blob: 79557f4de2dec70bdb7271e6467c7f6859f7f9de [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.*;
public class Module
Module(String n)
String name;
public String name() { return name; }
public Set<LibClass> consumesLibClasses;
// The set of packages that this module depends upon.
Set<Package> packageDepends;
public Set<Package> packageDeps() { return packageDepends; }
public boolean autoBuild()
// This should be implemented in the derived class.
return true;
// Make sure that each class in this set of libclasses is declared in one
// of the packages that this module depends on.
public boolean validateLibClasses(Set<LibClass> classes)
for(LibClass lc : classes)
// Assume we will not find it.
boolean found = false;
for(Package p : packageDepends)
if(found == false)
// Error: This LibClass is not found in any of our Packages.
return false;
// Well, we never came up empty handed, so it looks good.
return true;
public Set<LibClass> libClassesProduced(Collection<LibInst> instances)
// given a set of lib instances, what is the set of lib classes produced?
Set<LibClass> classes = new HashSet<LibClass>();
for(LibInst li : instances)
return classes;
// Search the given set of lib instance to see if, among them, they
// produce the same LibClass more than once.
public Set<LibClass> duplicateLibClasses(Set<LibInst> libs)
// Return true iff each class produced is produced only once.
List<LibClass> classes = new LinkedList<LibClass>();
Set<LibClass> dups = new HashSet<LibClass>();
for(LibInst li : libs)
for(LibClass c : classes)
for(LibClass inner : classes)
return dups;
public Set<LibInst> getProducers(LibClass lc, Set<LibInst> libs)
// Return the subset of the given libs that produce this LibClass.
Set<LibInst> producers = new HashSet<LibInst>();
for(LibInst li : libs)
return producers;
// The central dependency relationship between library instances is as follows.
// A LibInst "A" depends upon LibInst "B" if, and only if, there exists a LibClass
// "C" such that A consumes C and B produces C. This is the partial order over which
// we construct a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). The DAG can be used to detect
// cycles in the depends relation (which are illegal) and it can be used to implement a
// topological sort which is a total ordering over LibInstances. This total order on
// lib instances is what is needed in order to call the constructors and destructors
// in the proper sequence.
public DAG<LibInst> makeDAG(Set<LibInst> libs)
DAG<LibInst> dag = new DAG<LibInst>();
System.out.format("Error: The library instances implement at least one "
+ "library class more than once.\n");
for(LibInst consumer : libs)
// Find all the producers for each LC that li consumes.
for(LibClass lc : consumer.consumesLibClasses )
Set<LibInst> producers = getProducers(lc, libs);
System.out.format("Error: Unmet dependency libclass:%s .", );
return null;
// There is exactly one lib inst that produces this class.
LibInst producer = producers.iterator().next();
// Now we are ready to add the dependency to the dag. It will flag
// circular dependencies for us.
dag.add(consumer, producer);
return dag;
// As you evaluate each node in the graph (starting with the module node), you
// must call the constructors for all the child nodes before you call the
// constructor for the current node.
public List<LibInst> getConstructorOrder(Set<LibInst> libs)
List<LibInst> rev = new LinkedList<LibInst>();
for(LibInst li : getDestructorOrder(libs))
rev.add(0, li);
return rev;
// The destructor order is exactly the reverese of the constructor order.
// As you evaluate each node in the graph (starting with the module node), you
// must call the destructor for the all the parent nodes before calling the
// destructors for the current node, and then call the destructors for all the
// child nodes.
public List<LibInst> getDestructorOrder(Set<LibInst> libs)
DAG<LibInst> dag = makeDAG(libs);
return dag.sort();