blob: 0067549541e9f20ff9a68515653e3bc1cee784ff [file] [log] [blame]
\ *****************************************************************************
\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 IBM Corporation
\ * All rights reserved.
\ * This program and the accompanying materials
\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
\ *
\ *
\ * Contributors:
\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
\ ****************************************************************************/
\ Set usb-debug flag to TRUE for debugging output:
0 VALUE usb-debug-flag
0 VALUE usb-test-flag
\ Print a debug message when usb-debug-flag is set
: usb-debug-print ( str len -- )
usb-debug-flag IF type cr ELSE 2drop THEN
\ Print a debug message with corresponding value when usb-debug-flag is set
: usb-debug-print-val ( str len val -- )
usb-debug-flag IF -ROT type . cr ELSE drop 2drop THEN
0 VALUE ohci-alias-num
\ create a new ohci device alias for the current node:
: set-ohci-alias ( -- )
ohci-alias-num dup 1+ TO ohci-alias-num ( num )
s" ohci" rot $cathex strdup \ create alias name
get-node node>path \ get path string
set-alias \ and set the alias
0 VALUE cdrom-alias-num
\ create a new ohci device alias for the current node:
: set-cdrom-alias ( -- )
cdrom-alias-num dup 1+ TO cdrom-alias-num ( num )
s" cdrom" rot $cathex strdup \ create alias name
get-node node>path \ get path string
set-alias \ and set the alias
: usb-create-alias-name ( num -- str len )
>r s" ohciX" 2dup + 1- ( str len last-char-ptr R: num )
r> [char] 0 + swap c! ( str len R: )
\ Scan all USB host controllers for attached devices:
: usb-scan
\ Scan all OHCI chips:
." Scan USB... " cr
0 >r \ Counter for alias
r@ usb-create-alias-name
find-alias ?dup ( false | str len len R: num )
usb-debug-flag IF
." * Scanning hub " 2dup type ." ..." cr
open-dev ?dup IF ( ihandle R: num )
dup to my-self
dup ihandle>phandle dup set-node
child ?dup IF
delete-node s" Deleting node" usb-debug-print
>r s" enumerate" r@ $call-method \ Scan host controller
r> close-dev 0 set-node 0 to my-self
THEN ( R: num )
r> 1+ >r ( R: num+1 )
REPEAT r> drop
0 TO ohci-alias-num
0 TO cdrom-alias-num
s" cdrom0" find-alias ( false | dev-path len )
dup IF
s" cdrom" 2swap ( alias-name len' dev-path len )
set-alias ( -- )
drop ( -- )