blob: 364bfbd64b59c9733419382203c28365bd3fbb41 [file] [log] [blame]
Package Overview for Berkeley SoftFloat Release 3
John R. Hauser
2015 Jan 9
Berkeley SoftFloat is a software implementation of binary floating-point
that conforms to the IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic. SoftFloat
is distributed in the form of C source code. Building the SoftFloat sources
generates a library file (typically "softfloat.a" or "libsoftfloat.a")
containing the floating-point subroutines.
The SoftFloat package is documented in the following files in the "doc"
SoftFloat.html Documentation for using the SoftFloat functions.
SoftFloat-source.html Documentation for building SoftFloat.
SoftFloat-history.html History of the major changes to SoftFloat.
Other files in the package comprise the source code for SoftFloat.