blob: 8b1b1aeb10b27c912f25337d264a070422850208 [file] [log] [blame]
The binaries of ShellBinPkg are generated with ShellPkg project and built with
BaseTools Package (git version: db55dac77579fa2722e4457bfc4369f98b8ff52a). The
binaries are built with no debug information by building with "RELEASE" target.
To generate Full Shell, execute:
"build -a IA32 -a X64 -p ShellPkg\ShellPkg.dsc -b RELEASE"
To generate Minimal Shell, execute:
"build -a IA32 -a X64 -p ShellPkg\ShellPkg.dsc -b RELEASE -D NO_SHELL_PROFILES"
1. RM can delete current working directory via other map name.
2. DrvCfg does not overlap boot manager functionality.