blob: 2180bbd0740f047f9f1a2840fa25ad92b6f08546 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
Header file for helper functions for parsing GuidedSectionTools.txt
Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
#include <Common/UefiBaseTypes.h>
// Functions declarations
This function parses the tools_def.txt file. It returns a
EFI_HANDLE object which can be used for the other library
functions and should be passed to FreeParsedToolsDefHandle
to free resources when the tools_def.txt information is no
longer needed.
@param InputFile Path name of file to read
@retval NULL if error parsing
@retval A non-NULL EFI_HANDLE otherwise
ParseGuidedSectionToolsFile (
IN CHAR8 *InputFile
This function parses the tools_def.txt file. It returns a
EFI_HANDLE object which can be used for the other library
functions and should be passed to FreeParsedToolsDefHandle
to free resources when the tools_def.txt information is no
longer needed.
@param InputFile Memory file image.
@retval NULL if error parsing
@retval A non-NULL EFI_HANDLE otherwise
ParseGuidedSectionToolsMemoryFile (
This function looks up the appropriate tool to use for extracting
a GUID defined FV section.
@param ParsedGuidedSectionToolsHandle A parsed GUID section tools handle.
@param SectionGuid The GUID for the section.
@retval NULL if no tool is found or there is another error
@retval Non-NULL The tool to use to access the section contents. (The caller
must free the memory associated with this string.)
LookupGuidedSectionToolPath (
IN EFI_HANDLE ParsedGuidedSectionToolsHandle,
IN EFI_GUID *SectionGuid
Frees resources that were allocated by ParseGuidedSectionToolsFile.
After freeing these resources, the information that was parsed
is no longer accessible.
@param ParsedToolDefHandle Handle returned from ParseGuidedSectionToolsFile
@return EFI_STATUS
FreeParsedGuidedSectionToolsHandle (
IN EFI_HANDLE ParsedGuidedSectionToolsHandle