blob: fe565d97edbd0fcb15d2f21596dbdf02794e4c3f [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
GlobalData class.
GlobalData provide initializing, instoring, querying and update global data.
It is a bridge to intercommunicate between multiple component, such as AutoGen,
PCD and so on.
Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.tianocore.DbPathAndFilename;
import org.tianocore.FrameworkDatabaseDocument;
import org.tianocore.ModuleSurfaceAreaDocument;
import org.tianocore.ModuleSurfaceAreaDocument.ModuleSurfaceArea;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
GlobalData provide initializing, instoring, querying and update global data.
It is a bridge to intercommunicate between multiple component, such as AutoGen,
PCD and so on.
<p>Note that all global information are initialized incrementally. All data will
parse and record only of necessary during build time. </p>
@since GenBuild 1.0
public class GlobalData {
public static Logger log = Logger.getAnonymousLogger();
public static KeyComparator comparator = new KeyComparator();
/// Record current WORKSPACE Directory
private static String workspaceDir = "";
/// Be used to ensure Global data will be initialized only once.
private static boolean globalFlag = false;
/// Framework Database information: package list and platform list
private static Set<PackageIdentification> packageList = new HashSet<PackageIdentification>();
private static Set<PlatformIdentification> platformList = new HashSet<PlatformIdentification>();
/// Every detail SPD informations: Module list, Library class definition,
/// Package header file, GUID/PPI/Protocol definitions
private static final Map<PackageIdentification, Spd> spdTable = new HashMap<PackageIdentification, Spd>();
/// Build informations are divided into three parts:
/// 1. From MSA 2. From FPD 3. From FPD' ModuleSA
private static Map<ModuleIdentification, Map<String, XmlObject>> nativeMsa = new HashMap<ModuleIdentification, Map<String, XmlObject>>();
private static Map<FpdModuleIdentification, Map<String, XmlObject>> fpdModuleSA= new HashMap<FpdModuleIdentification, Map<String, XmlObject>>();
private static XmlObject fpdBuildOptions;
private static XmlObject fpdDynamicPcds;
/// Parsed modules list
private static Map<FpdModuleIdentification, Map<String, XmlObject>> parsedModules = new HashMap<FpdModuleIdentification, Map<String, XmlObject>>();
/// built modules list with ARCH, TARGET, TOOLCHAIN
private static Set<FpdModuleIdentification> builtModules = new HashSet<FpdModuleIdentification>();
/// PCD memory database stored all PCD information which collected from FPD,MSA and SPD.
// private static final MemoryDatabaseManager pcdDbManager = new MemoryDatabaseManager();
/// build target + tool chain family/tag name + arch + command types + command options
private static Map<String, Object> toolChainOptions;
private static Map<String, Object> toolChainFamilyOptions;
private static Map<String, String> toolChainDefinitions;
private static Set<String> targets;
private static Set<String> toolChainFamilies;
private static Set<String> toolChains;
/// keep track which toolchain family a toolchain tag belongs to
private static Map<String, Set<String>> toolChainFamilyMap;
private static Map<String, Set<String>> toolChainCommandMap;
/// list of Arch: EBC, ARM, IA32, X64, IPF, PPC
private static Set<String> archs;
/// list of Command Type: CC, LIB, LINK, ASL, ASM, ASMLINK, PP
private static Set<String> commandTypes;
Parse framework database (DB) and all SPD files listed in DB to initialize
the environment for next build. This method will only be executed only once
in the whole build process.
@param workspaceDatabaseFile the file name of framework database
@param workspaceDir current workspace directory path
@throws Exception
Framework Dababase or SPD or MSA file is not valid
public synchronized static void initInfo(String workspaceDatabaseFile, String workspaceDir) throws Exception {
// ensure this method will be revoked only once
if (globalFlag) {
globalFlag = true;
// Backup workspace directory. It will be used by other method
GlobalData.workspaceDir = workspaceDir.replaceAll("(\\\\)", "/");
File dbFile = new File(workspaceDir + File.separatorChar + workspaceDatabaseFile);
try {
FrameworkDatabaseDocument db = (FrameworkDatabaseDocument) XmlObject.Factory.parse(dbFile);
// validate FrameworkDatabaseFile
// if (! db.validate()) {
// throw new Exception("Framework Database file [" + dbFile.getPath() + "] is invalid.");
// }
// Get package list
List<DbPathAndFilename> packages = db.getFrameworkDatabase().getPackageList().getFilenameList();
Iterator iter = packages.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
DbPathAndFilename dbPath = (DbPathAndFilename);
String fileName = dbPath.getStringValue();
Spd spd = new Spd(new File(workspaceDir + File.separatorChar + fileName));
spdTable.put(spd.getPackageId(), spd);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Parse workspace Database [" + dbFile.getPath() + "] Error.\n" + e.getMessage());
Get the current WORKSPACE Directory.
@return current workspace directory
public synchronized static String getWorkspacePath() {
return workspaceDir;
Get the MSA file name with absolute path
public synchronized static File getMsaFile(ModuleIdentification moduleId) throws Exception {
File msaFile = null;
// TBD. Do only when package is null.
Iterator iter = packageList.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
PackageIdentification packageId = (PackageIdentification);
Spd spd = spdTable.get(packageId);
msaFile = spd.getModuleFile(moduleId);
if (msaFile != null ) {
break ;
if (msaFile == null){
throw new Exception("Can't find Module [" + moduleId.getName() + "] in all packages. ");
else {
return msaFile;
public synchronized static PackageIdentification getPackageForModule(ModuleIdentification moduleId) {
// If package already defined in module
if (moduleId.getPackage() != null) {
return moduleId.getPackage();
PackageIdentification packageId = null;
Iterator iter = packageList.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
packageId = (PackageIdentification);
Spd spd = spdTable.get(packageId);
if (spd.getModuleFile(moduleId) != null ) {
break ;
if (packageId == null){
return null;
else {
return packageId;
Difference between build and parse: ToolChain and Target
public synchronized static boolean isModuleBuilt(FpdModuleIdentification moduleId) {
return builtModules.contains(moduleId);
public synchronized static void registerBuiltModule(FpdModuleIdentification fpdModuleId) {
public synchronized static void registerFpdModuleSA(FpdModuleIdentification fpdModuleId, Map<String, XmlObject> doc) throws Exception{
Map<String, XmlObject> result = new HashMap<String, XmlObject>();
Set keySet = doc.keySet();
Iterator iter = keySet.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()){
String key = (String);
XmlObject item = cloneXmlObject(doc.get(key), true);
result.put(key, item);
fpdModuleSA.put(fpdModuleId, result);
Query overrided module surface area information. If current is Package
or Platform build, also include the information from FPD file.
<p>Note that surface area parsing is incremental. That means the method will
only parse the MSA and MBD files if necessary. </p>
@param moduleName the base name of the module
@return the overrided module surface area information
@throws Exception
MSA or MBD is not valid
public synchronized static Map<String, XmlObject> getDoc(FpdModuleIdentification fpdModuleId) throws Exception {
if (parsedModules.containsKey(fpdModuleId)) {
return parsedModules.get(fpdModuleId);
Map<String, XmlObject> doc = new HashMap<String, XmlObject>();
ModuleIdentification moduleId = fpdModuleId.getModule();
// First part: get the MSA files info
doc = getNativeMsa(moduleId);
// Second part: put build options
doc.put("BuildOptions", fpdBuildOptions);
// Third part: get Module info from FPD, such as Library instances, PCDs
if (fpdModuleSA.containsKey(fpdModuleId)){
// merge module info in FPD to final Doc
// For Library Module, do nothing here
parsedModules.put(fpdModuleId, doc);
return doc;
public synchronized static Map<String, XmlObject> getDoc(ModuleIdentification moduleId, String arch) throws Exception {
FpdModuleIdentification fpdModuleId = new FpdModuleIdentification(moduleId, arch);
return getDoc(fpdModuleId);
Query the native MSA information with module base name.
<p>Note that MSA parsing is incremental. That means the method will
only to parse the MSA files when never parsed before. </p>
@param moduleName the base name of the module
@return the native MSA information
@throws Exception
MSA file is not valid
public synchronized static Map<String, XmlObject> getNativeMsa(ModuleIdentification moduleId) throws Exception {
if (nativeMsa.containsKey(moduleId)) {
return nativeMsa.get(moduleId);
File msaFile = getMsaFile(moduleId);
Map<String, XmlObject> msaMap = getNativeMsa(msaFile);
nativeMsa.put(moduleId, msaMap);
return msaMap;
public synchronized static Map<String, XmlObject> getNativeMsa(File msaFile) throws Exception {
if (! msaFile.exists()) {
throw new Exception("Surface Area file [" + msaFile.getPath() + "] can't found.");
try {
ModuleSurfaceAreaDocument doc = (ModuleSurfaceAreaDocument)XmlObject.Factory.parse(msaFile);
// Validate File if they accord with XML Schema
// if ( ! doc.validate()){
// throw new Exception("Module Surface Area file [" + msaFile.getPath() + "] is invalid.");
// }
// parse MSA file
ModuleSurfaceArea msa= doc.getModuleSurfaceArea();
Map<String, XmlObject> msaMap = new HashMap<String, XmlObject>();
msaMap.put("ModuleSurfaceArea", msa);
msaMap.put("MsaHeader", cloneXmlObject(msa.getMsaHeader(), true));
msaMap.put("LibraryClassDefinitions", cloneXmlObject(msa.getLibraryClassDefinitions(), true));
msaMap.put("SourceFiles", cloneXmlObject(msa.getSourceFiles(), true));
msaMap.put("PackageDependencies", cloneXmlObject(msa.getPackageDependencies(), true));
msaMap.put("Protocols", cloneXmlObject(msa.getProtocols(), true));
msaMap.put("PPIs", cloneXmlObject(msa.getPPIs(), true));
msaMap.put("Guids", cloneXmlObject(msa.getGuids(), true));
msaMap.put("Externs", cloneXmlObject(msa.getExterns(), true));
return msaMap;
catch (Exception ex){
throw new Exception(ex.getMessage());
public static Map<String, XmlObject> getFpdBuildOptions() {
Map<String, XmlObject> map = new HashMap<String, XmlObject>();
map.put("BuildOptions", fpdBuildOptions);
return map;
public static void setFpdBuildOptions(XmlObject fpdBuildOptions) throws Exception{
GlobalData.fpdBuildOptions = cloneXmlObject(fpdBuildOptions, true);
public static XmlObject getFpdDynamicPcds() {
return fpdDynamicPcds;
public static void setFpdDynamicPcds(XmlObject fpdDynamicPcds) {
GlobalData.fpdDynamicPcds = fpdDynamicPcds;
public static Set<ModuleIdentification> getModules(PackageIdentification packageId){
Spd spd = spdTable.get(packageId);
if (spd == null ) {
Set<ModuleIdentification> dummy = new HashSet<ModuleIdentification>();
return dummy;
else {
return spd.getModules();
The header file path is relative to workspace dir
public static String[] getLibraryClassHeaderFiles(PackageIdentification[] packages, String name) {
if (packages == null ){
// throw Exception or not????
return new String[0];
String[] result = null;
for (int i = 0; i < packages.length; i++){
Spd spd = spdTable.get(packages[i]);
// If find one package defined the library class
if( (result = spd.getLibClassIncluder(name)) != null){
return result;
return null;
The header file path is relative to workspace dir
public static String getPackageHeaderFiles(PackageIdentification packages, String moduleType) throws Exception {
if (packages == null ){
return new String("");
Spd spd = spdTable.get(packages);
// If can't find package header file, skip it
String temp = null;
if (spd != null){
if( (temp = spd.getPackageIncluder(moduleType)) != null){
return temp;
}else {
temp = "";
return temp;
}else {
return null;
return two values: {cName, GuidValue}
public static String[] getGuid(PackageIdentification[] packages, String name) throws Exception {
if (packages == null ){
// throw Exception or not????
return new String[0];
String[] result = null;
for (int i = 0; i < packages.length; i++){
Spd spd = spdTable.get(packages[i]);
// If find one package defined the GUID
if( (result = spd.getGuid(name)) != null){
return result;
return null;
return two values: {cName, GuidValue}
public static String[] getPpiGuid(PackageIdentification[] packages, String name) throws Exception {
if (packages == null ){
return new String[0];
String[] result = null;
for (int i = 0; i < packages.length; i++){
Spd spd = spdTable.get(packages[i]);
// If find one package defined the Ppi GUID
if( (result = spd.getPpi(name)) != null){
return result;
return null;
return two values: {cName, GuidValue}
public static String[] getProtocolGuid(PackageIdentification[] packages, String name) throws Exception {
if (packages == null ){
return new String[0];
String[] result = null;
for (int i = 0; i < packages.length; i++){
Spd spd = spdTable.get(packages[i]);
// If find one package defined the protocol GUID
if( (result = spd.getProtocol(name)) != null){
return result;
return null;
/////////////////////////// Update!! Update!! Update!!
// public synchronized static MemoryDatabaseManager getPCDMemoryDBManager() {
// return pcdDbManager;
// }
public synchronized static PlatformIdentification getPlatform(String name) throws Exception {
Iterator iter = platformList.iterator();
PlatformIdentification platformId = (PlatformIdentification);
if (platformId.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {"Platform: " + platformId + platformId.getFpdFile());
return platformId;
throw new Exception("Can't find platform [" + name + "] in current workspace. ");
public synchronized static File getPackageFile(PackageIdentification packageId) throws Exception {
Iterator iter = packageList.iterator();
PackageIdentification packageItem = (PackageIdentification);
if (packageItem.equals(packageId)) {
return packageItem.getSpdFile();
throw new Exception("Can't find " + packageId + " in current workspace. ");
public synchronized static File getModuleFile(ModuleIdentification moduleId) throws Exception {
PackageIdentification packageId = getPackageForModule(moduleId);
Spd spd = spdTable.get(packageId);
return spd.getModuleFile(moduleId);
// expanded by FrameworkWizard
public synchronized static XmlObject getModuleXmlObject(ModuleIdentification moduleId) throws Exception {
PackageIdentification packageId = getPackageForModule(moduleId);
Spd spd = spdTable.get(packageId);
return spd.msaDocMap.get(moduleId);
public synchronized static XmlObject getPackageXmlObject(PackageIdentification packageId) {
Spd spd = spdTable.get(packageId);
if (spd != null){
return spd.spdDocMap.get("PackageSurfaceArea");
return null;
public synchronized static Set<PackageIdentification> getPackageList(){
return packageList;
///// remove!!
private static XmlObject cloneXmlObject(XmlObject object, boolean deep) throws Exception {
if ( object == null) {
return null;
XmlObject result = null;
try {
result = XmlObject.Factory.parse(object.getDomNode()
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception(ex.getMessage());
return result;
////// Tool Chain Related, try to refine and put some logic process to ToolChainFactory
public static void setBuildToolChainFamilyOptions(Map<String, Object> map) {
toolChainFamilyOptions = map;
public static Map<String, Object> getToolChainFamilyOptions() {
return toolChainFamilyOptions;
public static void setBuildToolChainOptions(Map<String, Object> map) {
toolChainOptions = map;
public static Map<String, Object> getToolChainOptions() {
return toolChainOptions;
public static void setTargets(Set<String> targetSet) {"TargetSet: " + targetSet);
targets = targetSet;
public static String[] getTargets() {
return (String[])targets.toArray(new String[targets.size()]);
public static void setToolChains(Set<String> toolChainSet) {
toolChains = toolChainSet;
public static String[] getToolChains() {
String[] toolChainList = new String[toolChains.size()];
return (String[])toolChains.toArray(toolChainList);
public static void setToolChainFamilies(Set<String> toolChainFamilySet) {
toolChainFamilies = toolChainFamilySet;
public static void setToolChainFamiliyMap(Map<String, Set<String>> map) {
Set<String> keys = map.keySet();
Iterator it = keys.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String toolchain = (String);
Set<String> familyMap = (Set<String>)map.get(toolchain);
Iterator fit = familyMap.iterator();
System.out.print(toolchain + ": ");
while (fit.hasNext()) {
System.out.print((String) + " ");
toolChainFamilyMap = map;
public static String[] getToolChainFamilies() {
String[] toolChainFamilyList = new String[toolChainFamilies.size()];
return (String[])toolChainFamilies.toArray(toolChainFamilyList);
public static String[] getToolChainFamilies(String toolChain) {
Set<String> familySet = (Set<String>)toolChainFamilyMap.get(toolChain);
String[] toolChainFamilyList = new String[familySet.size()];
return (String[])familySet.toArray(toolChainFamilyList);
public static Set<String> getToolChainFamilySet(String toolChain) {
return (Set<String>)toolChainFamilyMap.get(toolChain);
public static void setArchs(Set<String> archSet) {
archs = archSet;
public static String[] getArchs() {
String[] archList = new String[archs.size()];
return (String[])archs.toArray(archList);
public static void SetCommandTypes(Set<String> commandTypeSet) {
commandTypes = commandTypeSet;
public static void SetCommandTypes(Map<String, Set<String>> commandTypeMap) {
toolChainCommandMap = commandTypeMap;
public static String[] getCommandTypes() {
String[] commandList = new String[commandTypes.size()];
return (String[])commandTypes.toArray(commandList);
public static String[] getCommandTypes(String toolChain) {
Set<String> commands = (Set<String>)toolChainCommandMap.get(toolChain);
if (commands == null) {
return new String[0];
String[] commandList = new String[commands.size()];
return (String[])commands.toArray(commandList);
public static String getCommandSetting(String commandDescString) {
return (String)toolChainDefinitions.get(commandDescString);
public static void setToolChainDefinitions(Map<String, String> def) {
toolChainDefinitions = def;
public static Map<String, String> getToolChainDefinitions() {
return toolChainDefinitions;
final class KeyComparator implements Comparator<String> {
public int compare(String x, String y) {
return x.compareToIgnoreCase(y);