blob: d102f1666ae874086acb96d5a1ba91f03069a17a [file] [log] [blame]
/*++ @file
The PCD, gEmulatorPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPeiServicesTablePage, points to a magic page
of memory that is like SRAM on an embedded system. This file defines what goes
where in the magic page.
Copyright (c) 2011, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
#ifndef __EMU_MAGIC_PAGE_LIB_H__
#define __EMU_MAGIC_PAGE_LIB_H__
#include <PiPei.h>
#include <Library/PcdLib.h>
#include <Protocol/EmuThunk.h>
typedef struct {
// Used by PEI Core and PEIMs to store the PEI Services pointer.
// Privilege issues prevent using the PI mechanism in the emulator.
CONST EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServicesTablePointer;
// Used by SecPeiServicesLib
// Needed by PEI PEI PeCoffLoaderExtraActionLib
#define EMU_MAGIC_PAGE() ((EMU_MAGIC_PAGE_LAYOUT *)((UINTN)PcdGet64 (PcdPeiServicesTablePage)))