blob: a377366798b0566b049fc1fded4dfaa6e26246c3 [file] [log] [blame]
## @file
# CI configuration for UefiCpuPkg
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
# Copyright (c) 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
"LicenseCheck": {
"IgnoreFiles": []
"EccCheck": {
## Exception sample looks like below:
## "ExceptionList": [
## "<ErrorID>", "<KeyWord>"
## ]
"ExceptionList": [
"8006", "main",
## Both file path and directory path are accepted.
"IgnoreFiles": [
"CompilerPlugin": {
"DscPath": "UefiCpuPkg.dsc"
## options defined ci/Plugin/HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin
"HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin": {
"DscPath": "Test/UefiCpuPkgHostTest.dsc"
"CharEncodingCheck": {
"IgnoreFiles": []
"DependencyCheck": {
"AcceptableDependencies": [
# For host based unit tests
# For UEFI shell based apps
"IgnoreInf": []
"DscCompleteCheck": {
"DscPath": "UefiCpuPkg.dsc",
"IgnoreInf": [
"HostUnitTestDscCompleteCheck": {
"IgnoreInf": [""],
"DscPath": "Test/UefiCpuPkgHostTest.dsc"
"GuidCheck": {
"IgnoreGuidName": ["SecCore", "ResetVector"], # Expected duplication for gEfiFirmwareVolumeTopFileGuid
"IgnoreGuidValue": [],
"IgnoreFoldersAndFiles": [],
"IgnoreDuplicates": []
"LibraryClassCheck": {
"IgnoreHeaderFile": []
## options defined ci/Plugin/SpellCheck
"SpellCheck": {
"AuditOnly": True, # Fails test but run in AuditOnly mode to collect log
"IgnoreFiles": [], # use gitignore syntax to ignore errors in matching files
"ExtendWords": [], # words to extend to the dictionary for this package
"IgnoreStandardPaths": [], # Standard Plugin defined paths that should be ignore
"AdditionalIncludePaths": [] # Additional paths to spell check (wildcards supported)