_rec, 0, counter, 0 );
MLX_FILL_2 ( ci_db_rec, 1,
cq_number, cq->cqn );
arm_db_rec = &arbel->db_rec[arbel_cq->arm_doorbell_idx].cq_arm;
MLX_FILL_1 ( arm_db_rec, 0, counter, 0 );
MLX_FILL_2 ( arm_db_rec, 1,
cq_number, cq->cqn );
/* Hand queue over to hardware */
memset ( &cqctx, 0, sizeof ( cqctx ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &cqctx, 0, st, 0xa /* "Event fired" */ );
MLX_FILL_H ( &cqctx, 1, start_address_h,
virt_to_bus ( arbel_cq->cqe ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &cqctx, 2, start_address_l,
virt_to_bus ( arbel_cq->cqe ) );
MLX_FILL_2 ( &cqctx, 3,
usr_page, arbel->limits.reserved_uars,
log_cq_size, fls ( cq->num_cqes - 1 ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &cqctx, 5, c_eqn, arbel->eq.eqn );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &cqctx, 6, pd, ARBEL_GLOBAL_PD );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &cqctx, 7, l_key, arbel->lkey );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &cqctx, 12, cqn, cq->cqn );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &cqctx, 13,
cq_ci_db_record, arbel_cq->ci_doorbell_idx );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &cqctx, 14,
cq_state_db_record, arbel_cq->arm_doorbell_idx );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_sw2hw_cq ( arbel, cq->cqn, &cqctx ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p CQN %#lx SW2HW_CQ failed: %s\n",
arbel, cq->cqn, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_sw2hw_cq;
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p CQN %#lx ring [%08lx,%08lx), doorbell %08lx\n",
arbel, cq->cqn, virt_to_phys ( arbel_cq->cqe ),
( virt_to_phys ( arbel_cq->cqe ) + arbel_cq->cqe_size ),
virt_to_phys ( ci_db_rec ) );
ib_cq_set_drvdata ( cq, arbel_cq );
return 0;
MLX_FILL_1 ( ci_db_rec, 1, res, ARBEL_UAR_RES_NONE );
MLX_FILL_1 ( arm_db_rec, 1, res, ARBEL_UAR_RES_NONE );
free_phys ( arbel_cq->cqe, arbel_cq->cqe_size );
free ( arbel_cq );
arbel_bitmask_free ( arbel->cq_inuse, cqn_offset );
return rc;
* Destroy completion queue
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v cq Completion queue
static void arbel_destroy_cq ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_completion_queue *cq ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct arbel_completion_queue *arbel_cq = ib_cq_get_drvdata ( cq );
struct arbelprm_completion_queue_context cqctx;
struct arbelprm_cq_ci_db_record *ci_db_rec;
struct arbelprm_cq_arm_db_record *arm_db_rec;
int cqn_offset;
int rc;
/* Take ownership back from hardware */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_hw2sw_cq ( arbel, cq->cqn, &cqctx ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p CQN %#lx FATAL HW2SW_CQ failed: "
"%s\n", arbel, cq->cqn, strerror ( rc ) );
/* Leak memory and return; at least we avoid corruption */
/* Clear doorbell records */
ci_db_rec = &arbel->db_rec[arbel_cq->ci_doorbell_idx].cq_ci;
arm_db_rec = &arbel->db_rec[arbel_cq->arm_doorbell_idx].cq_arm;
MLX_FILL_1 ( ci_db_rec, 1, res, ARBEL_UAR_RES_NONE );
MLX_FILL_1 ( arm_db_rec, 1, res, ARBEL_UAR_RES_NONE );
/* Free memory */
free_phys ( arbel_cq->cqe, arbel_cq->cqe_size );
free ( arbel_cq );
/* Mark queue number as free */
cqn_offset = ( cq->cqn - arbel->limits.reserved_cqs );
arbel_bitmask_free ( arbel->cq_inuse, cqn_offset );
ib_cq_set_drvdata ( cq, NULL );
* Queue pair operations
* Assign queue pair number
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v qp Queue pair
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_alloc_qpn ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
unsigned int port_offset;
int qpn_offset;
/* Calculate queue pair number */
port_offset = ( ibdev->port - ARBEL_PORT_BASE );
switch ( qp->type ) {
case IB_QPT_SMI:
qp->qpn = ( arbel->special_qpn_base + port_offset );
return 0;
case IB_QPT_GSI:
qp->qpn = ( arbel->special_qpn_base + 2 + port_offset );
return 0;
case IB_QPT_UD:
case IB_QPT_RC:
/* Find a free queue pair number */
qpn_offset = arbel_bitmask_alloc ( arbel->qp_inuse,
if ( qpn_offset < 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p out of queue pairs\n",
arbel );
return qpn_offset;
qp->qpn = ( ( random() & ARBEL_QPN_RANDOM_MASK ) |
( arbel->qpn_base + qpn_offset ) );
return 0;
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p unsupported QP type %d\n",
arbel, qp->type );
return -ENOTSUP;
* Free queue pair number
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v qp Queue pair
static void arbel_free_qpn ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
int qpn_offset;
qpn_offset = ( ( qp->qpn & ~ARBEL_QPN_RANDOM_MASK ) - arbel->qpn_base );
if ( qpn_offset >= 0 )
arbel_bitmask_free ( arbel->qp_inuse, qpn_offset );
* Calculate transmission rate
* @v av Address vector
* @ret arbel_rate Arbel rate
static unsigned int arbel_rate ( struct ib_address_vector *av ) {
return ( ( ( av->rate >= IB_RATE_2_5 ) && ( av->rate <= IB_RATE_120 ) )
? ( av->rate + 5 ) : 0 );
/** Queue pair transport service type map */
static uint8_t arbel_qp_st[] = {
* Dump queue pair context (for debugging only)
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @v qp Queue pair
* @ret rc Return status code
static __attribute__ (( unused )) int
arbel_dump_qpctx ( struct arbel *arbel, struct ib_queue_pair *qp ) {
struct arbelprm_qp_ee_state_transitions qpctx;
int rc;
memset ( &qpctx, 0, sizeof ( qpctx ) );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_query_qpee ( arbel, qp->qpn, &qpctx ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx QUERY_QPEE failed: %s\n",
arbel, qp->qpn, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx context:\n", arbel, qp->qpn );
DBGC_HDA ( arbel, 0, &qpctx.u.dwords[2], ( sizeof ( qpctx ) - 8 ) );
return 0;
* Create send work queue
* @v arbel_send_wq Send work queue
* @v num_wqes Number of work queue entries
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_create_send_wq ( struct arbel_send_work_queue *arbel_send_wq,
unsigned int num_wqes ) {
union arbel_send_wqe *wqe;
union arbel_send_wqe *next_wqe;
unsigned int wqe_idx_mask;
unsigned int i;
/* Allocate work queue */
arbel_send_wq->wqe_size = ( num_wqes *
sizeof ( arbel_send_wq->wqe[0] ) );
arbel_send_wq->wqe = malloc_phys ( arbel_send_wq->wqe_size,
sizeof ( arbel_send_wq->wqe[0] ) );
if ( ! arbel_send_wq->wqe )
return -ENOMEM;
memset ( arbel_send_wq->wqe, 0, arbel_send_wq->wqe_size );
/* Link work queue entries */
wqe_idx_mask = ( num_wqes - 1 );
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_wqes ; i++ ) {
wqe = &arbel_send_wq->wqe[i];
next_wqe = &arbel_send_wq->wqe[ ( i + 1 ) & wqe_idx_mask ];
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->next, 0, nda_31_6,
( virt_to_bus ( next_wqe ) >> 6 ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->next, 1, always1, 1 );
return 0;
* Create receive work queue
* @v arbel_recv_wq Receive work queue
* @v num_wqes Number of work queue entries
* @v type Queue pair type
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_create_recv_wq ( struct arbel_recv_work_queue *arbel_recv_wq,
unsigned int num_wqes,
enum ib_queue_pair_type type ) {
struct arbelprm_recv_wqe *wqe;
struct arbelprm_recv_wqe *next_wqe;
unsigned int wqe_idx_mask;
size_t nds;
unsigned int i;
unsigned int j;
int rc;
/* Allocate work queue */
arbel_recv_wq->wqe_size = ( num_wqes *
sizeof ( arbel_recv_wq->wqe[0] ) );
arbel_recv_wq->wqe = malloc_phys ( arbel_recv_wq->wqe_size,
sizeof ( arbel_recv_wq->wqe[0] ) );
if ( ! arbel_recv_wq->wqe ) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
goto err_alloc_wqe;
memset ( arbel_recv_wq->wqe, 0, arbel_recv_wq->wqe_size );
/* Allocate GRH entries, if needed */
if ( ( type == IB_QPT_SMI ) || ( type == IB_QPT_GSI ) ||
( type == IB_QPT_UD ) ) {
arbel_recv_wq->grh_size = ( num_wqes *
sizeof ( arbel_recv_wq->grh[0] ) );
arbel_recv_wq->grh = malloc_phys ( arbel_recv_wq->grh_size,
sizeof ( void * ) );
if ( ! arbel_recv_wq->grh ) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
goto err_alloc_grh;
/* Link work queue entries */
wqe_idx_mask = ( num_wqes - 1 );
nds = ( ( offsetof ( typeof ( *wqe ), data ) +
sizeof ( wqe->data[0] ) ) >> 4 );
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_wqes ; i++ ) {
wqe = &arbel_recv_wq->wqe[i].recv;
next_wqe = &arbel_recv_wq->wqe[( i + 1 ) & wqe_idx_mask].recv;
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->next, 0, nda_31_6,
( virt_to_bus ( next_wqe ) >> 6 ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->next, 1, nds, nds );
for ( j = 0 ; ( ( ( void * ) &wqe->data[j] ) <
( ( void * ) ( wqe + 1 ) ) ) ; j++ ) {
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->data[j], 1,
return 0;
free_phys ( arbel_recv_wq->grh, arbel_recv_wq->grh_size );
free_phys ( arbel_recv_wq->wqe, arbel_recv_wq->wqe_size );
return rc;
* Create queue pair
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v qp Queue pair
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_create_qp ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct arbel_queue_pair *arbel_qp;
struct arbelprm_qp_ee_state_transitions qpctx;
struct arbelprm_qp_db_record *send_db_rec;
struct arbelprm_qp_db_record *recv_db_rec;
physaddr_t send_wqe_base_adr;
physaddr_t recv_wqe_base_adr;
physaddr_t wqe_base_adr;
int rc;
/* Warn about dysfunctional code
* Arbel seems to crash the system as soon as the first send
* WQE completes on an RC queue pair. (NOPs complete
* successfully, so this is a problem specific to the work
* queue rather than the completion queue.) The cause of this
* problem has remained unknown for over a year. Patches to
* fix this are welcome.
if ( qp->type == IB_QPT_RC )
DBG ( "*** WARNING: Arbel RC support is non-functional ***\n" );
/* Calculate queue pair number */
if ( ( rc = arbel_alloc_qpn ( ibdev, qp ) ) != 0 )
goto err_alloc_qpn;
/* Allocate control structures */
arbel_qp = zalloc ( sizeof ( *arbel_qp ) );
if ( ! arbel_qp ) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
goto err_arbel_qp;
arbel_qp->send.doorbell_idx = arbel_send_doorbell_idx ( arbel, qp );
arbel_qp->recv.doorbell_idx = arbel_recv_doorbell_idx ( arbel, qp );
/* Create send and receive work queues */
if ( ( rc = arbel_create_send_wq ( &arbel_qp->send,
qp->send.num_wqes ) ) != 0 )
goto err_create_send_wq;
if ( ( rc = arbel_create_recv_wq ( &arbel_qp->recv, qp->recv.num_wqes,
qp->type ) ) != 0 )
goto err_create_recv_wq;
/* Send and receive work queue entries must be within the same 4GB */
send_wqe_base_adr = virt_to_bus ( arbel_qp->send.wqe );
recv_wqe_base_adr = virt_to_bus ( arbel_qp->recv.wqe );
if ( ( sizeof ( physaddr_t ) > sizeof ( uint32_t ) ) &&
( ( ( ( uint64_t ) send_wqe_base_adr ) >> 32 ) !=
( ( ( uint64_t ) recv_wqe_base_adr ) >> 32 ) ) ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx cannot support send %08lx "
"recv %08lx\n", arbel, qp->qpn,
send_wqe_base_adr, recv_wqe_base_adr );
rc = -ENOTSUP;
goto err_unsupported_address_split;
wqe_base_adr = send_wqe_base_adr;
/* Initialise doorbell records */
send_db_rec = &arbel->db_rec[arbel_qp->send.doorbell_idx].qp;
MLX_FILL_1 ( send_db_rec, 0, counter, 0 );
MLX_FILL_2 ( send_db_rec, 1,
qp_number, qp->qpn );
recv_db_rec = &arbel->db_rec[arbel_qp->recv.doorbell_idx].qp;
MLX_FILL_1 ( recv_db_rec, 0, counter, 0 );
MLX_FILL_2 ( recv_db_rec, 1,
qp_number, qp->qpn );
/* Transition queue to INIT state */
memset ( &qpctx, 0, sizeof ( qpctx ) );
MLX_FILL_3 ( &qpctx, 2,, 1,
qpc_eec_data.pm_state, ARBEL_PM_STATE_MIGRATED,, arbel_qp_st[qp->type] );
MLX_FILL_4 ( &qpctx, 4,
qpc_eec_data.log_rq_size, fls ( qp->recv.num_wqes - 1 ),
( fls ( sizeof ( arbel_qp->recv.wqe[0] ) - 1 ) - 4 ),
qpc_eec_data.log_sq_size, fls ( qp->send.num_wqes - 1 ),
( fls ( sizeof ( arbel_qp->send.wqe[0] ) - 1 ) - 4 ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 5,
qpc_eec_data.usr_page, arbel->limits.reserved_uars );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 10, qpc_eec_data.primary_address_path.port_number,
ibdev->port );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 27, qpc_eec_data.pd, ARBEL_GLOBAL_PD );
MLX_FILL_H ( &qpctx, 28, qpc_eec_data.wqe_base_adr_h, wqe_base_adr );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 29, qpc_eec_data.wqe_lkey, arbel->lkey );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 30, qpc_eec_data.ssc, 1 );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 33, qpc_eec_data.cqn_snd, qp->send.cq->cqn );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 34, qpc_eec_data.snd_wqe_base_adr_l,
( send_wqe_base_adr >> 6 ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 35, qpc_eec_data.snd_db_record_index,
arbel_qp->send.doorbell_idx );
MLX_FILL_4 ( &qpctx, 38,
qpc_eec_data.rre, 1,, 1,
qpc_eec_data.rae, 1,
qpc_eec_data.rsc, 1 );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 41, qpc_eec_data.cqn_rcv, qp->recv.cq->cqn );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 42, qpc_eec_data.rcv_wqe_base_adr_l,
( recv_wqe_base_adr >> 6 ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 43, qpc_eec_data.rcv_db_record_index,
arbel_qp->recv.doorbell_idx );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_rst2init_qpee ( arbel, qp->qpn, &qpctx )) != 0 ){
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx RST2INIT_QPEE failed: %s\n",
arbel, qp->qpn, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_rst2init_qpee;
arbel_qp->state = ARBEL_QP_ST_INIT;
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx send ring [%08lx,%08lx), doorbell "
"%08lx\n", arbel, qp->qpn, virt_to_phys ( arbel_qp->send.wqe ),
( virt_to_phys ( arbel_qp->send.wqe ) +
arbel_qp->send.wqe_size ),
virt_to_phys ( send_db_rec ) );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx receive ring [%08lx,%08lx), doorbell "
"%08lx\n", arbel, qp->qpn, virt_to_phys ( arbel_qp->recv.wqe ),
( virt_to_phys ( arbel_qp->recv.wqe ) +
arbel_qp->recv.wqe_size ),
virt_to_phys ( recv_db_rec ) );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx send CQN %#lx receive CQN %#lx\n",
arbel, qp->qpn, qp->send.cq->cqn, qp->recv.cq->cqn );
ib_qp_set_drvdata ( qp, arbel_qp );
return 0;
arbel_cmd_2rst_qpee ( arbel, qp->qpn );
MLX_FILL_1 ( send_db_rec, 1, res, ARBEL_UAR_RES_NONE );
MLX_FILL_1 ( recv_db_rec, 1, res, ARBEL_UAR_RES_NONE );
free_phys ( arbel_qp->recv.grh, arbel_qp->recv.grh_size );
free_phys ( arbel_qp->recv.wqe, arbel_qp->recv.wqe_size );
free_phys ( arbel_qp->send.wqe, arbel_qp->send.wqe_size );
free ( arbel_qp );
arbel_free_qpn ( ibdev, qp );
return rc;
* Modify queue pair
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v qp Queue pair
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_modify_qp ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct arbel_queue_pair *arbel_qp = ib_qp_get_drvdata ( qp );
struct arbelprm_qp_ee_state_transitions qpctx;
int rc;
/* Transition queue to RTR state, if applicable */
if ( arbel_qp->state < ARBEL_QP_ST_RTR ) {
memset ( &qpctx, 0, sizeof ( qpctx ) );
MLX_FILL_2 ( &qpctx, 4,
qpc_eec_data.mtu, ARBEL_MTU_2048,
qpc_eec_data.msg_max, 31 );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 7,
qpc_eec_data.remote_qpn_een, qp->av.qpn );
MLX_FILL_2 ( &qpctx, 11,
qp->av.lid );
MLX_FILL_2 ( &qpctx, 12,
14 /* 4.096us * 2^(14) = 67ms */,
arbel_rate ( &qp->av ) );
memcpy ( &qpctx.u.dwords[14], &qp->av.gid,
sizeof ( qp->av.gid ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 30,
qpc_eec_data.retry_count, ARBEL_RETRY_MAX );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 39,
qpc_eec_data.next_rcv_psn, qp->recv.psn );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 40,
( arbel->limits.reserved_rdbs +
( ( qp->qpn & ~ARBEL_QPN_RANDOM_MASK ) -
arbel->special_qpn_base ) ) );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_init2rtr_qpee ( arbel, qp->qpn,
&qpctx ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx INIT2RTR_QPEE failed:"
" %s\n", arbel, qp->qpn, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
arbel_qp->state = ARBEL_QP_ST_RTR;
/* Transition queue to RTS state, if applicable */
if ( arbel_qp->state < ARBEL_QP_ST_RTS ) {
memset ( &qpctx, 0, sizeof ( qpctx ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 11,
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 12,
14 /* 4.096us * 2^(14) = 67ms */ );
MLX_FILL_2 ( &qpctx, 30,
qpc_eec_data.retry_count, ARBEL_RETRY_MAX,
qpc_eec_data.sic, 1 );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 32,
qpc_eec_data.next_send_psn, qp->send.psn );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_rtr2rts_qpee ( arbel, qp->qpn,
&qpctx ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx RTR2RTS_QPEE failed: "
"%s\n", arbel, qp->qpn, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
arbel_qp->state = ARBEL_QP_ST_RTS;
/* Update parameters in RTS state */
memset ( &qpctx, 0, sizeof ( qpctx ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 0, opt_param_mask, ARBEL_QPEE_OPT_PARAM_QKEY );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &qpctx, 44, qpc_eec_data.q_key, qp->qkey );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_rts2rts_qpee ( arbel, qp->qpn, &qpctx ) ) != 0 ){
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx RTS2RTS_QPEE failed: %s\n",
arbel, qp->qpn, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
return 0;
* Destroy queue pair
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v qp Queue pair
static void arbel_destroy_qp ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct arbel_queue_pair *arbel_qp = ib_qp_get_drvdata ( qp );
struct arbelprm_qp_db_record *send_db_rec;
struct arbelprm_qp_db_record *recv_db_rec;
int rc;
/* Take ownership back from hardware */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_2rst_qpee ( arbel, qp->qpn ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx FATAL 2RST_QPEE failed: "
"%s\n", arbel, qp->qpn, strerror ( rc ) );
/* Leak memory and return; at least we avoid corruption */
/* Clear doorbell records */
send_db_rec = &arbel->db_rec[arbel_qp->send.doorbell_idx].qp;
recv_db_rec = &arbel->db_rec[arbel_qp->recv.doorbell_idx].qp;
MLX_FILL_1 ( send_db_rec, 1, res, ARBEL_UAR_RES_NONE );
MLX_FILL_1 ( recv_db_rec, 1, res, ARBEL_UAR_RES_NONE );
/* Free memory */
free_phys ( arbel_qp->recv.grh, arbel_qp->recv.grh_size );
free_phys ( arbel_qp->recv.wqe, arbel_qp->recv.wqe_size );
free_phys ( arbel_qp->send.wqe, arbel_qp->send.wqe_size );
free ( arbel_qp );
/* Mark queue number as free */
arbel_free_qpn ( ibdev, qp );
ib_qp_set_drvdata ( qp, NULL );
* Work request operations
* Ring doorbell register in UAR
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @v db_reg Doorbell register structure
* @v offset Address of doorbell
static void arbel_ring_doorbell ( struct arbel *arbel,
union arbelprm_doorbell_register *db_reg,
unsigned int offset ) {
DBGC2 ( arbel, "Arbel %p ringing doorbell %08x:%08x at %lx\n",
arbel, ntohl ( db_reg->dword[0] ), ntohl ( db_reg->dword[1] ),
virt_to_phys ( arbel->uar + offset ) );
writel ( db_reg->dword[0], ( arbel->uar + offset + 0 ) );
writel ( db_reg->dword[1], ( arbel->uar + offset + 4 ) );
/** GID used for GID-less send work queue entries */
static const union ib_gid arbel_no_gid = {
.bytes = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0 },
* Construct UD send work queue entry
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v qp Queue pair
* @v dest Destination address vector
* @v iobuf I/O buffer
* @v wqe Send work queue entry
* @ret nds Work queue entry size
static size_t arbel_fill_ud_send_wqe ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp __unused,
struct ib_address_vector *dest,
struct io_buffer *iobuf,
union arbel_send_wqe *wqe ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
const union ib_gid *gid;
/* Construct this work queue entry */
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->ud.ctrl, 0, always1, 1 );
MLX_FILL_2 ( &wqe->ud.ud, 0,
ud_address_vector.pd, ARBEL_GLOBAL_PD,
ud_address_vector.port_number, ibdev->port );
MLX_FILL_2 ( &wqe->ud.ud, 1,
ud_address_vector.rlid, dest->lid,
ud_address_vector.g, dest->gid_present );
MLX_FILL_2 ( &wqe->ud.ud, 2,
ud_address_vector.max_stat_rate, arbel_rate ( dest ),
ud_address_vector.msg, 3 );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->ud.ud, 3,, dest->sl );
gid = ( dest->gid_present ? &dest->gid : &arbel_no_gid );
memcpy ( &wqe->ud.ud.u.dwords[4], gid, sizeof ( *gid ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->ud.ud, 8, destination_qp, dest->qpn );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->ud.ud, 9, q_key, dest->qkey );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->[0], 0, byte_count, iob_len ( iobuf ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->[0], 1, l_key, arbel->lkey );
MLX_FILL_H ( &wqe->[0], 2,
local_address_h, virt_to_bus ( iobuf->data ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->[0], 3,
local_address_l, virt_to_bus ( iobuf->data ) );
return ( offsetof ( typeof ( wqe->ud ), data[1] ) >> 4 );
* Construct MLX send work queue entry
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v qp Queue pair
* @v dest Destination address vector
* @v iobuf I/O buffer
* @v wqe Send work queue entry
* @ret nds Work queue entry size
static size_t arbel_fill_mlx_send_wqe ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp,
struct ib_address_vector *dest,
struct io_buffer *iobuf,
union arbel_send_wqe *wqe ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct io_buffer headers;
/* Construct IB headers */
iob_populate ( &headers, &wqe->mlx.headers, 0,
sizeof ( wqe->mlx.headers ) );
iob_reserve ( &headers, sizeof ( wqe->mlx.headers ) );
ib_push ( ibdev, &headers, qp, iob_len ( iobuf ), dest );
/* Construct this work queue entry */
MLX_FILL_5 ( &wqe->mlx.ctrl, 0,
c, 1 /* generate completion */,
icrc, 0 /* generate ICRC */,
max_statrate, arbel_rate ( dest ),
slr, 0,
v15, ( ( qp->ext_qpn == IB_QPN_SMI ) ? 1 : 0 ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->mlx.ctrl, 1, rlid, dest->lid );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->[0], 0,
byte_count, iob_len ( &headers ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->[0], 1, l_key, arbel->lkey );
MLX_FILL_H ( &wqe->[0], 2,
local_address_h, virt_to_bus ( ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->[0], 3,
local_address_l, virt_to_bus ( ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->[1], 0,
byte_count, ( iob_len ( iobuf ) + 4 /* ICRC */ ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->[1], 1, l_key, arbel->lkey );
MLX_FILL_H ( &wqe->[1], 2,
local_address_h, virt_to_bus ( iobuf->data ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->[1], 3,
local_address_l, virt_to_bus ( iobuf->data ) );
return ( offsetof ( typeof ( wqe->mlx ), data[2] ) >> 4 );
* Construct RC send work queue entry
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v qp Queue pair
* @v dest Destination address vector
* @v iobuf I/O buffer
* @v wqe Send work queue entry
* @ret nds Work queue entry size
static size_t arbel_fill_rc_send_wqe ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp __unused,
struct ib_address_vector *dest __unused,
struct io_buffer *iobuf,
union arbel_send_wqe *wqe ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
/* Construct this work queue entry */
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->rc.ctrl, 0, always1, 1 );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->[0], 0, byte_count, iob_len ( iobuf ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->[0], 1, l_key, arbel->lkey );
MLX_FILL_H ( &wqe->[0], 2,
local_address_h, virt_to_bus ( iobuf->data ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &wqe->[0], 3,
local_address_l, virt_to_bus ( iobuf->data ) );
return ( offsetof ( typeof ( wqe->rc ), data[1] ) >> 4 );
/** Work queue entry constructors */
static size_t
( * arbel_fill_send_wqe[] ) ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp,
struct ib_address_vector *dest,
struct io_buffer *iobuf,
union arbel_send_wqe *wqe ) = {
[IB_QPT_SMI] = arbel_fill_mlx_send_wqe,
[IB_QPT_GSI] = arbel_fill_mlx_send_wqe,
[IB_QPT_UD] = arbel_fill_ud_send_wqe,
[IB_QPT_RC] = arbel_fill_rc_send_wqe,
* Post send work queue entry
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v qp Queue pair
* @v dest Destination address vector
* @v iobuf I/O buffer
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_post_send ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp,
struct ib_address_vector *dest,
struct io_buffer *iobuf ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct arbel_queue_pair *arbel_qp = ib_qp_get_drvdata ( qp );
struct ib_work_queue *wq = &qp->send;
struct arbel_send_work_queue *arbel_send_wq = &arbel_qp->send;
union arbel_send_wqe *prev_wqe;
union arbel_send_wqe *wqe;
struct arbelprm_qp_db_record *qp_db_rec;
union arbelprm_doorbell_register db_reg;
unsigned long wqe_idx_mask;
size_t nds;
/* Allocate work queue entry */
wqe_idx_mask = ( wq->num_wqes - 1 );
if ( wq->iobufs[wq->next_idx & wqe_idx_mask] ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx send queue full",
arbel, qp->qpn );
return -ENOBUFS;
wq->iobufs[wq->next_idx & wqe_idx_mask] = iobuf;
prev_wqe = &arbel_send_wq->wqe[(wq->next_idx - 1) & wqe_idx_mask];
wqe = &arbel_send_wq->wqe[wq->next_idx & wqe_idx_mask];
/* Construct work queue entry */
memset ( ( ( ( void * ) wqe ) + sizeof ( wqe->next ) ), 0,
( sizeof ( *wqe ) - sizeof ( wqe->next ) ) );
assert ( qp->type < ( sizeof ( arbel_fill_send_wqe ) /
sizeof ( arbel_fill_send_wqe[0] ) ) );
assert ( arbel_fill_send_wqe[qp->type] != NULL );
nds = arbel_fill_send_wqe[qp->type] ( ibdev, qp, dest, iobuf, wqe );
DBGCP ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx posting send WQE %#lx:\n",
arbel, qp->qpn, ( wq->next_idx & wqe_idx_mask ) );
DBGCP_HDA ( arbel, virt_to_phys ( wqe ), wqe, sizeof ( *wqe ) );
/* Update previous work queue entry's "next" field */
MLX_SET ( &prev_wqe->next, nopcode, ARBEL_OPCODE_SEND );
MLX_FILL_3 ( &prev_wqe->next, 1,
nds, nds,
f, 0,
always1, 1 );
/* Update doorbell record */
qp_db_rec = &arbel->db_rec[arbel_send_wq->doorbell_idx].qp;
MLX_FILL_1 ( qp_db_rec, 0,
counter, ( ( wq->next_idx + 1 ) & 0xffff ) );
/* Ring doorbell register */
MLX_FILL_4 ( &db_reg.send, 0,
f, 0,
wqe_counter, ( wq->next_idx & 0xffff ),
wqe_cnt, 1 );
MLX_FILL_2 ( &db_reg.send, 1,
nds, nds,
qpn, qp->qpn );
arbel_ring_doorbell ( arbel, &db_reg, ARBEL_DB_POST_SND_OFFSET );
/* Update work queue's index */
return 0;
* Post receive work queue entry
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v qp Queue pair
* @v iobuf I/O buffer
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_post_recv ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp,
struct io_buffer *iobuf ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct arbel_queue_pair *arbel_qp = ib_qp_get_drvdata ( qp );
struct ib_work_queue *wq = &qp->recv;
struct arbel_recv_work_queue *arbel_recv_wq = &arbel_qp->recv;
struct arbelprm_recv_wqe *wqe;
struct arbelprm_wqe_segment_data_ptr *data;
struct ib_global_route_header *grh;
union arbelprm_doorbell_record *db_rec;
unsigned int wqe_idx_mask;
/* Allocate work queue entry */
wqe_idx_mask = ( wq->num_wqes - 1 );
if ( wq->iobufs[wq->next_idx & wqe_idx_mask] ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p QPN %#lx receive queue full\n",
arbel, qp->qpn );
return -ENOBUFS;
wq->iobufs[wq->next_idx & wqe_idx_mask] = iobuf;
wqe = &arbel_recv_wq->wqe[wq->next_idx & wqe_idx_mask].recv;
/* Construct work queue entry */
data = &wqe->data[0];
if ( arbel_recv_wq->grh ) {
grh = &arbel_recv_wq->grh[wq->next_idx & wqe_idx_mask];
MLX_FILL_1 ( data, 0, byte_count, sizeof ( *grh ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( data, 1, l_key, arbel->lkey );
MLX_FILL_H ( data, 2, local_address_h, virt_to_bus ( grh ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( data, 3, local_address_l, virt_to_bus ( grh ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( data, 0, byte_count, iob_tailroom ( iobuf ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( data, 1, l_key, arbel->lkey );
MLX_FILL_H ( data, 2, local_address_h, virt_to_bus ( iobuf->data ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( data, 3, local_address_l, virt_to_bus ( iobuf->data ) );
/* Update doorbell record */
db_rec = &arbel->db_rec[arbel_recv_wq->doorbell_idx];
MLX_FILL_1 ( &db_rec->qp, 0,
counter, ( ( wq->next_idx + 1 ) & 0xffff ) );
/* Update work queue's index */
return 0;
* Handle completion
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v cq Completion queue
* @v cqe Hardware completion queue entry
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_complete ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_completion_queue *cq,
union arbelprm_completion_entry *cqe ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct ib_work_queue *wq;
struct ib_queue_pair *qp;
struct arbel_queue_pair *arbel_qp;
struct arbel_send_work_queue *arbel_send_wq;
struct arbel_recv_work_queue *arbel_recv_wq;
struct arbelprm_recv_wqe *recv_wqe;
struct io_buffer *iobuf;
struct ib_address_vector recv_dest;
struct ib_address_vector recv_source;
struct ib_global_route_header *grh;
struct ib_address_vector *source;
unsigned int opcode;
unsigned long qpn;
int is_send;
unsigned long wqe_adr;
unsigned long wqe_idx;
size_t len;
int rc = 0;
/* Parse completion */
qpn = MLX_GET ( &cqe->normal, my_qpn );
is_send = MLX_GET ( &cqe->normal, s );
wqe_adr = ( MLX_GET ( &cqe->normal, wqe_adr ) << 6 );
opcode = MLX_GET ( &cqe->normal, opcode );
if ( opcode >= ARBEL_OPCODE_RECV_ERROR ) {
/* "s" field is not valid for error opcodes */
is_send = ( opcode == ARBEL_OPCODE_SEND_ERROR );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p CQN %#lx %s QPN %#lx syndrome %#x "
"vendor %#x\n", arbel, cq->cqn,
( is_send ? "send" : "recv" ), qpn,
MLX_GET ( &cqe->error, syndrome ),
MLX_GET ( &cqe->error, vendor_code ) );
DBGC_HDA ( arbel, virt_to_phys ( cqe ), cqe, sizeof ( *cqe ) );
rc = -EIO;
/* Don't return immediately; propagate error to completer */
/* Identify work queue */
wq = ib_find_wq ( cq, qpn, is_send );
if ( ! wq ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p CQN %#lx unknown %s QPN %#lx\n",
arbel, cq->cqn, ( is_send ? "send" : "recv" ), qpn );
return -EIO;
qp = wq->qp;
arbel_qp = ib_qp_get_drvdata ( qp );
arbel_send_wq = &arbel_qp->send;
arbel_recv_wq = &arbel_qp->recv;
/* Identify work queue entry index */
if ( is_send ) {
wqe_idx = ( ( wqe_adr - virt_to_bus ( arbel_send_wq->wqe ) ) /
sizeof ( arbel_send_wq->wqe[0] ) );
assert ( wqe_idx < qp->send.num_wqes );
} else {
wqe_idx = ( ( wqe_adr - virt_to_bus ( arbel_recv_wq->wqe ) ) /
sizeof ( arbel_recv_wq->wqe[0] ) );
assert ( wqe_idx < qp->recv.num_wqes );
DBGCP ( arbel, "Arbel %p CQN %#lx QPN %#lx %s WQE %#lx completed:\n",
arbel, cq->cqn, qp->qpn, ( is_send ? "send" : "recv" ),
wqe_idx );
DBGCP_HDA ( arbel, virt_to_phys ( cqe ), cqe, sizeof ( *cqe ) );
/* Identify I/O buffer */
iobuf = wq->iobufs[wqe_idx];
if ( ! iobuf ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p CQN %#lx QPN %#lx empty %s WQE %#lx\n",
arbel, cq->cqn, qp->qpn, ( is_send ? "send" : "recv" ),
wqe_idx );
return -EIO;
wq->iobufs[wqe_idx] = NULL;
if ( is_send ) {
/* Hand off to completion handler */
ib_complete_send ( ibdev, qp, iobuf, rc );
} else {
/* Set received length */
len = MLX_GET ( &cqe->normal, byte_cnt );
recv_wqe = &arbel_recv_wq->wqe[wqe_idx].recv;
assert ( MLX_GET ( &recv_wqe->data[0], local_address_l ) ==
virt_to_bus ( iobuf->data ) );
assert ( MLX_GET ( &recv_wqe->data[0], byte_count ) ==
iob_tailroom ( iobuf ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &recv_wqe->data[0], 0, byte_count, 0 );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &recv_wqe->data[0], 1,
memset ( &recv_dest, 0, sizeof ( recv_dest ) );
recv_dest.qpn = qpn;
switch ( qp->type ) {
case IB_QPT_SMI:
case IB_QPT_GSI:
case IB_QPT_UD:
/* Locate corresponding GRH */
assert ( arbel_recv_wq->grh != NULL );
grh = &arbel_recv_wq->grh[wqe_idx];
len -= sizeof ( *grh );
/* Construct address vector */
source = &recv_source;
memset ( source, 0, sizeof ( *source ) );
source->qpn = MLX_GET ( &cqe->normal, rqpn );
source->lid = MLX_GET ( &cqe->normal, rlid );
source->sl = MLX_GET ( &cqe->normal, sl );
recv_dest.gid_present = source->gid_present =
MLX_GET ( &cqe->normal, g );
memcpy ( &recv_dest.gid, &grh->dgid,
sizeof ( recv_dest.gid ) );
memcpy ( &source->gid, &grh->sgid,
sizeof ( source->gid ) );
case IB_QPT_RC:
source = &qp->av;
assert ( 0 );
return -EINVAL;
assert ( len <= iob_tailroom ( iobuf ) );
iob_put ( iobuf, len );
/* Hand off to completion handler */
ib_complete_recv ( ibdev, qp, &recv_dest, source, iobuf, rc );
return rc;
* Poll completion queue
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v cq Completion queue
static void arbel_poll_cq ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_completion_queue *cq ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct arbel_completion_queue *arbel_cq = ib_cq_get_drvdata ( cq );
struct arbelprm_cq_ci_db_record *ci_db_rec;
union arbelprm_completion_entry *cqe;
unsigned int cqe_idx_mask;
int rc;
while ( 1 ) {
/* Look for completion entry */
cqe_idx_mask = ( cq->num_cqes - 1 );
cqe = &arbel_cq->cqe[cq->next_idx & cqe_idx_mask];
if ( MLX_GET ( &cqe->normal, owner ) != 0 ) {
/* Entry still owned by hardware; end of poll */
/* Handle completion */
if ( ( rc = arbel_complete ( ibdev, cq, cqe ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p CQN %#lx failed to complete: "
"%s\n", arbel, cq->cqn, strerror ( rc ) );
DBGC_HD ( arbel, cqe, sizeof ( *cqe ) );
/* Return ownership to hardware */
MLX_FILL_1 ( &cqe->normal, 7, owner, 1 );
/* Update completion queue's index */
/* Update doorbell record */
ci_db_rec = &arbel->db_rec[arbel_cq->ci_doorbell_idx].cq_ci;
MLX_FILL_1 ( ci_db_rec, 0,
counter, ( cq->next_idx & 0xffffffffUL ) );
* Event queues
* Create event queue
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_create_eq ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
struct arbel_event_queue *arbel_eq = &arbel->eq;
struct arbelprm_eqc eqctx;
struct arbelprm_event_mask mask;
unsigned int i;
int rc;
/* Select event queue number */
arbel_eq->eqn = arbel->limits.reserved_eqs;
/* Calculate doorbell address */
arbel_eq->doorbell = ( arbel->eq_ci_doorbells +
ARBEL_DB_EQ_OFFSET ( arbel_eq->eqn ) );
/* Allocate event queue itself */
arbel_eq->eqe_size =
( ARBEL_NUM_EQES * sizeof ( arbel_eq->eqe[0] ) );
arbel_eq->eqe = malloc_phys ( arbel_eq->eqe_size,
sizeof ( arbel_eq->eqe[0] ) );
if ( ! arbel_eq->eqe ) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
goto err_eqe;
memset ( arbel_eq->eqe, 0, arbel_eq->eqe_size );
for ( i = 0 ; i < ARBEL_NUM_EQES ; i++ ) {
MLX_FILL_1 ( &arbel_eq->eqe[i].generic, 7, owner, 1 );
/* Hand queue over to hardware */
memset ( &eqctx, 0, sizeof ( eqctx ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &eqctx, 0, st, 0xa /* "Fired" */ );
MLX_FILL_H ( &eqctx, 1,
start_address_h, virt_to_phys ( arbel_eq->eqe ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &eqctx, 2,
start_address_l, virt_to_phys ( arbel_eq->eqe ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &eqctx, 3, log_eq_size, fls ( ARBEL_NUM_EQES - 1 ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &eqctx, 6, pd, ARBEL_GLOBAL_PD );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &eqctx, 7, lkey, arbel->lkey );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_sw2hw_eq ( arbel, arbel_eq->eqn,
&eqctx ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p EQN %#lx SW2HW_EQ failed: %s\n",
arbel, arbel_eq->eqn, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_sw2hw_eq;
/* Map events to this event queue */
memset ( &mask, 0xff, sizeof ( mask ) );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_map_eq ( arbel,
( ARBEL_MAP_EQ | arbel_eq->eqn ),
&mask ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p EQN %#lx MAP_EQ failed: %s\n",
arbel, arbel_eq->eqn, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_map_eq;
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p EQN %#lx ring [%08lx,%08lx), doorbell %08lx\n",
arbel, arbel_eq->eqn, virt_to_phys ( arbel_eq->eqe ),
( virt_to_phys ( arbel_eq->eqe ) + arbel_eq->eqe_size ),
virt_to_phys ( arbel_eq->doorbell ) );
return 0;
arbel_cmd_hw2sw_eq ( arbel, arbel_eq->eqn, &eqctx );
free_phys ( arbel_eq->eqe, arbel_eq->eqe_size );
memset ( arbel_eq, 0, sizeof ( *arbel_eq ) );
return rc;
* Destroy event queue
* @v arbel Arbel device
static void arbel_destroy_eq ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
struct arbel_event_queue *arbel_eq = &arbel->eq;
struct arbelprm_eqc eqctx;
struct arbelprm_event_mask mask;
int rc;
/* Unmap events from event queue */
memset ( &mask, 0, sizeof ( mask ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &mask, 1, port_state_change, 1 );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_map_eq ( arbel,
( ARBEL_UNMAP_EQ | arbel_eq->eqn ),
&mask ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p EQN %#lx FATAL MAP_EQ failed to "
"unmap: %s\n", arbel, arbel_eq->eqn, strerror ( rc ) );
/* Continue; HCA may die but system should survive */
/* Take ownership back from hardware */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_hw2sw_eq ( arbel, arbel_eq->eqn,
&eqctx ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p EQN %#lx FATAL HW2SW_EQ failed: %s\n",
arbel, arbel_eq->eqn, strerror ( rc ) );
/* Leak memory and return; at least we avoid corruption */
/* Free memory */
free_phys ( arbel_eq->eqe, arbel_eq->eqe_size );
memset ( arbel_eq, 0, sizeof ( *arbel_eq ) );
* Handle port state event
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @v eqe Port state change event queue entry
static void arbel_event_port_state_change ( struct arbel *arbel,
union arbelprm_event_entry *eqe){
unsigned int port;
int link_up;
/* Get port and link status */
port = ( MLX_GET ( &eqe->port_state_change, data.p ) - 1 );
link_up = ( MLX_GET ( &eqe->generic, event_sub_type ) & 0x04 );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p port %d link %s\n", arbel, ( port + 1 ),
( link_up ? "up" : "down" ) );
/* Sanity check */
if ( port >= ARBEL_NUM_PORTS ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p port %d does not exist!\n",
arbel, ( port + 1 ) );
/* Update MAD parameters */
ib_smc_update ( arbel->ibdev[port], arbel_mad );
* Poll event queue
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
static void arbel_poll_eq ( struct ib_device *ibdev ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct arbel_event_queue *arbel_eq = &arbel->eq;
union arbelprm_event_entry *eqe;
union arbelprm_eq_doorbell_register db_reg;
unsigned int eqe_idx_mask;
unsigned int event_type;
/* No event is generated upon reaching INIT, so we must poll
* separately for link state changes while we remain DOWN.
if ( ib_is_open ( ibdev ) &&
( ibdev->port_state == IB_PORT_STATE_DOWN ) ) {
ib_smc_update ( ibdev, arbel_mad );
/* Poll event queue */
while ( 1 ) {
/* Look for event entry */
eqe_idx_mask = ( ARBEL_NUM_EQES - 1 );
eqe = &arbel_eq->eqe[arbel_eq->next_idx & eqe_idx_mask];
if ( MLX_GET ( &eqe->generic, owner ) != 0 ) {
/* Entry still owned by hardware; end of poll */
DBGCP ( arbel, "Arbel %p EQN %#lx event:\n",
arbel, arbel_eq->eqn );
DBGCP_HDA ( arbel, virt_to_phys ( eqe ),
eqe, sizeof ( *eqe ) );
/* Handle event */
event_type = MLX_GET ( &eqe->generic, event_type );
switch ( event_type ) {
arbel_event_port_state_change ( arbel, eqe );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p EQN %#lx unrecognised event "
"type %#x:\n",
arbel, arbel_eq->eqn, event_type );
DBGC_HDA ( arbel, virt_to_phys ( eqe ),
eqe, sizeof ( *eqe ) );
/* Return ownership to hardware */
MLX_FILL_1 ( &eqe->generic, 7, owner, 1 );
/* Update event queue's index */
/* Ring doorbell */
MLX_FILL_1 ( &, 0, ci, arbel_eq->next_idx );
writel ( db_reg.dword[0], arbel_eq->doorbell );
* Firmware control
* Map virtual to physical address for firmware usage
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @v map Mapping function
* @v va Virtual address
* @v pa Physical address
* @v len Length of region
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_map_vpm ( struct arbel *arbel,
int ( *map ) ( struct arbel *arbel,
const struct arbelprm_virtual_physical_mapping* ),
uint64_t va, physaddr_t pa, size_t len ) {
struct arbelprm_virtual_physical_mapping mapping;
physaddr_t start;
physaddr_t low;
physaddr_t high;
physaddr_t end;
size_t size;
int rc;
/* Sanity checks */
assert ( ( va & ( ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE - 1 ) ) == 0 );
assert ( ( pa & ( ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE - 1 ) ) == 0 );
assert ( ( len & ( ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE - 1 ) ) == 0 );
assert ( len != 0 );
/* Calculate starting points */
start = pa;
end = ( start + len );
size = ( 1UL << ( fls ( start ^ end ) - 1 ) );
low = high = ( end & ~( size - 1 ) );
assert ( start < low );
assert ( high <= end );
/* These mappings tend to generate huge volumes of
* uninteresting debug data, which basically makes it
* impossible to use debugging otherwise.
/* Map blocks in descending order of size */
while ( size >= ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE ) {
/* Find the next candidate block */
if ( ( low - size ) >= start ) {
low -= size;
pa = low;
} else if ( high <= ( end - size ) ) {
pa = high;
high += size;
} else {
size >>= 1;
assert ( ( va & ( size - 1 ) ) == 0 );
assert ( ( pa & ( size - 1 ) ) == 0 );
/* Map this block */
memset ( &mapping, 0, sizeof ( mapping ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &mapping, 0, va_h, ( va >> 32 ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &mapping, 1, va_l, ( va >> 12 ) );
MLX_FILL_H ( &mapping, 2, pa_h, pa );
MLX_FILL_2 ( &mapping, 3,
log2size, ( ( fls ( size ) - 1 ) - 12 ),
pa_l, ( pa >> 12 ) );
if ( ( rc = map ( arbel, &mapping ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not map %08llx+%zx to "
"%08lx: %s\n",
arbel, va, size, pa, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
va += size;
assert ( low == start );
assert ( high == end );
return 0;
* Start firmware running
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_start_firmware ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
struct arbelprm_query_fw fw;
struct arbelprm_access_lam lam;
unsigned int fw_pages;
size_t fw_len;
physaddr_t fw_base;
uint64_t eq_set_ci_base_addr;
int rc;
/* Get firmware parameters */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_query_fw ( arbel, &fw ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not query firmware: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_query_fw;
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p firmware version %d.%d.%d\n", arbel,
MLX_GET ( &fw, fw_rev_major ), MLX_GET ( &fw, fw_rev_minor ),
MLX_GET ( &fw, fw_rev_subminor ) );
fw_pages = MLX_GET ( &fw, fw_pages );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p requires %d kB for firmware\n",
arbel, ( fw_pages * 4 ) );
eq_set_ci_base_addr =
( ( (uint64_t) MLX_GET ( &fw, eq_set_ci_base_addr_h ) << 32 ) |
( (uint64_t) MLX_GET ( &fw, eq_set_ci_base_addr_l ) ) );
arbel->eq_ci_doorbells = pci_ioremap ( arbel->pci, eq_set_ci_base_addr,
0x200 );
/* Enable locally-attached memory. Ignore failure; there may
* be no attached memory.
arbel_cmd_enable_lam ( arbel, &lam );
/* Allocate firmware pages and map firmware area */
fw_len = ( fw_pages * ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE );
if ( ! arbel->firmware_area ) {
arbel->firmware_len = fw_len;
arbel->firmware_area = umalloc ( arbel->firmware_len );
if ( ! arbel->firmware_area ) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
goto err_alloc_fa;
} else {
assert ( arbel->firmware_len == fw_len );
fw_base = user_to_phys ( arbel->firmware_area, 0 );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p firmware area at [%08lx,%08lx)\n",
arbel, fw_base, ( fw_base + fw_len ) );
if ( ( rc = arbel_map_vpm ( arbel, arbel_cmd_map_fa,
0, fw_base, fw_len ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not map firmware: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_map_fa;
/* Start firmware */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_run_fw ( arbel ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not run firmware: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_run_fw;
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p firmware started\n", arbel );
return 0;
arbel_cmd_unmap_fa ( arbel );
return rc;
* Stop firmware running
* @v arbel Arbel device
static void arbel_stop_firmware ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
int rc;
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_unmap_fa ( arbel ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p FATAL could not stop firmware: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
/* Leak memory and return; at least we avoid corruption */
arbel->firmware_area = UNULL;
* Infinihost Context Memory management
* Get device limits
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_get_limits ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
struct arbelprm_query_dev_lim dev_lim;
int rc;
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_query_dev_lim ( arbel, &dev_lim ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not get device limits: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
arbel->limits.reserved_qps =
( 1 << MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, log2_rsvd_qps ) );
arbel->limits.qpc_entry_size = MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, qpc_entry_sz );
arbel->limits.eqpc_entry_size = MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, eqpc_entry_sz );
arbel->limits.reserved_srqs =
( 1 << MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, log2_rsvd_srqs ) );
arbel->limits.srqc_entry_size = MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, srq_entry_sz );
arbel->limits.reserved_ees =
( 1 << MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, log2_rsvd_ees ) );
arbel->limits.eec_entry_size = MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, eec_entry_sz );
arbel->limits.eeec_entry_size = MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, eeec_entry_sz );
arbel->limits.reserved_cqs =
( 1 << MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, log2_rsvd_cqs ) );
arbel->limits.cqc_entry_size = MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, cqc_entry_sz );
arbel->limits.reserved_mtts =
( 1 << MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, log2_rsvd_mtts ) );
arbel->limits.mtt_entry_size = MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, mtt_entry_sz );
arbel->limits.reserved_mrws =
( 1 << MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, log2_rsvd_mrws ) );
arbel->limits.mpt_entry_size = MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, mpt_entry_sz );
arbel->limits.reserved_rdbs =
( 1 << MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, log2_rsvd_rdbs ) );
arbel->limits.reserved_eqs = MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, num_rsvd_eqs );
arbel->limits.eqc_entry_size = MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, eqc_entry_sz );
arbel->limits.reserved_uars = MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, num_rsvd_uars );
arbel->limits.uar_scratch_entry_size =
MLX_GET ( &dev_lim, uar_scratch_entry_sz );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p reserves %d x %#zx QPC, %d x %#zx EQPC, "
"%d x %#zx SRQC\n", arbel,
arbel->limits.reserved_qps, arbel->limits.qpc_entry_size,
arbel->limits.reserved_qps, arbel->limits.eqpc_entry_size,
arbel->limits.reserved_srqs, arbel->limits.srqc_entry_size );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p reserves %d x %#zx EEC, %d x %#zx EEEC, "
"%d x %#zx CQC\n", arbel,
arbel->limits.reserved_ees, arbel->limits.eec_entry_size,
arbel->limits.reserved_ees, arbel->limits.eeec_entry_size,
arbel->limits.reserved_cqs, arbel->limits.cqc_entry_size );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p reserves %d x %#zx EQC, %d x %#zx MTT, "
"%d x %#zx MPT\n", arbel,
arbel->limits.reserved_eqs, arbel->limits.eqc_entry_size,
arbel->limits.reserved_mtts, arbel->limits.mtt_entry_size,
arbel->limits.reserved_mrws, arbel->limits.mpt_entry_size );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p reserves %d x %#zx RDB, %d x %#zx UAR, "
"%d x %#zx UAR scratchpad\n", arbel,
arbel->limits.reserved_rdbs, ARBEL_RDB_ENTRY_SIZE,
arbel->limits.reserved_uars, ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE,
arbel->limits.uar_scratch_entry_size );
return 0;
* Align ICM table
* @v icm_offset Current ICM offset
* @v len ICM table length
* @ret icm_offset ICM offset
static size_t icm_align ( size_t icm_offset, size_t len ) {
/* Round up to a multiple of the table size */
assert ( len == ( 1UL << ( fls ( len ) - 1 ) ) );
return ( ( icm_offset + len - 1 ) & ~( len - 1 ) );
* Allocate ICM
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @v init_hca INIT_HCA structure to fill in
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_alloc_icm ( struct arbel *arbel,
struct arbelprm_init_hca *init_hca ) {
struct arbelprm_scalar_parameter icm_size;
struct arbelprm_scalar_parameter icm_aux_size;
struct arbelprm_scalar_parameter unmap_icm;
union arbelprm_doorbell_record *db_rec;
size_t icm_offset = 0;
unsigned int log_num_uars, log_num_qps, log_num_srqs, log_num_ees;
unsigned int log_num_cqs, log_num_mtts, log_num_mpts, log_num_rdbs;
unsigned int log_num_eqs, log_num_mcs;
size_t icm_len, icm_aux_len;
size_t len;
physaddr_t icm_phys;
int rc;
/* Calculate number of each object type within ICM */
log_num_qps = fls ( arbel->limits.reserved_qps +
log_num_srqs = fls ( arbel->limits.reserved_srqs - 1 );
log_num_ees = fls ( arbel->limits.reserved_ees - 1 );
log_num_cqs = fls ( arbel->limits.reserved_cqs + ARBEL_MAX_CQS - 1 );
log_num_eqs = fls ( arbel->limits.reserved_eqs + ARBEL_MAX_EQS - 1 );
log_num_mtts = fls ( arbel->limits.reserved_mtts - 1 );
log_num_mpts = fls ( arbel->limits.reserved_mrws + 1 - 1 );
log_num_rdbs = fls ( arbel->limits.reserved_rdbs +
log_num_uars = fls ( arbel->limits.reserved_uars +
1 /* single UAR used */ - 1 );
/* Queue pair contexts */
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_qps ) * arbel->limits.qpc_entry_size );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_2 ( init_hca, 13,
( icm_offset >> 7 ),
log_num_qps );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM QPC is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx)\n",
arbel, ( 1 << log_num_qps ), arbel->limits.qpc_entry_size,
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* Extended queue pair contexts */
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_qps ) * arbel->limits.eqpc_entry_size );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 25,
icm_offset );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM EQPC is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx)\n",
arbel, ( 1 << log_num_qps ), arbel->limits.eqpc_entry_size,
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* Completion queue contexts */
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_cqs ) * arbel->limits.cqc_entry_size );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_2 ( init_hca, 21,
( icm_offset >> 6 ),
log_num_cqs );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM CQC is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx)\n",
arbel, ( 1 << log_num_cqs ), arbel->limits.cqc_entry_size,
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* Event queue contexts */
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_eqs ) * arbel->limits.eqc_entry_size );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_2 ( init_hca, 33,
( icm_offset >> 6 ),
log_num_eqs );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM EQC is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx)\n",
arbel, ( 1 << log_num_eqs ), arbel->limits.eqc_entry_size,
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* End-to-end contexts */
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_ees ) * arbel->limits.eec_entry_size );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_2 ( init_hca, 17,
( icm_offset >> 7 ),
log_num_ees );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM EEC is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx)\n",
arbel, ( 1 << log_num_ees ), arbel->limits.eec_entry_size,
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* Shared receive queue contexts */
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_srqs ) * arbel->limits.srqc_entry_size );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_2 ( init_hca, 19,
( icm_offset >> 5 ),
log_num_srqs );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM SRQC is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx)\n",
arbel, ( 1 << log_num_srqs ), arbel->limits.srqc_entry_size,
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* Memory protection table */
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_mpts ) * arbel->limits.mpt_entry_size );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 61,
tpt_parameters.mpt_base_adr_l, icm_offset );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 62,
tpt_parameters.log_mpt_sz, log_num_mpts );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM MPT is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx)\n",
arbel, ( 1 << log_num_mpts ), arbel->limits.mpt_entry_size,
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* Remote read data base table */
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_rdbs ) * ARBEL_RDB_ENTRY_SIZE );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 37,
icm_offset );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM RDB is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx)\n",
arbel, ( 1 << log_num_rdbs ), ARBEL_RDB_ENTRY_SIZE,
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* Extended end-to-end contexts */
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_ees ) * arbel->limits.eeec_entry_size );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 29,
icm_offset );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM EEEC is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx)\n",
arbel, ( 1 << log_num_ees ), arbel->limits.eeec_entry_size,
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* Multicast table */
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_mcs ) * sizeof ( struct arbelprm_mgm_entry ) );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 49,
multicast_parameters.mc_base_addr_l, icm_offset );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 52,
fls ( sizeof ( struct arbelprm_mgm_entry ) - 1 ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 53,
( 1 << log_num_mcs ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 54,
log_num_mcs /* Only one entry per hash */ );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM MC is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx)\n", arbel,
( 1 << log_num_mcs ), sizeof ( struct arbelprm_mgm_entry ),
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* Memory translation table */
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_mtts ) * arbel->limits.mtt_entry_size );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 65,
tpt_parameters.mtt_base_addr_l, icm_offset );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM MTT is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx)\n",
arbel, ( 1 << log_num_mtts ), arbel->limits.mtt_entry_size,
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* User access region scratchpads */
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_uars ) * arbel->limits.uar_scratch_entry_size );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 77,
uar_parameters.uar_scratch_base_addr_l, icm_offset );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p UAR scratchpad is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx)\n",
arbel, ( 1 << log_num_uars ),
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* Record amount of ICM to be allocated */
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE );
icm_len = icm_offset;
/* User access region contexts
* The reserved UAR(s) do not need to be backed by physical
* memory, and our UAR is allocated separately; neither are
* part of the umalloc()ed ICM block, but both contribute to
* the total length of ICM virtual address space.
len = ( ( 1 << log_num_uars ) * ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE );
icm_offset = icm_align ( icm_offset, len );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 74, uar_parameters.log_max_uars, log_num_uars );
MLX_FILL_1 ( init_hca, 79,
uar_parameters.uar_context_base_addr_l, icm_offset );
arbel->db_rec_offset =
( icm_offset +
( arbel->limits.reserved_uars * ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE ) );
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p UAR is %d x %#zx at [%zx,%zx), doorbells "
"[%zx,%zx)\n", arbel, ( 1 << log_num_uars ), ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE,
icm_offset, ( icm_offset + len ), arbel->db_rec_offset,
( arbel->db_rec_offset + ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE ) );
icm_offset += len;
/* Get ICM auxiliary area size */
memset ( &icm_size, 0, sizeof ( icm_size ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &icm_size, 1, value, icm_len );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_set_icm_size ( arbel, &icm_size,
&icm_aux_size ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not set ICM size: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_set_icm_size;
icm_aux_len = ( MLX_GET ( &icm_aux_size, value ) * ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE );
/* Allocate ICM data and auxiliary area */
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p requires %zd kB ICM and %zd kB AUX ICM\n",
arbel, ( icm_len / 1024 ), ( icm_aux_len / 1024 ) );
if ( ! arbel->icm ) {
arbel->icm_len = icm_len;
arbel->icm_aux_len = icm_aux_len;
arbel->icm = umalloc ( arbel->icm_len + arbel->icm_aux_len );
if ( ! arbel->icm ) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
goto err_alloc_icm;
} else {
assert ( arbel->icm_len == icm_len );
assert ( arbel->icm_aux_len == icm_aux_len );
icm_phys = user_to_phys ( arbel->icm, 0 );
/* Allocate doorbell UAR */
arbel->db_rec = malloc_phys ( ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE, ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE );
if ( ! arbel->db_rec ) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
goto err_alloc_doorbell;
/* Map ICM auxiliary area */
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM AUX at [%08lx,%08lx)\n",
arbel, icm_phys, ( icm_phys + arbel->icm_aux_len ) );
if ( ( rc = arbel_map_vpm ( arbel, arbel_cmd_map_icm_aux,
0, icm_phys, arbel->icm_aux_len ) ) != 0 ){
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not map AUX ICM: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_map_icm_aux;
icm_phys += arbel->icm_aux_len;
/* Map ICM area */
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p ICM at [%08lx,%08lx)\n",
arbel, icm_phys, ( icm_phys + arbel->icm_len ) );
if ( ( rc = arbel_map_vpm ( arbel, arbel_cmd_map_icm,
0, icm_phys, arbel->icm_len ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not map ICM: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_map_icm;
icm_phys += arbel->icm_len;
/* Map doorbell UAR */
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p UAR at [%08lx,%08lx)\n",
arbel, virt_to_phys ( arbel->db_rec ),
( virt_to_phys ( arbel->db_rec ) + ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE ) );
if ( ( rc = arbel_map_vpm ( arbel, arbel_cmd_map_icm,
virt_to_phys ( arbel->db_rec ),
ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not map doorbell UAR: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_map_doorbell;
/* Initialise doorbell records */
memset ( arbel->db_rec, 0, ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE );
db_rec = &arbel->db_rec[ARBEL_GROUP_SEPARATOR_DOORBELL];
MLX_FILL_1 ( &db_rec->qp, 1, res, ARBEL_UAR_RES_GROUP_SEP );
return 0;
memset ( &unmap_icm, 0, sizeof ( unmap_icm ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &unmap_icm, 1, value, arbel->db_rec_offset );
arbel_cmd_unmap_icm ( arbel, 1, &unmap_icm );
memset ( &unmap_icm, 0, sizeof ( unmap_icm ) );
arbel_cmd_unmap_icm ( arbel, ( arbel->icm_len / ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE ),
&unmap_icm );
arbel_cmd_unmap_icm_aux ( arbel );
free_phys ( arbel->db_rec, ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE );
arbel->db_rec= NULL;
return rc;
* Free ICM
* @v arbel Arbel device
static void arbel_free_icm ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
struct arbelprm_scalar_parameter unmap_icm;
memset ( &unmap_icm, 0, sizeof ( unmap_icm ) );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &unmap_icm, 1, value, arbel->db_rec_offset );
arbel_cmd_unmap_icm ( arbel, 1, &unmap_icm );
memset ( &unmap_icm, 0, sizeof ( unmap_icm ) );
arbel_cmd_unmap_icm ( arbel, ( arbel->icm_len / ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE ),
&unmap_icm );
arbel_cmd_unmap_icm_aux ( arbel );
free_phys ( arbel->db_rec, ARBEL_PAGE_SIZE );
arbel->db_rec = NULL;
* Initialisation and teardown
* Reset device
* @v arbel Arbel device
static void arbel_reset ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
struct pci_device *pci = arbel->pci;
struct pci_config_backup backup;
static const uint8_t backup_exclude[] =
uint16_t vendor;
unsigned int i;
/* Perform device reset and preserve PCI configuration */
pci_backup ( pci, &backup, PCI_CONFIG_BACKUP_ALL, backup_exclude );
( arbel->config + ARBEL_RESET_OFFSET ) );
for ( i = 0 ; i < ARBEL_RESET_WAIT_TIME_MS ; i++ ) {
mdelay ( 1 );
pci_read_config_word ( pci, PCI_VENDOR_ID, &vendor );
if ( vendor != 0xffff )
pci_restore ( pci, &backup, PCI_CONFIG_BACKUP_ALL, backup_exclude );
* Set up memory protection table
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_setup_mpt ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
struct arbelprm_mpt mpt;
uint32_t key;
int rc;
/* Derive key */
key = ( arbel->limits.reserved_mrws | ARBEL_MKEY_PREFIX );
arbel->lkey = ( ( key << 8 ) | ( key >> 24 ) );
/* Initialise memory protection table */
memset ( &mpt, 0, sizeof ( mpt ) );
MLX_FILL_7 ( &mpt, 0,
a, 1,
rw, 1,
rr, 1,
lw, 1,
lr, 1,
pa, 1,
r_w, 1 );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &mpt, 2, mem_key, key );
MLX_FILL_2 ( &mpt, 3,
rae, 1 );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &mpt, 6, reg_wnd_len_h, 0xffffffffUL );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &mpt, 7, reg_wnd_len_l, 0xffffffffUL );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_sw2hw_mpt ( arbel, arbel->limits.reserved_mrws,
&mpt ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not set up MPT: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
return 0;
* Configure special queue pairs
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_configure_special_qps ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
unsigned int smi_qpn_base;
unsigned int gsi_qpn_base;
int rc;
/* Special QP block must be aligned on an even number */
arbel->special_qpn_base = ( ( arbel->limits.reserved_qps + 1 ) & ~1 );
arbel->qpn_base = ( arbel->special_qpn_base +
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p special QPs at [%lx,%lx]\n", arbel,
arbel->special_qpn_base, ( arbel->qpn_base - 1 ) );
smi_qpn_base = arbel->special_qpn_base;
gsi_qpn_base = ( smi_qpn_base + 2 );
/* Issue commands to configure special QPs */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_conf_special_qp ( arbel, 0,
smi_qpn_base ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not configure SMI QPs: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_conf_special_qp ( arbel, 1,
gsi_qpn_base ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not configure GSI QPs: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
return 0;
* Start Arbel device
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @v running Firmware is already running
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_start ( struct arbel *arbel, int running ) {
struct arbelprm_init_hca init_hca;
unsigned int i;
int rc;
/* Start firmware if not already running */
if ( ! running ) {
if ( ( rc = arbel_start_firmware ( arbel ) ) != 0 )
goto err_start_firmware;
/* Allocate ICM */
memset ( &init_hca, 0, sizeof ( init_hca ) );
if ( ( rc = arbel_alloc_icm ( arbel, &init_hca ) ) != 0 )
goto err_alloc_icm;
/* Initialise HCA */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_init_hca ( arbel, &init_hca ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not initialise HCA: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_init_hca;
/* Set up memory protection */
if ( ( rc = arbel_setup_mpt ( arbel ) ) != 0 )
goto err_setup_mpt;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ARBEL_NUM_PORTS ; i++ )
arbel->ibdev[i]->rdma_key = arbel->lkey;
/* Set up event queue */
if ( ( rc = arbel_create_eq ( arbel ) ) != 0 )
goto err_create_eq;
/* Configure special QPs */
if ( ( rc = arbel_configure_special_qps ( arbel ) ) != 0 )
goto err_conf_special_qps;
return 0;
arbel_destroy_eq ( arbel );
arbel_cmd_close_hca ( arbel );
arbel_free_icm ( arbel );
arbel_stop_firmware ( arbel );
return rc;
* Stop Arbel device
* @v arbel Arbel device
static void arbel_stop ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
arbel_destroy_eq ( arbel );
arbel_cmd_close_hca ( arbel );
arbel_free_icm ( arbel );
arbel_stop_firmware ( arbel );
arbel_reset ( arbel );
* Open Arbel device
* @v arbel Arbel device
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_open ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
int rc;
/* Start device if applicable */
if ( arbel->open_count == 0 ) {
if ( ( rc = arbel_start ( arbel, 0 ) ) != 0 )
return rc;
/* Increment open counter */
return 0;
* Close Arbel device
* @v arbel Arbel device
static void arbel_close ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
/* Decrement open counter */
assert ( arbel->open_count != 0 );
/* Stop device if applicable */
if ( arbel->open_count == 0 )
arbel_stop ( arbel );
* Infiniband link-layer operations
* Initialise Infiniband link
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_ib_open ( struct ib_device *ibdev ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct arbelprm_init_ib init_ib;
int rc;
/* Open hardware */
if ( ( rc = arbel_open ( arbel ) ) != 0 )
goto err_open;
/* Initialise IB */
memset ( &init_ib, 0, sizeof ( init_ib ) );
MLX_FILL_3 ( &init_ib, 0,
mtu_cap, ARBEL_MTU_2048,
port_width_cap, 3,
vl_cap, 1 );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &init_ib, 1, max_gid, 1 );
MLX_FILL_1 ( &init_ib, 2, max_pkey, 64 );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_init_ib ( arbel, ibdev->port,
&init_ib ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p port %d could not intialise IB: %s\n",
arbel, ibdev->port, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_init_ib;
/* Update MAD parameters */
ib_smc_update ( ibdev, arbel_mad );
return 0;
arbel_close ( arbel );
return rc;
* Close Infiniband link
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
static void arbel_ib_close ( struct ib_device *ibdev ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
int rc;
/* Close IB */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_close_ib ( arbel, ibdev->port ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p port %d could not close IB: %s\n",
arbel, ibdev->port, strerror ( rc ) );
/* Nothing we can do about this */
/* Close hardware */
arbel_close ( arbel );
* Inform embedded subnet management agent of a received MAD
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v mad MAD
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_inform_sma ( struct ib_device *ibdev, union ib_mad *mad ) {
int rc;
/* Send the MAD to the embedded SMA */
if ( ( rc = arbel_mad ( ibdev, mad ) ) != 0 )
return rc;
/* Update parameters held in software */
ib_smc_update ( ibdev, arbel_mad );
return 0;
* Multicast group operations
* Attach to multicast group
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v qp Queue pair
* @v gid Multicast GID
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_mcast_attach ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp,
union ib_gid *gid ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct arbelprm_mgm_hash hash;
struct arbelprm_mgm_entry mgm;
unsigned int index;
int rc;
/* Generate hash table index */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_mgid_hash ( arbel, gid, &hash ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not hash GID: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
index = MLX_GET ( &hash, hash );
/* Check for existing hash table entry */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_read_mgm ( arbel, index, &mgm ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not read MGM %#x: %s\n",
arbel, index, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
if ( MLX_GET ( &mgm, mgmqp_0.qi ) != 0 ) {
/* FIXME: this implementation allows only a single QP
* per multicast group, and doesn't handle hash
* collisions. Sufficient for IPoIB but may need to
* be extended in future.
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p MGID index %#x already in use\n",
arbel, index );
return -EBUSY;
/* Update hash table entry */
MLX_FILL_2 ( &mgm, 8,
mgmqp_0.qpn_i, qp->qpn,
mgmqp_0.qi, 1 );
memcpy ( &mgm.u.dwords[4], gid, sizeof ( *gid ) );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_write_mgm ( arbel, index, &mgm ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not write MGM %#x: %s\n",
arbel, index, strerror ( rc ) );
return rc;
return 0;
* Detach from multicast group
* @v ibdev Infiniband device
* @v qp Queue pair
* @v gid Multicast GID
static void arbel_mcast_detach ( struct ib_device *ibdev,
struct ib_queue_pair *qp __unused,
union ib_gid *gid ) {
struct arbel *arbel = ib_get_drvdata ( ibdev );
struct arbelprm_mgm_hash hash;
struct arbelprm_mgm_entry mgm;
unsigned int index;
int rc;
/* Generate hash table index */
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_mgid_hash ( arbel, gid, &hash ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not hash GID: %s\n",
arbel, strerror ( rc ) );
index = MLX_GET ( &hash, hash );
/* Clear hash table entry */
memset ( &mgm, 0, sizeof ( mgm ) );
if ( ( rc = arbel_cmd_write_mgm ( arbel, index, &mgm ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p could not write MGM %#x: %s\n",
arbel, index, strerror ( rc ) );
/** Arbel Infiniband operations */
static struct ib_device_operations arbel_ib_operations = {
.create_cq = arbel_create_cq,
.destroy_cq = arbel_destroy_cq,
.create_qp = arbel_create_qp,
.modify_qp = arbel_modify_qp,
.destroy_qp = arbel_destroy_qp,
.post_send = arbel_post_send,
.post_recv = arbel_post_recv,
.poll_cq = arbel_poll_cq,
.poll_eq = arbel_poll_eq,
.open = arbel_ib_open,
.close = arbel_ib_close,
.mcast_attach = arbel_mcast_attach,
.mcast_detach = arbel_mcast_detach,
.set_port_info = arbel_inform_sma,
.set_pkey_table = arbel_inform_sma,
* PCI interface
* Allocate Arbel device
* @ret arbel Arbel device
static struct arbel * arbel_alloc ( void ) {
struct arbel *arbel;
/* Allocate Arbel device */
arbel = zalloc ( sizeof ( *arbel ) );
if ( ! arbel )
goto err_arbel;
/* Allocate space for mailboxes */
arbel->mailbox_in = malloc_phys ( ARBEL_MBOX_SIZE, ARBEL_MBOX_ALIGN );
if ( ! arbel->mailbox_in )
goto err_mailbox_in;
arbel->mailbox_out = malloc_phys ( ARBEL_MBOX_SIZE, ARBEL_MBOX_ALIGN );
if ( ! arbel->mailbox_out )
goto err_mailbox_out;
return arbel;
free_phys ( arbel->mailbox_out, ARBEL_MBOX_SIZE );
free_phys ( arbel->mailbox_in, ARBEL_MBOX_SIZE );
free ( arbel );
return NULL;
* Free Arbel device
* @v arbel Arbel device
static void arbel_free ( struct arbel *arbel ) {
ufree ( arbel->icm );
ufree ( arbel->firmware_area );
free_phys ( arbel->mailbox_out, ARBEL_MBOX_SIZE );
free_phys ( arbel->mailbox_in, ARBEL_MBOX_SIZE );
free ( arbel );
* Probe PCI device
* @v pci PCI device
* @v id PCI ID
* @ret rc Return status code
static int arbel_probe ( struct pci_device *pci ) {
struct arbel *arbel;
struct ib_device *ibdev;
unsigned long config;
unsigned long uar;
int i;
int rc;
/* Allocate Arbel device */
arbel = arbel_alloc();
if ( ! arbel ) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
goto err_alloc;
pci_set_drvdata ( pci, arbel );
arbel->pci = pci;
/* Fix up PCI device */
adjust_pci_device ( pci );
/* Map PCI BARs */
config = pci_bar_start ( pci, ARBEL_PCI_CONFIG_BAR );
arbel->config = pci_ioremap ( pci, config, ARBEL_PCI_CONFIG_BAR_SIZE );
uar = ( pci_bar_start ( pci, ARBEL_PCI_UAR_BAR ) +
arbel->uar = pci_ioremap ( pci, uar, ARBEL_PCI_UAR_SIZE );
/* Allocate Infiniband devices */
for ( i = 0 ; i < ARBEL_NUM_PORTS ; i++ ) {
ibdev = alloc_ibdev ( 0 );
if ( ! ibdev ) {
rc = -ENOMEM;
goto err_alloc_ibdev;
arbel->ibdev[i] = ibdev;
ibdev->op = &arbel_ib_operations;
ibdev->dev = &pci->dev;
ibdev->port = ( ARBEL_PORT_BASE + i );
ibdev->ports = ARBEL_NUM_PORTS;
ib_set_drvdata ( ibdev, arbel );
/* Reset device */
arbel_reset ( arbel );
/* Start firmware */
if ( ( rc = arbel_start_firmware ( arbel ) ) != 0 )
goto err_start_firmware;
/* Get device limits */
if ( ( rc = arbel_get_limits ( arbel ) ) != 0 )
goto err_get_limits;
/* Start device */
if ( ( rc = arbel_start ( arbel, 1 ) ) != 0 )
goto err_start;
/* Initialise parameters using SMC */
for ( i = 0 ; i < ARBEL_NUM_PORTS ; i++ )
ib_smc_init ( arbel->ibdev[i], arbel_mad );
/* Register Infiniband devices */
for ( i = 0 ; i < ARBEL_NUM_PORTS ; i++ ) {
if ( ( rc = register_ibdev ( arbel->ibdev[i] ) ) != 0 ) {
DBGC ( arbel, "Arbel %p port %d could not register IB "
"device: %s\n", arbel,
arbel->ibdev[i]->port, strerror ( rc ) );
goto err_register_ibdev;
/* Leave device quiescent until opened */
if ( arbel->open_count == 0 )
arbel_stop ( arbel );
return 0;
for ( i-- ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
unregister_ibdev ( arbel->ibdev[i] );
arbel_stop ( arbel );
arbel_stop_firmware ( arbel );
for ( i-- ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
ibdev_put ( arbel->ibdev[i] );
iounmap ( arbel->uar );
iounmap ( arbel->config );
arbel_free ( arbel );
return rc;
* Remove PCI device
* @v pci PCI device
static void arbel_remove ( struct pci_device *pci ) {
struct arbel *arbel = pci_get_drvdata ( pci );
int i;
for ( i = ( ARBEL_NUM_PORTS - 1 ) ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
unregister_ibdev ( arbel->ibdev[i] );
for ( i = ( ARBEL_NUM_PORTS - 1 ) ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
ibdev_put ( arbel->ibdev[i] );
iounmap ( arbel->uar );
iounmap ( arbel->config );
arbel_free ( arbel );
static struct pci_device_id arbel_nics[] = {
PCI_ROM ( 0x15b3, 0x6282, "mt25218", "MT25218 HCA driver", 0 ),
PCI_ROM ( 0x15b3, 0x6274, "mt25204", "MT25204 HCA driver", 0 ),
struct pci_driver arbel_driver __pci_driver = {
.ids = arbel_nics,
.id_count = ( sizeof ( arbel_nics ) / sizeof ( arbel_nics[0] ) ),
.probe = arbel_probe,
.remove = arbel_remove,