blob: b357ea29f0bbf69912f160125d446cc5ad9188bc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Brown <>.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
* You can also choose to distribute this program under the terms of
* the Unmodified Binary Distribution Licence (as given in the file
* COPYING.UBDL), provided that you have satisfied its requirements.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ipxe/profile.h>
#include <ipxe/bigint.h>
/** @file
* Big integer support
/** Modular direct reduction profiler */
static struct profiler bigint_mod_profiler __profiler =
{ .name = "bigint_mod" };
* Conditionally swap big integers (in constant time)
* @v first0 Element 0 of big integer to be conditionally swapped
* @v second0 Element 0 of big integer to be conditionally swapped
* @v size Number of elements in big integers
* @v swap Swap first and second big integers
void bigint_swap_raw ( bigint_element_t *first0, bigint_element_t *second0,
unsigned int size, int swap ) {
bigint_element_t mask;
bigint_element_t xor;
unsigned int i;
/* Construct mask */
mask = ( ( bigint_element_t ) ( ! swap ) - 1 );
/* Conditionally swap elements */
for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
xor = ( mask & ( first0[i] ^ second0[i] ) );
first0[i] ^= xor;
second0[i] ^= xor;
* Multiply big integers
* @v multiplicand0 Element 0 of big integer to be multiplied
* @v multiplicand_size Number of elements in multiplicand
* @v multiplier0 Element 0 of big integer to be multiplied
* @v multiplier_size Number of elements in multiplier
* @v result0 Element 0 of big integer to hold result
void bigint_multiply_raw ( const bigint_element_t *multiplicand0,
unsigned int multiplicand_size,
const bigint_element_t *multiplier0,
unsigned int multiplier_size,
bigint_element_t *result0 ) {
unsigned int result_size = ( multiplicand_size + multiplier_size );
const bigint_t ( multiplicand_size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*multiplicand = ( ( const void * ) multiplicand0 );
const bigint_t ( multiplier_size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*multiplier = ( ( const void * ) multiplier0 );
bigint_t ( result_size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*result = ( ( void * ) result0 );
bigint_element_t multiplicand_element;
const bigint_element_t *multiplier_element;
bigint_element_t *result_element;
bigint_element_t carry_element;
unsigned int i;
unsigned int j;
/* Zero required portion of result
* All elements beyond the length of the multiplier will be
* written before they are read, and so do not need to be
* zeroed in advance.
memset ( result, 0, sizeof ( *multiplier ) );
/* Multiply integers one element at a time, adding the low
* half of the double-element product directly into the
* result, and maintaining a running single-element carry.
* The running carry can never overflow beyond a single
* element. At each step, the calculation we perform is:
* carry:result[i+j] := ( ( multiplicand[i] * multiplier[j] )
* + result[i+j] + carry )
* The maximum value (for n-bit elements) is therefore:
* (2^n - 1)*(2^n - 1) + (2^n - 1) + (2^n - 1) = 2^(2n) - 1
* This is precisely the maximum value for a 2n-bit integer,
* and so the carry out remains within the range of an n-bit
* integer, i.e. a single element.
for ( i = 0 ; i < multiplicand_size ; i++ ) {
multiplicand_element = multiplicand->element[i];
multiplier_element = &multiplier->element[0];
result_element = &result->element[i];
carry_element = 0;
for ( j = 0 ; j < multiplier_size ; j++ ) {
bigint_multiply_one ( multiplicand_element,
&carry_element );
*result_element = carry_element;
* Reduce big integer
* @v modulus0 Element 0 of big integer modulus
* @v value0 Element 0 of big integer to be reduced
* @v size Number of elements in modulus and value
void bigint_reduce_raw ( bigint_element_t *modulus0, bigint_element_t *value0,
unsigned int size ) {
bigint_t ( size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*modulus = ( ( void * ) modulus0 );
bigint_t ( size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*value = ( ( void * ) value0 );
const unsigned int width = ( 8 * sizeof ( bigint_element_t ) );
bigint_element_t *element;
unsigned int modulus_max;
unsigned int value_max;
unsigned int subshift;
int offset;
int shift;
int msb;
int i;
/* Start profiling */
profile_start ( &bigint_mod_profiler );
/* Normalise the modulus
* Scale the modulus by shifting left such that both modulus
* "m" and value "x" have the same most significant set bit.
* (If this is not possible, then the value is already less
* than the modulus, and we may therefore skip reduction
* completely.)
value_max = bigint_max_set_bit ( value );
modulus_max = bigint_max_set_bit ( modulus );
shift = ( value_max - modulus_max );
if ( shift < 0 )
goto skip;
subshift = ( shift & ( width - 1 ) );
offset = ( shift / width );
element = modulus->element;
for ( i = ( ( value_max - 1 ) / width ) ; ; i-- ) {
element[i] = ( element[ i - offset ] << subshift );
if ( i <= offset )
if ( subshift ) {
element[i] |= ( element[ i - offset - 1 ]
>> ( width - subshift ) );
for ( i-- ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
element[i] = 0;
/* Reduce the value "x" by iteratively adding or subtracting
* the scaled modulus "m".
* On each loop iteration, we maintain the invariant:
* -2m <= x < 2m
* If x is positive, we obtain the new value x' by
* subtracting m, otherwise we add m:
* 0 <= x < 2m => x' := x - m => -m <= x' < m
* -2m <= x < 0 => x' := x + m => -m <= x' < m
* and then halve the modulus (by shifting right):
* m' = m/2
* We therefore end up with:
* -m <= x' < m => -2m' <= x' < 2m'
* i.e. we have preseved the invariant while reducing the
* bounds on x' by one power of two.
* The issue remains of how to determine on each iteration
* whether or not x is currently positive, given that both
* input values are unsigned big integers that may use all
* available bits (including the MSB).
* On the first loop iteration, we may simply assume that x is
* positive, since it is unmodified from the input value and
* so is positive by definition (even if the MSB is set). We
* therefore unconditionally perform a subtraction on the
* first loop iteration.
* Let k be the MSB after normalisation. We then have:
* 2^k <= m < 2^(k+1)
* 2^k <= x < 2^(k+1)
* On the first loop iteration, we therefore have:
* x' = (x - m)
* < 2^(k+1) - 2^k
* < 2^k
* Any positive value of x' therefore has its MSB set to zero,
* and so we may validly treat the MSB of x' as a sign bit at
* the end of the first loop iteration.
* On all subsequent loop iterations, the starting value m is
* guaranteed to have its MSB set to zero (since it has
* already been shifted right at least once). Since we know
* from above that we preserve the loop invariant:
* -m <= x' < m
* we immediately know that any positive value of x' also has
* its MSB set to zero, and so we may validly treat the MSB of
* x' as a sign bit at the end of all subsequent loop
* iterations.
* After the last loop iteration (when m' has been shifted
* back down to the original value of the modulus), we may
* need to add a single multiple of m' to ensure that x' is
* positive, i.e. lies within the range 0 <= x' < m'. To
* allow for reusing the (inlined) expansion of
* bigint_subtract(), we achieve this via a potential
* additional loop iteration that performs the addition and is
* then guaranteed to terminate (since the result will be
* positive).
for ( msb = 0 ; ( msb || ( shift >= 0 ) ) ; shift-- ) {
if ( msb ) {
bigint_add ( modulus, value );
} else {
bigint_subtract ( modulus, value );
msb = bigint_msb_is_set ( value );
if ( shift > 0 )
bigint_shr ( modulus );
/* Sanity check */
assert ( ! bigint_is_geq ( value, modulus ) );
/* Stop profiling */
profile_stop ( &bigint_mod_profiler );
* Compute inverse of odd big integer modulo any power of two
* @v invertend0 Element 0 of odd big integer to be inverted
* @v inverse0 Element 0 of big integer to hold result
* @v size Number of elements in invertend and result
void bigint_mod_invert_raw ( const bigint_element_t *invertend0,
bigint_element_t *inverse0, unsigned int size ) {
const bigint_t ( size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*invertend = ( ( const void * ) invertend0 );
bigint_t ( size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*inverse = ( ( void * ) inverse0 );
bigint_element_t accum;
bigint_element_t bit;
unsigned int i;
/* Sanity check */
assert ( bigint_bit_is_set ( invertend, 0 ) );
/* Initialise output */
memset ( inverse, 0xff, sizeof ( *inverse ) );
/* Compute inverse modulo 2^(width)
* This method is a lightly modified version of the pseudocode
* presented in "A New Algorithm for Inversion mod p^k (Koç,
* 2017)".
* Each inner loop iteration calculates one bit of the
* inverse. The residue value is the two's complement
* negation of the value "b" as used by Koç, to allow for
* division by two using a logical right shift (since we have
* no arithmetic right shift operation for big integers).
* The residue is stored in the as-yet uncalculated portion of
* the inverse. The size of the residue therefore decreases
* by one element for each outer loop iteration. Trivial
* inspection of the algorithm shows that any higher bits
* could not contribute to the eventual output value, and so
* we may safely reuse storage this way.
* Due to the suffix property of inverses mod 2^k, the result
* represents the least significant bits of the inverse modulo
* an arbitrarily large 2^k.
for ( i = size ; i > 0 ; i-- ) {
const bigint_t ( i ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*addend = ( ( const void * ) invertend );
bigint_t ( i ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*residue = ( ( void * ) inverse );
/* Calculate one element's worth of inverse bits */
for ( accum = 0, bit = 1 ; bit ; bit <<= 1 ) {
if ( bigint_bit_is_set ( residue, 0 ) ) {
accum |= bit;
bigint_add ( addend, residue );
bigint_shr ( residue );
/* Store in the element no longer required to hold residue */
inverse->element[ i - 1 ] = accum;
/* Correct order of inverse elements */
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( size / 2 ) ; i++ ) {
accum = inverse->element[i];
inverse->element[i] = inverse->element[ size - 1 - i ];
inverse->element[ size - 1 - i ] = accum;
* Perform Montgomery reduction (REDC) of a big integer product
* @v modulus0 Element 0 of big integer modulus
* @v modinv0 Element 0 of the inverse of the modulus modulo 2^k
* @v mont0 Element 0 of big integer Montgomery product
* @v result0 Element 0 of big integer to hold result
* @v size Number of elements in modulus and result
* Note that only the least significant element of the inverse modulo
* 2^k is required, and that the Montgomery product will be
* overwritten.
void bigint_montgomery_raw ( const bigint_element_t *modulus0,
const bigint_element_t *modinv0,
bigint_element_t *mont0,
bigint_element_t *result0, unsigned int size ) {
const bigint_t ( size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*modulus = ( ( const void * ) modulus0 );
const bigint_t ( 1 ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*modinv = ( ( const void * ) modinv0 );
union {
bigint_t ( size * 2 ) full;
struct {
bigint_t ( size ) low;
bigint_t ( size ) high;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
} __attribute__ (( may_alias )) *mont = ( ( void * ) mont0 );
bigint_t ( size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*result = ( ( void * ) result0 );
bigint_element_t negmodinv = -modinv->element[0];
bigint_element_t multiple;
bigint_element_t carry;
unsigned int i;
unsigned int j;
int overflow;
int underflow;
/* Sanity checks */
assert ( bigint_bit_is_set ( modulus, 0 ) );
/* Perform multiprecision Montgomery reduction */
for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
/* Determine scalar multiple for this round */
multiple = ( mont->low.element[i] * negmodinv );
/* Multiply value to make it divisible by 2^(width*i) */
carry = 0;
for ( j = 0 ; j < size ; j++ ) {
bigint_multiply_one ( multiple, modulus->element[j],
&mont->full.element[ i + j ],
&carry );
/* Since value is now divisible by 2^(width*i), we
* know that the current low element must have been
* zeroed. We can store the multiplication carry out
* in this element, avoiding the need to immediately
* propagate the carry through the remaining elements.
assert ( mont->low.element[i] == 0 );
mont->low.element[i] = carry;
/* Add the accumulated carries */
overflow = bigint_add ( &mont->low, &mont->high );
/* Conditionally subtract the modulus once */
memcpy ( result, &mont->high, sizeof ( *result ) );
underflow = bigint_subtract ( modulus, result );
bigint_swap ( result, &mont->high, ( underflow & ~overflow ) );
/* Sanity check */
assert ( ! bigint_is_geq ( result, modulus ) );
* Perform modular exponentiation of big integers
* @v base0 Element 0 of big integer base
* @v modulus0 Element 0 of big integer modulus
* @v exponent0 Element 0 of big integer exponent
* @v result0 Element 0 of big integer to hold result
* @v size Number of elements in base, modulus, and result
* @v exponent_size Number of elements in exponent
* @v tmp Temporary working space
void bigint_mod_exp_raw ( const bigint_element_t *base0,
const bigint_element_t *modulus0,
const bigint_element_t *exponent0,
bigint_element_t *result0,
unsigned int size, unsigned int exponent_size,
void *tmp ) {
const bigint_t ( size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias )) *base =
( ( const void * ) base0 );
const bigint_t ( size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias )) *modulus =
( ( const void * ) modulus0 );
const bigint_t ( exponent_size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*exponent = ( ( const void * ) exponent0 );
bigint_t ( size ) __attribute__ (( may_alias )) *result =
( ( void * ) result0 );
const unsigned int width = ( 8 * sizeof ( bigint_element_t ) );
struct {
union {
bigint_t ( 2 * size ) padded_modulus;
struct {
bigint_t ( size ) modulus;
bigint_t ( size ) stash;
union {
bigint_t ( 2 * size ) full;
bigint_t ( size ) low;
} product;
} *temp = tmp;
const uint8_t one[1] = { 1 };
bigint_t ( 1 ) modinv;
bigint_element_t submask;
unsigned int subsize;
unsigned int scale;
unsigned int max;
unsigned int bit;
/* Sanity check */
assert ( sizeof ( *temp ) == bigint_mod_exp_tmp_len ( modulus ) );
/* Handle degenerate case of zero modulus */
if ( ! bigint_max_set_bit ( modulus ) ) {
memset ( result, 0, sizeof ( *result ) );
/* Factor modulus as (N * 2^scale) where N is odd */
bigint_grow ( modulus, &temp->padded_modulus );
for ( scale = 0 ; ( ! bigint_bit_is_set ( &temp->modulus, 0 ) ) ;
scale++ ) {
bigint_shr ( &temp->modulus );
subsize = ( ( scale + width - 1 ) / width );
submask = ( ( 1UL << ( scale % width ) ) - 1 );
if ( ! submask )
submask = ~submask;
/* Calculate inverse of (scaled) modulus N modulo element size */
bigint_mod_invert ( &temp->modulus, &modinv );
/* Calculate (R^2 mod N) via direct reduction of (R^2 - N) */
memset ( &temp->product.full, 0, sizeof ( temp->product.full ) );
bigint_subtract ( &temp->padded_modulus, &temp->product.full );
bigint_reduce ( &temp->padded_modulus, &temp->product.full );
bigint_copy ( &temp->product.low, &temp->stash );
/* Initialise result = Montgomery(1, R^2 mod N) */
bigint_montgomery ( &temp->modulus, &modinv,
&temp->product.full, result );
/* Convert base into Montgomery form */
bigint_multiply ( base, &temp->stash, &temp->product.full );
bigint_montgomery ( &temp->modulus, &modinv, &temp->product.full,
&temp->stash );
/* Calculate x1 = base^exponent modulo N */
max = bigint_max_set_bit ( exponent );
for ( bit = 1 ; bit <= max ; bit++ ) {
/* Square (and reduce) */
bigint_multiply ( result, result, &temp->product.full );
bigint_montgomery ( &temp->modulus, &modinv,
&temp->product.full, result );
/* Multiply (and reduce) */
bigint_multiply ( &temp->stash, result, &temp->product.full );
bigint_montgomery ( &temp->modulus, &modinv,
&temp->product.full, &temp->product.low );
/* Conditionally swap the multiplied result */
bigint_swap ( result, &temp->product.low,
bigint_bit_is_set ( exponent, ( max - bit ) ) );
/* Convert back out of Montgomery form */
bigint_grow ( result, &temp->product.full );
bigint_montgomery ( &temp->modulus, &modinv, &temp->product.full,
result );
/* Handle even moduli via Garner's algorithm */
if ( subsize ) {
const bigint_t ( subsize ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*subbase = ( ( const void * ) base );
bigint_t ( subsize ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*submodulus = ( ( void * ) &temp->modulus );
bigint_t ( subsize ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*substash = ( ( void * ) &temp->stash );
bigint_t ( subsize ) __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*subresult = ( ( void * ) result );
union {
bigint_t ( 2 * subsize ) full;
bigint_t ( subsize ) low;
} __attribute__ (( may_alias ))
*subproduct = ( ( void * ) &temp->product.full );
/* Calculate x2 = base^exponent modulo 2^k */
bigint_init ( substash, one, sizeof ( one ) );
for ( bit = 1 ; bit <= max ; bit++ ) {
/* Square (and reduce) */
bigint_multiply ( substash, substash,
&subproduct->full );
bigint_copy ( &subproduct->low, substash );
/* Multiply (and reduce) */
bigint_multiply ( subbase, substash,
&subproduct->full );
/* Conditionally swap the multiplied result */
bigint_swap ( substash, &subproduct->low,
bigint_bit_is_set ( exponent,
( max - bit ) ) );
/* Calculate N^-1 modulo 2^k */
bigint_mod_invert ( submodulus, &subproduct->low );
bigint_copy ( &subproduct->low, submodulus );
/* Calculate y = (x2 - x1) * N^-1 modulo 2^k */
bigint_subtract ( subresult, substash );
bigint_multiply ( substash, submodulus, &subproduct->full );
subproduct->low.element[ subsize - 1 ] &= submask;
bigint_grow ( &subproduct->low, &temp->stash );
/* Reconstruct N */
bigint_mod_invert ( submodulus, &subproduct->low );
bigint_copy ( &subproduct->low, submodulus );
/* Calculate x = x1 + N * y */
bigint_multiply ( &temp->modulus, &temp->stash,
&temp->product.full );
bigint_add ( &temp->product.low, result );