blob: 7d7e4637eeac6b6c227c2732664d9b5431ddf68c [file] [log] [blame]
\ *****************************************************************************
\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
\ * All rights reserved.
\ * This program and the accompanying materials
\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
\ *
\ *
\ * Contributors:
\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
\ ****************************************************************************/
cell field romfs>file-header
cell field romfs>data
cell field romfs>data-size
cell field romfs>flags
CONSTANT /romfs-lookup-control-block
CREATE romfs-lookup-cb /romfs-lookup-control-block allot
romfs-lookup-cb /romfs-lookup-control-block erase
: create-filename ( string -- string\0 )
here >r dup 8 + allot
r@ over 8 + erase
r@ zplace r> ;
: romfs-lookup ( fn-str fn-len -- data size | false )
create-filename romfs-base
romfs-lookup-cb romfs-lookup-entry call-c
0= IF romfs-lookup-cb dup romfs>data @ swap romfs>data-size @ ELSE
false THEN ;
: ibm,romfs-lookup ( fn-str fn-len -- data-high data-low size | 0 0 false )
romfs-lookup dup
0= if drop 0 0 false else
swap dup 20 rshift swap ffffffff and then ;
\ FIXME For a short time ...
: romfs-lookup-client ibm,romfs-lookup ;
\ Fixme temp implementation
cell field romfs>next-off
cell field romfs>size
cell field romfs>flags
cell field romfs>data-off
cell field romfs>name
CONSTANT /romfs-cb
: romfs-map-file ( fn-str fn-len -- file-addr file-size )
romfs-base >r
BEGIN 2dup r@ romfs>name zcount string=ci not WHILE
( fn-str fn-len ) ( R: rom-cb-file-addr )
r> romfs>next-off dup @ dup 0= IF 1 THROW THEN + >r REPEAT
( fn-str fn-len ) ( R: rom-cb-file-addr )
2drop r@ romfs>data-off @ r@ + r> romfs>size @ ;
\ returns address of romfs-header file
: flash-header ( -- address | false )
get-flash-base 28 + \ prepare flash header file address
dup rx@ \ fetch "magic123"
6d61676963313233 <> IF \ IF flash is not valid
drop \ | forget address
false \ | return false
CREATE bdate-str 10 allot
: bdate2human ( -- addr len )
flash-header 40 + rx@ (.)
drop dup 0 + bdate-str 6 + 4 move
dup 4 + bdate-str 0 + 2 move
dup 6 + bdate-str 3 + 2 move
dup 8 + bdate-str b + 2 move
a + bdate-str e + 2 move
2d bdate-str 2 + c!
2d bdate-str 5 + c!
20 bdate-str a + c!
3a bdate-str d + c!
bdate-str 10
\ Look up a file in the ROM file system and evaluate it
: included ( fn fn-len -- )
2dup >r >r romfs-lookup dup IF
r> drop r> drop evaluate
drop ." Cannot open file : " r> r> type cr
: include ( " fn " -- )
parse-word included
: ?include ( flag " fn " -- )
parse-word rot IF included ELSE 2drop THEN
: include? ( nargs flag " fn " -- )
parse-word rot IF
rot drop included
2drop 0 ?DO drop LOOP
\ List files in ROMfs
: (print-romfs-file-info) ( file-addr -- )
9 emit dup b 0.r 2 spaces dup 8 + @ 6 0.r 2 spaces 20 + zcount type cr
: romfs-list ( -- )
romfs-base 0 cr BEGIN + dup (print-romfs-file-info) dup @ dup 0= UNTIL 2drop