blob: cdb6416fa6a68e8f3804a318087893ca5eeb0f1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation
* All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the BSD License
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial implementation
#include "macros.h"
* prints a 0-terminated string to serial console
* Input:
* R3 - pointer to string in memory
* Returns: -
* Modifies Registers:
* R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9
mflr r8
mr r9, r3
lbz r3, 0(r9)
cmpwi r3, 0
beq 1f
bl io_putchar
addi r9, r9, 1
b 0b
mtlr r8
* prints Hex integer to the UART and the NVRAM (using board io_putchar)
* Input:
* R3 - integer to print
* Returns: -
* Modifies Registers:
* R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9
#define _io_gen_print_nib(reg, src, shift) \
srdi reg, src, shift; \
andi. reg, reg, 0x0F; \
cmpwi reg, 0x0A; \
blt 0f; \
addi reg, reg, ('A'-'0'-10); \
0:; \
addi reg, reg, '0'; \
bl io_putchar
mflr r8
mr r9, r3
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 60)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 56)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 52)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 48)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 44)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 40)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 36)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 32)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 28)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 24)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 20)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 16)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 12)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 8)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 4)
_io_gen_print_nib(r3, r9, 0)
mtlr r8
mflr r8
mr r9, r3
b _io_printhex32
mflr r8
mr r9, r3
b _io_printhex16
mflr r8
mr r9, r3
b _io_printhex8
* print the address and its contents as 64-bit hex values
* Input:
* R3 - Address to read from
* Returns: -
* Modifies Registers:
* R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10
#if 0 /* currently unused */
mflr r10
bl io_printhex64
li r3,':'
bl io_putchar
ld r9,0(r9)
mr r8,r10
b _io_printhex64