blob: 2c2c70fe00ea922eb51b3faa2b5a33b9bd3da306 [file] [log] [blame]
\ *****************************************************************************
\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
\ * All rights reserved.
\ * This program and the accompanying materials
\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
\ *
\ *
\ * Contributors:
\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
\ ****************************************************************************/
\ Create debug section in NVRAM
: debug-init-nvram ( -- )
nvram-partition-type-debug get-nvram-partition IF
cr ." Could not find debug partition in NVRAM - "
nvram-partition-type-debug s" debug" d# 1024 new-nvram-partition
ABORT" Failed to create DEBUG NVRAM partition"
2dup erase-nvram-partition drop
." created." cr
s" debug-nvram-partition" $2constant
: debug-add-env ( "name" "value" -- ) debug-nvram-partition 2rot 2rot internal-add-env drop ;
: debug-set-env ( "name" "value" -- ) debug-nvram-partition 2rot 2rot internal-set-env drop ;
: debug-get-env ( "name" -- "value" TRUE | FALSE) debug-nvram-partition 2swap internal-get-env ;
: debug-get-history-enabled ( -- n ) s" history-enabled?" debug-get-env IF $number IF 0 THEN ELSE 0 THEN ;
: debug-set-history-enabled ( n -- ) (.) s" history-enabled?" 2swap debug-set-env ;
debug-get-history-enabled constant nvram-history?
nvram-history? [IF]
: history-init-nvram ( -- )
nvram-partition-type-history get-nvram-partition IF
cr ." Could not find history partition in NVRAM - "
nvram-partition-type-history s" history" d# 2048 new-nvram-partition
ABORT" Failed to create SMS NVRAM partition"
2dup erase-nvram-partition drop
." created" cr
s" history-nvram-partition" $2constant
0 value (history-len)
0 value (history-adr)
: (history-load-one) ( str len -- len )
\ 2dup ." loading " type cr
to (history-len) to (history-adr)
/his (history-len) + alloc-mem ( his )
his-tail 0= IF dup to his-tail THEN
his-head over his>next ! to his-head
his-head his>next @ his>prev his-head swap !
(history-len) his-head his>len !
(history-adr) his-head his>buf (history-len) move
(history-len) 1+
: history-load ( -- )
history-nvram-partition drop BEGIN dup WHILE
dup rzcount ( part str len )
dup IF
(history-load-one) +
3drop 0
: (history-store-one) ( pos len saddr slen -- FALSE | npos nlen TRUE )
dup 3 pick < IF \ enough space
dup >r rot >r
\ 2dup ." storing " type cr
bounds DO dup i c@ swap nvram-c! 1+ LOOP
dup 0 swap nvram-c! 1+
r> r> - 1- true
2drop false
: history-store ( -- )
history-nvram-partition erase-nvram-partition drop
history-nvram-partition his-tail BEGIN dup WHILE
dup his>buf over his>len @
( position len link saddr slen )
rot >r (history-store-one) r>
swap IF his>prev @ ELSE drop 0 THEN
2drop drop
\ redefine "end of SLOF" words to safe history
: reset-all history-store reset-all ;
: reboot history-store reboot ;
: boot history-store boot ;