blob: 2da859ee90ca0ec59d71faa4bafaf8543d1d36b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 Michael Brown <>.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <byteswap.h>
#include <ipxe/init.h>
#include <ipxe/settings.h>
#include <ipxe/cpuid.h>
/** @file
* x86 CPUID settings
* CPUID settings are numerically encoded as:
* Bit 31 Extended function
* Bits 30-28 Unused
* Bits 27-24 Number of consecutive functions to call, minus one
* Bit 23 Return result as little-endian (used for strings)
* Bits 22-18 Unused
* Bits 17-16 Number of registers in register array, minus one
* Bits 15-8 Array of register indices. First entry in array is in
* bits 9-8. Indices are 0-%eax, 1-%ebx, 2-%ecx, 3-%edx.
* Bits 7-0 Starting function number (excluding "extended" bit)
* This encoding scheme is designed to allow the common case of
* extracting a single register from a single function to be encoded
* using "cpuid/<register>.<function>", e.g. "cpuid/2.0x80000001" to
* retrieve the value of %ecx from calling CPUID with %eax=0x80000001.
/** CPUID setting tag register indices */
enum cpuid_registers {
* Construct CPUID setting tag
* @v function Starting function number
* @v num_functions Number of consecutive functions
* @v little_endian Return result as little-endian
* @v num_registers Number of registers in register array
* @v register1 First register in register array (or zero, if empty)
* @v register2 Second register in register array (or zero, if empty)
* @v register3 Third register in register array (or zero, if empty)
* @v register4 Fourth register in register array (or zero, if empty)
* @ret tag Setting tag
#define CPUID_TAG( function, num_functions, little_endian, num_registers, \
register1, register2, register3, register4 ) \
( (function) | ( ( (num_functions) - 1 ) << 24 ) | \
( (little_endian) << 23 ) | ( ( (num_registers) - 1) << 16 ) | \
( (register1) << 8 ) | ( (register2) << 10 ) | \
( (register3) << 12 ) | ( (register4) << 14 ) )
* Extract endianness from CPUID setting tag
* @v tag Setting tag
* @ret little_endian Result should be returned as little-endian
#define CPUID_LITTLE_ENDIAN( tag ) ( (tag) & 0x00800000UL )
* Extract starting function number from CPUID setting tag
* @v tag Setting tag
* @ret function Starting function number
#define CPUID_FUNCTION( tag ) ( (tag) & 0x800000ffUL )
* Extract number of consecutive functions from CPUID setting tag
* @v tag Setting tag
* @ret num_functions Number of consecutive functions
#define CPUID_NUM_FUNCTIONS( tag ) ( ( ( (tag) >> 24 ) & 0xf ) + 1 )
* Extract register array from CPUID setting tag
* @v tag Setting tag
* @ret registers Register array
#define CPUID_REGISTERS( tag ) ( ( (tag) >> 8 ) & 0xff )
* Extract number of registers from CPUID setting tag
* @v tag Setting tag
* @ret num_registers Number of registers within register array
#define CPUID_NUM_REGISTERS( tag ) ( ( ( (tag) >> 16 ) & 0x3 ) + 1 )
/** CPUID settings scope */
static const struct settings_scope cpuid_settings_scope;
* Check applicability of CPUID setting
* @v settings Settings block
* @v setting Setting
* @ret applies Setting applies within this settings block
static int cpuid_settings_applies ( struct settings *settings __unused,
const struct setting *setting ) {
return ( setting->scope == &cpuid_settings_scope );
* Fetch value of CPUID setting
* @v settings Settings block
* @v setting Setting to fetch
* @v data Buffer to fill with setting data
* @v len Length of buffer
* @ret len Length of setting data, or negative error
static int cpuid_settings_fetch ( struct settings *settings,
struct setting *setting,
void *data, size_t len ) {
uint32_t function;
uint32_t max_function;
uint32_t num_functions;
uint32_t registers;
uint32_t num_registers;
uint32_t buf[4];
uint32_t output;
uint32_t discard_b;
uint32_t discard_c;
uint32_t discard_d;
size_t frag_len;
size_t result_len = 0;
/* Fail unless CPUID is supported */
if ( ! cpuid_is_supported() ) {
DBGC ( settings, "CPUID not supported\n" );
return -ENOTSUP;
/* Find highest supported function number within this set */
function = CPUID_FUNCTION ( setting->tag );
cpuid ( function & CPUID_EXTENDED, &max_function, &discard_b,
&discard_c, &discard_d );
/* Fail if maximum function number is meaningless (e.g. if we
* are attempting to call an extended function on a CPU which
* does not support them).
if ( ( max_function & CPUID_AMD_CHECK_MASK ) !=
( function & CPUID_AMD_CHECK_MASK ) ) {
DBGC ( settings, "CPUID invalid maximum function\n" );
return -ENOTSUP;
/* Call each function in turn */
num_functions = CPUID_NUM_FUNCTIONS ( setting->tag );
for ( ; num_functions-- ; function++ ) {
/* Fail if this function is not supported */
if ( function > max_function ) {
DBGC ( settings, "CPUID function %#08x not supported\n",
function );
return -ENOTSUP;
/* Issue CPUID */
cpuid ( function, &buf[CPUID_EAX], &buf[CPUID_EBX],
&buf[CPUID_ECX], &buf[CPUID_EDX] );
DBGC ( settings, "CPUID %#08x => %#08x:%#08x:%#08x:%#08x\n",
function, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3] );
/* Copy results to buffer */
registers = CPUID_REGISTERS ( setting->tag );
num_registers = CPUID_NUM_REGISTERS ( setting->tag );
for ( ; num_registers-- ; registers >>= 2 ) {
output = buf[ registers & 0x3 ];
if ( ! CPUID_LITTLE_ENDIAN ( setting->tag ) )
output = cpu_to_be32 ( output );
frag_len = sizeof ( output );
if ( frag_len > len )
frag_len = len;
memcpy ( data, &output, frag_len );
data += frag_len;
len -= frag_len;
result_len += sizeof ( output );
/* Set type if not already specified */
if ( ! setting->type )
setting->type = &setting_type_hexraw;
return result_len;
/** CPUID settings operations */
static struct settings_operations cpuid_settings_operations = {
.applies = cpuid_settings_applies,
.fetch = cpuid_settings_fetch,
/** CPUID settings */
static struct settings cpuid_settings = {
.refcnt = NULL,
.siblings = LIST_HEAD_INIT ( cpuid_settings.siblings ),
.children = LIST_HEAD_INIT ( cpuid_settings.children ),
.op = &cpuid_settings_operations,
.default_scope = &cpuid_settings_scope,
/** Initialise CPUID settings */
static void cpuid_settings_init ( void ) {
int rc;
if ( ( rc = register_settings ( &cpuid_settings, NULL,
"cpuid" ) ) != 0 ) {
DBG ( "CPUID could not register settings: %s\n",
strerror ( rc ) );
/** CPUID settings initialiser */
struct init_fn cpuid_settings_init_fn __init_fn ( INIT_NORMAL ) = {
.initialise = cpuid_settings_init,
/** CPUID predefined settings */
const struct setting cpuid_predefined_settings[] __setting ( SETTING_HOST_EXTRA ) = {
.name = "cpuvendor",
.description = "CPU vendor",
.tag = CPUID_TAG ( CPUID_VENDOR_ID, 1, 1, 3,
.type = &setting_type_string,
.scope = &cpuid_settings_scope,
.name = "cpumodel",
.description = "CPU model",
.tag = CPUID_TAG ( CPUID_MODEL, 3, 1, 4,
.type = &setting_type_string,
.scope = &cpuid_settings_scope,