blob: f82a583c66503ef7d8fd0cee7e405dc57f540c38 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef INT13_H
#define INT13_H
/** @file
* INT 13 emulation
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ipxe/list.h>
#include <ipxe/edd.h>
#include <realmode.h>
* @defgroup int13ops INT 13 operation codes
* @{
/** Reset disk system */
#define INT13_RESET 0x00
/** Get status of last operation */
#define INT13_GET_LAST_STATUS 0x01
/** Read sectors */
#define INT13_READ_SECTORS 0x02
/** Write sectors */
#define INT13_WRITE_SECTORS 0x03
/** Get drive parameters */
#define INT13_GET_PARAMETERS 0x08
/** Get disk type */
#define INT13_GET_DISK_TYPE 0x15
/** Extensions installation check */
#define INT13_EXTENSION_CHECK 0x41
/** Extended read */
#define INT13_EXTENDED_READ 0x42
/** Extended write */
#define INT13_EXTENDED_WRITE 0x43
/** Verify sectors */
#define INT13_EXTENDED_VERIFY 0x44
/** Extended seek */
#define INT13_EXTENDED_SEEK 0x47
/** Get extended drive parameters */
/** Get CD-ROM status / terminate emulation */
/** Read CD-ROM boot catalog */
/** @} */
* @defgroup int13status INT 13 status codes
* @{
/** Operation completed successfully */
#define INT13_STATUS_SUCCESS 0x00
/** Invalid function or parameter */
#define INT13_STATUS_INVALID 0x01
/** Read error */
#define INT13_STATUS_READ_ERROR 0x04
/** Reset failed */
/** Write error */
/** @} */
/** Block size for non-extended INT 13 calls */
#define INT13_BLKSIZE 512
/** @defgroup int13fddtype INT 13 floppy disk drive types
* @{
/** 360K */
#define INT13_FDD_TYPE_360K 0x01
/** 1.2M */
#define INT13_FDD_TYPE_1M2 0x02
/** 720K */
#define INT13_FDD_TYPE_720K 0x03
/** 1.44M */
#define INT13_FDD_TYPE_1M44 0x04
/** An INT 13 disk address packet */
struct int13_disk_address {
/** Size of the packet, in bytes */
uint8_t bufsize;
/** Reserved */
uint8_t reserved_a;
/** Block count */
uint8_t count;
/** Reserved */
uint8_t reserved_b;
/** Data buffer */
struct segoff buffer;
/** Starting block number */
uint64_t lba;
/** Data buffer (EDD 3.0+ only) */
uint64_t buffer_phys;
/** Block count (EDD 4.0+ only) */
uint32_t long_count;
/** Reserved */
uint32_t reserved_c;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** INT 13 disk parameters */
struct int13_disk_parameters {
/** Size of this structure */
uint16_t bufsize;
/** Flags */
uint16_t flags;
/** Number of cylinders */
uint32_t cylinders;
/** Number of heads */
uint32_t heads;
/** Number of sectors per track */
uint32_t sectors_per_track;
/** Total number of sectors on drive */
uint64_t sectors;
/** Bytes per sector */
uint16_t sector_size;
/** Device parameter table extension */
struct segoff dpte;
/** Device path information */
struct edd_device_path_information dpi;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
* @defgroup int13types INT 13 disk types
* @{
/** No such drive */
#define INT13_DISK_TYPE_NONE 0x00
/** Floppy without change-line support */
#define INT13_DISK_TYPE_FDD 0x01
/** Floppy with change-line support */
#define INT13_DISK_TYPE_FDD_CL 0x02
/** Hard disk */
#define INT13_DISK_TYPE_HDD 0x03
/** @} */
* @defgroup int13flags INT 13 disk parameter flags
* @{
/** DMA boundary errors handled transparently */
/** CHS information is valid */
#define INT13_FL_CHS_VALID 0x02
/** Removable drive */
#define INT13_FL_REMOVABLE 0x04
/** Write with verify supported */
#define INT13_FL_VERIFIABLE 0x08
/** Has change-line supported (valid only for removable drives) */
#define INT13_FL_CHANGE_LINE 0x10
/** Drive can be locked (valid only for removable drives) */
#define INT13_FL_LOCKABLE 0x20
/** CHS is max possible, not current media (valid only for removable drives) */
#define INT13_FL_CHS_MAX 0x40
/** @} */
* @defgroup int13exts INT 13 extension flags
* @{
/** Extended disk access functions supported */
/** Removable drive functions supported */
/** EDD functions supported */
#define INT13_EXTENSION_EDD 0x04
/** 64-bit extensions are present */
#define INT13_EXTENSION_64BIT 0x08
/** @} */
* @defgroup int13vers INT 13 extension versions
* @{
/** INT13 extensions version 1.x */
#define INT13_EXTENSION_VER_1_X 0x01
/** INT13 extensions version 2.0 (EDD-1.0) */
#define INT13_EXTENSION_VER_2_0 0x20
/** INT13 extensions version 2.1 (EDD-1.1) */
#define INT13_EXTENSION_VER_2_1 0x21
/** INT13 extensions version 3.0 (EDD-3.0) */
#define INT13_EXTENSION_VER_3_0 0x30
/** @} */
/** Maximum number of sectors for which CHS geometry is allowed to be valid
* This number is taken from the EDD specification.
#define INT13_MAX_CHS_SECTORS 15482880
/** Bootable CD-ROM specification packet */
struct int13_cdrom_specification {
/** Size of packet in bytes */
uint8_t size;
/** Boot media type */
uint8_t media_type;
/** Drive number */
uint8_t drive;
/** CD-ROM controller number */
uint8_t controller;
/** LBA of disk image to emulate */
uint32_t lba;
/** Device specification */
uint16_t device;
/** Segment of 3K buffer for caching CD-ROM reads */
uint16_t cache_segment;
/** Load segment for initial boot image */
uint16_t load_segment;
/** Number of 512-byte sectors to load */
uint16_t load_sectors;
/** Low 8 bits of cylinder number */
uint8_t cyl;
/** Sector number, plus high 2 bits of cylinder number */
uint8_t cyl_sector;
/** Head number */
uint8_t head;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** Bootable CD-ROM boot catalog command packet */
struct int13_cdrom_boot_catalog_command {
/** Size of packet in bytes */
uint8_t size;
/** Number of sectors of boot catalog to read */
uint8_t count;
/** Buffer for boot catalog */
uint32_t buffer;
/** First sector in boot catalog to transfer */
uint16_t start;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** A C/H/S address within a partition table entry */
struct partition_chs {
/** Head number */
uint8_t head;
/** Sector number, plus high 2 bits of cylinder number */
uint8_t cyl_sector;
/** Low 8 bits of cylinder number */
uint8_t cyl;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
#define PART_HEAD(chs) ( (chs).head )
#define PART_SECTOR(chs) ( (chs).cyl_sector & 0x3f )
#define PART_CYLINDER(chs) ( (chs).cyl | ( ( (chs).cyl_sector & 0xc0 ) << 2 ) )
/** A partition table entry within the MBR */
struct partition_table_entry {
/** Bootable flag */
uint8_t bootable;
/** C/H/S start address */
struct partition_chs chs_start;
/** System indicator (partition type) */
uint8_t type;
/** C/H/S end address */
struct partition_chs chs_end;
/** Linear start address */
uint32_t start;
/** Linear length */
uint32_t length;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** A Master Boot Record */
struct master_boot_record {
/** Code area */
uint8_t code[440];
/** Disk signature */
uint32_t signature;
/** Padding */
uint8_t pad[2];
/** Partition table */
struct partition_table_entry partitions[4];
/** 0x55aa MBR signature */
uint16_t magic;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** MBR magic signature */
#define INT13_MBR_MAGIC 0xaa55
/** A floppy disk geometry */
struct int13_fdd_geometry {
/** Number of tracks */
uint8_t tracks;
/** Number of heads and sectors per track */
uint8_t heads_spt;
/** Define a floppy disk geometry */
#define INT13_FDD_GEOMETRY( cylinders, heads, sectors ) \
{ \
.tracks = (cylinders), \
.heads_spt = ( ( (heads) << 6 ) | (sectors) ), \
/** Get floppy disk number of cylinders */
#define INT13_FDD_CYLINDERS( geometry ) ( (geometry)->tracks )
/** Get floppy disk number of heads */
#define INT13_FDD_HEADS( geometry ) ( (geometry)->heads_spt >> 6 )
/** Get floppy disk number of sectors per track */
#define INT13_FDD_SECTORS( geometry ) ( (geometry)->heads_spt & 0x3f )
/** A floppy drive parameter table */
struct int13_fdd_parameters {
uint8_t step_rate__head_unload;
uint8_t head_load__ndma;
uint8_t motor_off_delay;
uint8_t bytes_per_sector;
uint8_t sectors_per_track;
uint8_t gap_length;
uint8_t data_length;
uint8_t format_gap_length;
uint8_t format_filler;
uint8_t head_settle_time;
uint8_t motor_start_time;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
#endif /* INT13_H */