blob: 51831adf983a39c2b82ade79568af97e0cd01030 [file] [log] [blame]
package Option::ROM;
# Copyright (C) 2008 Michael Brown <>.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.
=head1 NAME
Option::ROM - Option ROM manipulation
use Option::ROM;
# Load a ROM image
my $rom = new Option::ROM;
$rom->load ( "rtl8139.rom" );
# Modify the PCI device ID
$rom->pci_header->{device_id} = 0x1234;
# Write ROM image out to a new file
$rom->save ( "rtl8139-modified.rom" );
C<Option::ROM> provides a mechanism for manipulating Option ROM
=head1 METHODS
# Option::ROM::Fields
package Option::ROM::Fields;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use bytes;
my $class = shift;
my $self = shift;
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub FETCH {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
return undef unless $self->EXISTS ( $key );
my $raw = substr ( ${$self->{data}},
( $self->{offset} + $self->{fields}->{$key}->{offset} ),
$self->{fields}->{$key}->{length} );
my $unpack = ( ref $self->{fields}->{$key}->{unpack} ?
$self->{fields}->{$key}->{unpack} :
sub { unpack ( $self->{fields}->{$key}->{pack}, shift ); } );
return &$unpack ( $raw );
sub STORE {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $value = shift;
croak "Nonexistent field \"$key\"" unless $self->EXISTS ( $key );
my $pack = ( ref $self->{fields}->{$key}->{pack} ?
$self->{fields}->{$key}->{pack} :
sub { pack ( $self->{fields}->{$key}->{pack}, shift ); } );
my $raw = &$pack ( $value );
substr ( ${$self->{data}},
( $self->{offset} + $self->{fields}->{$key}->{offset} ),
$self->{fields}->{$key}->{length} ) = $raw;
sub DELETE {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
$self->STORE ( $key, 0 );
sub CLEAR {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $key ( keys %{$self->{fields}} ) {
$self->DELETE ( $key );
sub EXISTS {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
return ( exists $self->{fields}->{$key} &&
( ( $self->{fields}->{$key}->{offset} +
$self->{fields}->{$key}->{length} ) <= $self->{length} ) &&
( ! defined $self->{fields}->{$key}->{check} ||
&{$self->{fields}->{$key}->{check}} ( $self, $key ) ) );
my $self = shift;
keys %{$self->{fields}};
return each %{$self->{fields}};
my $self = shift;
my $lastkey = shift;
return each %{$self->{fields}};
sub SCALAR {
my $self = shift;
return 1;
sub UNTIE {
my $self = shift;
my $self = shift;
sub checksum {
my $self = shift;
my $raw = substr ( ${$self->{data}}, $self->{offset}, $self->{length} );
return unpack ( "%8C*", $raw );
# Option::ROM
package Option::ROM;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use bytes;
use Exporter 'import';
use constant ROM_SIGNATURE => 0xaa55;
use constant PCI_SIGNATURE => 'PCIR';
use constant PCI_LAST_IMAGE => 0x80;
use constant PNP_SIGNATURE => '$PnP';
use constant UNDI_SIGNATURE => 'UNDI';
use constant IPXE_SIGNATURE => 'iPXE';
use constant EFI_SIGNATURE => 0x00000ef1;
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [ @EXPORT_OK ] );
use constant JMP_SHORT => 0xeb;
use constant JMP_NEAR => 0xe9;
use constant CALL_NEAR => 0xe8;
sub pack_init {
my $dest = shift;
# Always create a near jump; it's simpler
if ( $dest ) {
return pack ( "CS", JMP_NEAR, ( $dest - 6 ) );
} else {
return pack ( "CS", 0, 0 );
sub unpack_init {
my $instr = shift;
# Accept both short and near jumps
my $jump = unpack ( "C", $instr );
if ( $jump == JMP_SHORT ) {
my $offset = unpack ( "xC", $instr );
return ( $offset + 5 );
} elsif ( $jump == JMP_NEAR ) {
my $offset = unpack ( "xS", $instr );
return ( $offset + 6 );
} elsif ( $jump == CALL_NEAR ) {
my $offset = unpack ( "xS", $instr );
return ( $offset + 6 );
} elsif ( $jump == 0 ) {
return 0;
} else {
carp "Unrecognised jump instruction in init vector\n";
return 0;
sub check_pcat_rom {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $pci = $self->{rom}->pci_header ();
return ! defined $pci || $pci->{code_type} == 0x00;
=item C<< new () >>
Construct a new C<Option::ROM> object.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $hash = {};
tie %$hash, "Option::ROM::Fields", {
rom => $hash, # ROM object itself
data => undef,
offset => 0x00,
length => 0x20,
file_offset => 0x0,
fields => {
signature => { offset => 0x00, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
length => { offset => 0x02, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
# "init" is part of a jump instruction
init => { offset => 0x03, length => 0x03,
pack => \&pack_init, unpack => \&unpack_init,
check => \&check_pcat_rom },
checksum => { offset => 0x06, length => 0x01, pack => "C",
check => \&check_pcat_rom },
ipxe_header => { offset => 0x10, length => 0x02, pack => "S",
check => \&check_pcat_rom },
bofm_header => { offset => 0x14, length => 0x02, pack => "S",
check => \&check_pcat_rom },
undi_header => { offset => 0x16, length => 0x02, pack => "S",
check => \&check_pcat_rom },
pci_header => { offset => 0x18, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
pnp_header => { offset => 0x1a, length => 0x02, pack => "S",
check => \&check_pcat_rom },
bless $hash, $class;
return $hash;
=item C<< set ( $data [, $file_offset ] ) >>
Set option ROM contents, optionally sets original file offset.
sub set {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $data = shift;
my $file_offset = shift // 0x0;
# Store data
$self->{data} = \$data;
$self->{file_offset} = $file_offset;
# Split out any data belonging to the next image
delete $self->{next_image};
my $pci_header = $hash->pci_header();
if ( ( defined $pci_header ) &&
( ! ( $pci_header->{last_image} & PCI_LAST_IMAGE ) ) ) {
my $length = ( $pci_header->{image_length} * 512 );
my $remainder = substr ( $data, $length );
$data = substr ( $data, 0, $length );
$self->{next_image} = new Option::ROM;
$self->{next_image}->set ( $remainder, $self->{file_offset} + $length );
=item C<< get () >>
Get option ROM contents.
sub get {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $data = ${$self->{data}};
$data .= $self->{next_image}->get() if $self->{next_image};
return $data;
=item C<< load ( $filename ) >>
Load option ROM contents from the file C<$filename>.
sub load {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $filename = shift;
$self->{filename} = $filename;
open my $fh, "<$filename"
or croak "Cannot open $filename for reading: $!";
binmode $fh;
read $fh, my $data, -s $fh;
$hash->set ( $data );
close $fh;
=item C<< save ( [ $filename ] ) >>
Write the ROM data back out to the file C<$filename>. If C<$filename>
is omitted, the file used in the call to C<load()> will be used.
sub save {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $filename = shift;
$filename ||= $self->{filename};
open my $fh, ">$filename"
or croak "Cannot open $filename for writing: $!";
my $data = $hash->get();
binmode $fh;
print $fh $data;
close $fh;
=item C<< length () >>
Length of option ROM data. This is the length of the file, not the
length from the ROM header length field.
sub length {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
return length ${$self->{data}};
=item C<< pci_header () >>
Return a C<Option::ROM::PCI> object representing the ROM's PCI header,
if present.
sub pci_header {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $offset = $hash->{pci_header};
return undef unless $offset;
return Option::ROM::PCI->new ( $self, $offset );
=item C<< pnp_header () >>
Return a C<Option::ROM::PnP> object representing the ROM's PnP header,
if present.
sub pnp_header {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $offset = $hash->{pnp_header};
return undef unless $offset;
return Option::ROM::PnP->new ( $self, $offset );
=item C<< undi_header () >>
Return a C<Option::ROM::UNDI> object representing the ROM's UNDI header,
if present.
sub undi_header {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $offset = $hash->{undi_header};
return undef unless $offset;
return Option::ROM::UNDI->new ( $self, $offset );
=item C<< ipxe_header () >>
Return a C<Option::ROM::iPXE> object representing the ROM's iPXE
header, if present.
sub ipxe_header {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $offset = $hash->{ipxe_header};
return undef unless $offset;
return Option::ROM::iPXE->new ( $self, $offset );
=item C<< efi_header () >>
Return a C<Option::ROM::EFI> object representing the ROM's EFI header,
if present.
sub efi_header {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $pci = $hash->pci_header ();
return undef unless defined $pci;
return Option::ROM::EFI->new ( $self, $pci );
=item C<< next_image () >>
Return a C<Option::ROM> object representing the next image within the
ROM, if present.
sub next_image {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
return $self->{next_image};
=item C<< checksum () >>
Calculate the byte checksum of the ROM.
sub checksum {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $raw = substr ( ${$self->{data}}, 0, ( $hash->{length} * 512 ) );
return unpack ( "%8C*", $raw );
=item C<< fix_checksum () >>
Fix the byte checksum of the ROM.
sub fix_checksum {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
return unless ( exists $hash->{checksum} );
$hash->{checksum} = ( ( $hash->{checksum} - $hash->checksum() ) & 0xff );
=item C<< file_offset () >>
Get file offset of image.
sub file_offset {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
return $self->{file_offset};
# Option::ROM::PCI
package Option::ROM::PCI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use bytes;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $rom = shift;
my $offset = shift;
my $hash = {};
tie %$hash, "Option::ROM::Fields", {
rom => $rom,
data => $rom->{data},
offset => $offset,
length => 0x0c,
fields => {
signature => { offset => 0x00, length => 0x04, pack => "a4" },
vendor_id => { offset => 0x04, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
device_id => { offset => 0x06, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
device_list => { offset => 0x08, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
struct_length => { offset => 0x0a, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
struct_revision =>{ offset => 0x0c, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
prog_intf => { offset => 0x0d, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
sub_class => { offset => 0x0e, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
base_class => { offset => 0x0f, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
image_length => { offset => 0x10, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
revision => { offset => 0x12, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
code_type => { offset => 0x14, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
last_image => { offset => 0x15, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
runtime_length => { offset => 0x16, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
conf_header => { offset => 0x18, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
clp_entry => { offset => 0x1a, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
bless $hash, $class;
my $self = tied ( %$hash );
my $length = $rom->{rom}->length ();
return undef unless ( $offset + $self->{length} <= $length &&
$hash->{signature} eq Option::ROM::PCI_SIGNATURE &&
$offset + $hash->{struct_length} <= $length );
# Retrieve true length of structure
$self->{length} = $hash->{struct_length};
return $hash;
sub device_list {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $device_list = $hash->{device_list};
return undef unless $device_list;
my @ids;
my $offset = ( $self->{offset} + $device_list );
while ( 1 ) {
my $raw = substr ( ${$self->{data}}, $offset, 2 );
my $id = unpack ( "S", $raw );
last unless $id;
push @ids, $id;
$offset += 2;
return @ids;
# Option::ROM::PnP
package Option::ROM::PnP;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use bytes;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $rom = shift;
my $offset = shift;
my $hash = {};
tie %$hash, "Option::ROM::Fields", {
rom => $rom,
data => $rom->{data},
offset => $offset,
length => 0x06,
fields => {
signature => { offset => 0x00, length => 0x04, pack => "a4" },
struct_revision =>{ offset => 0x04, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
struct_length => { offset => 0x05, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
checksum => { offset => 0x09, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
manufacturer => { offset => 0x0e, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
product => { offset => 0x10, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
bcv => { offset => 0x16, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
bdv => { offset => 0x18, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
bev => { offset => 0x1a, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
bless $hash, $class;
my $self = tied ( %$hash );
my $length = $rom->{rom}->length ();
return undef unless ( $offset + $self->{length} <= $length &&
$hash->{signature} eq Option::ROM::PNP_SIGNATURE &&
$offset + $hash->{struct_length} * 16 <= $length );
# Retrieve true length of structure
$self->{length} = ( $hash->{struct_length} * 16 );
return $hash;
sub checksum {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
return $self->checksum();
sub fix_checksum {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
$hash->{checksum} = ( ( $hash->{checksum} - $hash->checksum() ) & 0xff );
sub manufacturer {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $manufacturer = $hash->{manufacturer};
return undef unless $manufacturer;
my $raw = substr ( ${$self->{data}}, $manufacturer );
return unpack ( "Z*", $raw );
sub product {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
my $product = $hash->{product};
return undef unless $product;
my $raw = substr ( ${$self->{data}}, $product );
return unpack ( "Z*", $raw );
# Option::ROM::UNDI
package Option::ROM::UNDI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use bytes;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $rom = shift;
my $offset = shift;
my $hash = {};
tie %$hash, "Option::ROM::Fields", {
rom => $rom,
data => $rom->{data},
offset => $offset,
length => 0x16,
fields => {
signature => { offset => 0x00, length => 0x04, pack => "a4" },
struct_length => { offset => 0x04, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
checksum => { offset => 0x05, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
struct_revision =>{ offset => 0x06, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
version_revision =>{ offset => 0x07, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
version_minor => { offset => 0x08, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
version_major => { offset => 0x09, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
loader_entry => { offset => 0x0a, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
stack_size => { offset => 0x0c, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
data_size => { offset => 0x0e, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
code_size => { offset => 0x10, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
bus_type => { offset => 0x12, length => 0x04, pack => "a4" },
bless $hash, $class;
my $self = tied ( %$hash );
my $length = $rom->{rom}->length ();
return undef unless ( $offset + $self->{length} <= $length &&
$hash->{signature} eq Option::ROM::UNDI_SIGNATURE &&
$offset + $hash->{struct_length} <= $length );
# Retrieve true length of structure
$self->{length} = $hash->{struct_length};
return $hash;
sub checksum {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
return $self->checksum();
sub fix_checksum {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
$hash->{checksum} = ( ( $hash->{checksum} - $hash->checksum() ) & 0xff );
# Option::ROM::iPXE
package Option::ROM::iPXE;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use bytes;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $rom = shift;
my $offset = shift;
my $hash = {};
tie %$hash, "Option::ROM::Fields", {
rom => $rom,
data => $rom->{data},
offset => $offset,
length => 0x06,
fields => {
signature => { offset => 0x00, length => 0x04, pack => "a4" },
struct_length => { offset => 0x04, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
checksum => { offset => 0x05, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
shrunk_length => { offset => 0x06, length => 0x01, pack => "C" },
build_id => { offset => 0x08, length => 0x04, pack => "L" },
bless $hash, $class;
my $self = tied ( %$hash );
my $length = $rom->{rom}->length ();
return undef unless ( $offset + $self->{length} <= $length &&
$hash->{signature} eq Option::ROM::IPXE_SIGNATURE &&
$offset + $hash->{struct_length} <= $length );
# Retrieve true length of structure
$self->{length} = $hash->{struct_length};
return $hash;
sub checksum {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
return $self->checksum();
sub fix_checksum {
my $hash = shift;
my $self = tied(%$hash);
$hash->{checksum} = ( ( $hash->{checksum} - $hash->checksum() ) & 0xff );
# Option::ROM::EFI
package Option::ROM::EFI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use bytes;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $rom = shift;
my $pci = shift;
my $hash = {};
tie %$hash, "Option::ROM::Fields", {
rom => $rom,
data => $rom->{data},
offset => 0x00,
length => 0x18,
fields => {
signature => { offset => 0x00, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
init_size => { offset => 0x02, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
efi_signature => { offset => 0x04, length => 0x04, pack => "L" },
efi_subsystem => { offset => 0x08, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
efi_machine_type => { offset => 0x0a, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
compression_type => { offset => 0x0c, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
efi_image_offset => { offset => 0x16, length => 0x02, pack => "S" },
bless $hash, $class;
my $self = tied ( %$hash );
return undef unless ( $hash->{efi_signature} == Option::ROM::EFI_SIGNATURE &&
$pci->{code_type} == 0x03 );
return $hash;